What is better with cystitis - "Kanefron" or "Cyston"?

Cystitis is a predominantly female disease, which is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms. These include pain and pain during urination, urinary incontinence, general malaise, fever, decreased immunity, and so on. Doctors, when treating a patient with such complaints, often prescribe "Cyston" or "Kanefron." With cystitis, both medicines will be effective. However, consumers are increasingly interested in what kind of medicine is better to choose.

treatment of cystitis with canefron

Profitable price

Treatment of cystitis "Kanefron" will cost the patient about 500 rubles. The medicine is available in the form of drops and tablets. So, 100 milliliters of the drug in liquid form costs 450 rubles. Dragees in the amount of 60 pieces have a price of 470 rubles.

The drug "Cyston" has only one form of release - tablets. One pack contains 100 capsules. Such a volume costs about 600 rubles. As you can see, the Kanefron medicine is at first glance cheaper than its counterpart. However, this statement is valid only without taking into account the amount of medication.

canefron cystitis pregnancy

Composition of drugs

To answer the question of which is better - "Kanefron" or "Cyston" for cystitis, you need to understand the composition of the drugs. Both are of plant origin. This fact is considered a definite plus.

The Kanefron medication contains components such as lovage root, centaury herb and rosemary. As additional components in the tablets are present: iron, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, several types of starch, lactose, talc, titanium dioxide, sucrose and others. Drops include ethanol and water.

Cyston tablets contain the following components: didimocarpus stalk, extract of stalk of saxifraga reed, madder stalks, rhizomes of membranous membranes, extract of straw seed, extract of onosma flowering, whole plant vernonia ashenum, peeled mummy, silicate lime, sweet basil Tribulus, mimosa seeds, aromatic pavonia, field horsetail, teak seeds . As additional components, silicon dioxide colloidal, magnesium stearate and povidone.

As you can see, the active components of the drug "Cyston" more. However , Kanefron tablets contain more additional components than the main compounds. For better or worse, we’ll look further.

how to take cyston tablets with cystitis

Indications for the use of both drugs

Both medicines are prescribed for cystitis - "Kanefron" and "Cyston". Also, drugs are used for urolithiasis: pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerolenephritis. Means "Kanefron" can be used as a prophylaxis, while there is no such purpose for its analogue.

The medication "Cyston" has other indications for use: gout, crystalluria, urinary tract infection.

cyston or kanefron with cystitis

Method of use

Drugs "Cyston" and "Kanefron" with cystitis how to take? As you already know, the first is available exclusively in the form of tablets, so it is taken orally with a sufficient amount of liquid. Preference should be given to clean drinking water. The dosage of the drug for cystitis is 4 tablets per day. This volume needs to be divided into two applications. It is advisable to use the medicine after a meal against a background of heavy drinking. The duration of therapy is usually 2-3 weeks. Also, on the recommendation of a doctor, the drug can be used for a longer time until the patient's condition normalizes.

With cystitis, Kanefron is usually prescribed in the form of tablets. This form is most convenient for the consumer. The dose is 6 tablets per day. Divide this volume into three steps. If you prefer to use drops, then the drug is usually recommended 50 drops three times a day. Liquid medicine can be diluted with various drinks. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually. But in most cases, even after the onset of improvement, the medicine should be taken for another 2-3 weeks.

Compare contraindications

To determine which drug to take with cystitis, Kanefron and Cyston, you need to compare the limitations of their intake. All of them are spelled out in the instructions. Both drugs are never used with hypersensitivity to their components. As you already know, the Cyston medication has more components. Pay attention to additional connections. If we talk about the medicine "Kanefron", then it has no more restrictions on the use. The tool can be used to treat infants, pregnant and lactating women.

The medicine "Cyston" is contraindicated until the age of 18. Also, the medication is not prescribed for the formation of kidney stones more than 9 millimeters. It is forbidden to use the remedy for acute pain of unknown origin. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and lactation due to insufficient data on the effects of therapy in these populations.

kanefron with cystitis how to take

Adverse reactions

With cystitis, Kanefron, like its analogue, Cyston, can cause an allergic reaction. In most cases, this is due to increased sensitivity to components that consumers were not aware of. The instructions say that the medicine "Kanefron" no longer has any side effects.

The manufacturer says about the drug “Cyston” that the tablets have not yet been thoroughly studied. Therefore, they can cause other undesirable reactions. However, these are not spelled out in the annotation. It is only reported that if any adverse reactions or deterioration of well-being are found, it is worth stopping the treatment immediately and seek qualified help.

what is better kanefron or cyston for cystitis

Preparations "Cyston" and "Kanefron": reviews for cystitis

Both drugs have positive reviews among consumers. However, most patients try to save money. Therefore, they choose the medicine "Kanefron." But this is a mistake. Pharmacists say that the packaging of the drug “Cyston” is enough for 25 days of treatment. Means "Kanefron" will end after 10 days. after that you will have to purchase another pack.

The effectiveness of drugs is often debated. Some consumers say that they are helped by the Kanefron medication, while others are satisfied with the Cyston. Doctors note that the treatment of cystitis and the withdrawal of phosphate stones are better when using the drug "Cyston". Means "Kanefron" is intended for the treatment of inflammation of the bladder and the withdrawal of urate formations.

kanefron reviews for cystitis

What to choose?

You already know that the medicine "Kanefron" reviews with cystitis has almost the same as "Cyston". What to choose the consumer? First of all, you need to listen to the advice of a doctor. Consult your doctor with your problem. Depending on your symptoms, he will recommend a suitable drug.

The medicine "Kanefron" is more proven and safe. It practically has no contraindications and side effects, unlike the “Cyston” tablets. Medication "Kanefron" can be used during lactation, pregnancy, in children from the first days of life. However, its rate is an order of magnitude higher in value.

The medicine "Cyston" is more affordable. It includes a wide variety of herbs and plants. Also, the range of its application and indications is wider. The medicine should be drunk fewer times a day - this will be more convenient for patients. Also, the cost of the medicine is attractive.

Both medicines work well with antibiotics for the treatment of cystitis and diuretics. However, Kanefron drops should not be used by drivers due to their ethanol content. The disadvantage of the Kanefron medicine is that it needs to be taken for a rather long time (usually several months), while Cyston is more often prescribed for 3 weeks.

with cystitis kanefron

We conclude on the treatment with cyston and Kanefron cystitis

Pregnancy (first or repeated) is a condition in which cystitis often worsens in women. During this period, it is necessary to use such a medicine that will be safe for the future mother and her baby. Usually, doctors prescribe the drug "Kanefron" in tablets. The tool "Cyston" is widely used in men and individuals after 18 years (with the exception of pregnant women). Choosing a medicine is not worth it yourself. Before starting therapy, it is advisable to take tests, including bacteriological culture.

With cystitis, Kanefron is effective, as is its counterpart. Often, these drugs are supplemented by others. All the best, don’t be sick!

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