Akrikhin: from what these tablets help?

Quite often you can hear the question: β€œβ€œ Akrikhin ”- what do these pills help from? It is quite common, but it won’t be able to answer it in a nutshell.β€œ Akrikhin ”is a drug that differs mainly in antiparasitic action. It has a type of crystalline, bitter-tasting yellow powder.

Akrikhin from what these tablets


At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists began searching for a new drug that can effectively treat malaria. The quinine used then for this purpose, had numerous side effects and could not fully satisfy the tasks assigned to it. Doctors decided to carefully examine the dyes available at that time.

After a long search in the 30s to the 20th century, they opened Akrikhin. This substance had numerous advantages, but there was only one drawback - when it was taken, the skin acquired a yellowish tint. But there was nothing strange about it, because it was still a dye. Moreover, after stopping the use of this drug, yellowness quickly disappeared.

pills Akrikhin instruction

Currently, Akrikhin is practically not used to treat malaria. This is primarily due to the fact that it stains the skin, as well as the mucous membrane. It is usually used as a means to combat other diseases. For example, with such as cutaneous leishmaniasis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis. It is also used to treat worms.


Consider for what purpose "Akrikhin" is used, from which these pills help best. It is indispensable for the treatment of many diseases. As already mentioned, it was originally used as a remedy for malaria, but now for these purposes, it is not used too often. It can perfectly help with teniosis, diphyllobothriasis, giardiasis, lupus erythematosus. That is, all those diseases that are usually caused by parasites. It is with their presence that Akrikhin is able to effectively help. Pills, reviews of which are mostly positive, can be done in a fairly short time, will save you from the problems listed above. According to the reviews of doctors and people who took "Akrikhin", he is able to effectively cope not only with malaria, but also with diseases caused by the presence of parasites in the body.

This substance is perfectly absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration is observed 2-3 hours after taking it. In the blood, a high concentration of Akrikhin persists for several hours.

How to use?

If this drug is used to treat malaria, then it should be taken after meals, drinking plenty of water. In severe cases, the course of treatment is usually 7 days. In the event that β€œAkrikhin” is used as a remedy for worms, then on the eve and on the first day of treatment you need to eat well-wiped food. It should not be too salty, oily or spicy.

Acyclovir Akrikhin tablets instruction

At night you need to get out the salt laxative. In the morning, before taking "Akrikhin" you need to do a cleansing enema, and only then drink the medicine. Every 5-10 minutes, take 1-2 tablets. It is best to drink them with water, in which sodium bicarbonate is added.

Additionally, when getting rid of parasites

About an hour after taking the last pill, you need to drink senna infusion or saline laxative. This is a must when treating worms. Eating is allowed no earlier than an hour after taking a laxative. If you drank a laxative, and after that 3 hours have passed, and you still do not want to use the toilet, you need to put an enema. Its capacity should be 5 glasses of warm water for adults, and for children a little less.

Akrikhin tablets reviews

In the event that the worms come out without heads, it will be necessary to put another 1-2 enemas. If during removal of parasites from the body begins nausea and vomiting, bed rest should be observed, the supernatal area should be warmed up with a heating pad and small pieces of ice should be swallowed. If "Akrikhin" is taken together with "Phenasolum", then its dose should be reduced.

Side effects

What is "Akrikhin", from which these pills help, we examined, now it is the turn to get acquainted with their side properties. This drug is usually well tolerated. But, nevertheless, it has some side effects. As already mentioned, when taking "Akrikhin", a yellowish skin color appears, which persists throughout the course of treatment and for a couple of weeks after its completion.

Sometimes, most often with an overdose, side effects may appear. Most often, they manifest themselves in the form of a kind of intoxication, in which there is speech and motor agitation with a deterioration in orientation. It usually lasts several hours. This happens if Clotrimazole-Akrikhin is used, the tablets of which should be used with caution.

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Acrychin psychosis can occur, which can be accompanied by hallucinations, excessive agitation, depression and other similar phenomena. It lasts no more than a week, after which it passes.

If all these side effects appear, you should immediately stop the treatment with Akrikhin, try to drink more fluids and take sedatives and glucose. If this does not help, contact your health care provider for qualified assistance.


Like any other medicine, Akrikhin has some contraindications. They must be taken into account, otherwise, you risk harming your health. This can be, if Acyclovir-Akrikhin is used, tablets, reviews of which are usually positive, but nevertheless, they should be taken according to the instructions. Best of all, before taking this drug, consult your doctor.

"Akrikhin" is contraindicated in the following cases:

- with mental illness;

- with nervous disorders;

- in case of impaired renal function;

- cholemia.

In addition, it should not be taken if staining of the skin began, and it ceased to stand out in the urine. It is also incompatible with such drugs as "Quinoid" and "Primakhin." It should be borne in mind that "Acyclovir-Akrikhin" tablets, the instructions of which are drawn up in sufficient detail, require proper use, otherwise you can harm your health.

pharmachologic effect

The absorption of "Akrikhin" into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract occurs quite quickly. The highest concentration is observed 2-3 hours after administration. "Akrikhin" is retained for a rather long time in the body, part of the drug is dissolved, and the rest is excreted by the kidneys, with bile, but can be absorbed a second time by the duodenum.

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If the tablets "Akrikhin", the instructions for which are quite detailed, are used as a medicine for malaria, then in their effect they are close to hingamine. But compared with the latter, it is less active and is able to cause yellowing of the mucous membranes and skin. Because of this, now it is practically not used to treat malaria. Currently, it is usually used as a remedy for worms. It is also effective for cutaneous leishmaniasis and lupus erythematosus.


So we sorted out what is "Akrikhin", from which these pills help and their contraindications. In conclusion, we can add that they are an excellent therapeutic agent that can effectively help with many diseases. But, despite this, some of its side properties are quite harmful, and have a negative effect on the human body. It is because of this that it is practically not used now for the treatment of malaria, although it was created for this very purpose.

If you first consult with your doctor and take "Akrikhin" according to the instructions, then it will be an effective cure for many diseases. Especially those associated with the presence of parasites in the body.

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