"Duspatalin": reviews and analogues

The drug "Duspatalin" fights spasms and reduces the intensity of pain in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug was created on the basis of mebeverin - a substance that is included in the group of antispasmodics that help relax the intestinal muscles. In the article, we consider the instructions and reviews for the Duspatalin remedy.

duspatalin instruction reviews


The medication eliminates pain, but does not affect peristalsis. The action of the drug provides trouble-free digestion of nutrients and their absorption in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The peculiarity of the components of the drug is that their effect does not reduce the ability of brain cells to transmit signals of the nervous system. Reviews about Duspatalin are abundant.

Product release form

The drug "Duspatalin" is available in the form of tablets and capsules. In capsules, the active substance is contained in a larger amount compared to tablets. They have a more pronounced effect, which has a longer duration. Both tablets and capsules contain mebeverine, which is chemically produced, and auxiliary components such as magnesium stearate, copolymer of ethyl acrylate, shellac, titanium dioxide, triacetin, gelatin, talc, soya lecithin, antifoam and other substances. The content of additional elements in tablets and capsules is slightly different. Reviews about Duspatalin tablets interest many.

duspatalin application reviews

What is a Retard?

The drug, produced in the form of capsules, is characterized by a prolonged effect, and the word β€œRetard” is always attributed to its name on the packaging. This term means that the drug has a longer effect on the patient's body. The name can also be added the amount of the active component, expressed as a number. For example, the name of the drug may be indicated as "Duspatalin 200".

The tablets have a round shape and white color, their packaging contains 10-120 pieces. Capsules are distinguished by a dense opaque gelatin shell, its color is also white. Inside them are colored granules. Packaging includes 10-90 capsules. Reviews on the use of Duspatalin are mostly positive.

When is the drug prescribed?

The drug "Duspatalin" due to its effect on the human body, which eliminates pain and spasms in the digestive tract, is used to improve the functioning of the body in the following conditions:

  • Intestinal colic;
  • Cramping pains in the abdomen;
  • Colon irritation. The medicine is used to eliminate the severity of manifestations of intestinal disorders and discomfort in the area of ​​its location;
  • Biliary colic or gallbladder dysfunction;
  • Recovery after surgery to remove the gallbladder;
  • Problems in the functioning of the digestive organs, in which there are clearly expressed discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • Secondary spasms of the digestive tract, which are provoked by diseases of other organs and systems (in the case of cholecystitis and pancreatitis);
  • It is used as a symptomatic agent to reduce intestinal cramps, discomfort, and pain.

Reviews of doctors about Duspatalin will be presented at the end of the article.

duspatalin reviews analogues

Features of treatment using a medication

Tablets must be consumed thirty minutes before a meal. They should be swallowed whole, without biting and chewing, and then washed down with clean water in sufficient quantities (at least half a glass). You need to take tablets one at a time three times a day before meals. The duration of a therapeutic course is determined by the occurrence of an excellent clinical effect. Thus, tablets are allowed to be drunk until a person has stopped spastic pain.

When the necessary clinical effect is achieved, the drug is canceled gradually over three to four weeks. This is usually done as follows: in the first week, a whole tablet is taken before breakfast and lunch, before dinner - half of it. In the second week, Duspatalin is taken on a whole tablet twice a day: morning and evening.

In the third week, the drug is used for a whole tablet in the morning before breakfast, and in the evening before dinner - half a tablet. In the fourth week, take one tablet a day before breakfast. The gradual withdrawal of the drug given above is a unified recommendation developed by well-known Russian clinics that specialized in the treatment of pathologies of the digestive organs. Depending on the characteristics of the human body, such a scheme can be lengthened or shortened.

duspatalin patient reviews

For example, if a person tolerates drug withdrawal normally, then it is possible to reduce the dosage for a whole tablet, and not for half. As a result, the process of drug withdrawal will take two weeks instead of four. But if the patient is unwell, amid a reduction in dosage for the whole tablet, you need to reduce the amount of the drug by half the tablet.

Experts advise starting to reduce the dose with half a tablet. After that, if desired, you can speed up the abolition of the medication, reduce the daily dosage after two days on a whole tablet. If a person feels well within two days, the chosen method of drug withdrawal can be continued until the end of the week.

If the patient is in unsatisfactory condition, it will be necessary to return the initial version of the dose reduction by 0.5 tablets. In each subsequent week, the beginning will be the same: the dosage is reduced by half the pill - then health is monitored for two days. Next comes a decrease in the whole tablet, if you feel good. But the regime should be continued if the state of health is unsatisfactory. You can not abruptly cancel Duspatalin, as withdrawal syndrome may occur.

Side effects

According to reviews, Duspatalin is generally well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. According to the results of a study of eight drugs used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, it was found that the drug ranks first in the absence of side effects. But he still has a small amount of undesirable manifestations:

duspatalin tablets reviews
  • Hives;
  • Dizziness;
  • Swelling of the face;
  • Hypersensitive reactions (redness, itching, etc.);
  • Exanthema;
  • Angioedema;
  • Headache;
  • Constipation;
  • Nausea;
  • Diarrhea.


Duspatalin has almost no contraindications. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • Do not use the medicine to treat children;
  • Do not apply with individual sensitivity to the components in its composition, manifested in the form of urticaria;
  • Not recommended for nursing mothers. However, studies that would clearly indicate the effect of the drug on milk do not exist;
  • Use of the drug during pregnancy is allowed only when there is no other way. For example, when other painkillers are unavailable;
  • Use with caution in those patients who have kidney and liver diseases.
    duspatalin reviews of doctors

The drug is fairly well tolerated by most patients. It should be borne in mind that during admission, nausea and headache, dizziness, and stool disorders can be observed. In some cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the medication occurs. The tool provokes insignificant undesirable manifestations that will not bring harm with careful attention to them. This is confirmed by numerous reviews.


Duspatalin has analogues, reviews of which are mostly good. There are synonymous drugs on the Russian pharmaceutical market. In the latter, the same mebeverin is contained as the active active ingredient.

Analogues are those drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect, but contain other substances as active elements. According to reviews, the analogs of the Duspatalin tablets act no worse.

So, the drug has such synonyms as:

  • Niaspam (sustained-release capsules);
  • Sparex (sustained-release capsules);
  • Mebeverin tablets.

Analogues of the drug "Duspatalin" are as follows:

  • Tablets and intramuscular injection solution "Trigan";
  • "Trimedat" in tablets;
  • Homeopathic tablets "Spaskuprel";
  • Buscopan in tablets;
  • "Dibazole" in tablets;
  • Bendazole tablets;
  • No-shpa tablets;
  • "Dicetel" in tablets;
  • "Drotaverine hydrochloride" in tablets;
  • Papaverine tablets.
    duspatalin reviews analogues tablets

Doctors reviews

Practitioners leave mostly positive reviews about Duspatalin. Moreover, excellent results were noted in the gynecological field by specialists who conduct pregnancy, as well as therapists involved in the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Gynecologists also talk about the noticeable effect of the drug in the fight against colic and spasms of pregnant women arising from diet errors, increased emotional impressions, severe excitement, etc.

Therapists claim in reviews of Duspatalin that it is a proven drug in the fight against functional colic and cramping, for example, with severe excitement or diet errors. In addition, doctors highly value the effectiveness of the drug in the prevention and treatment of cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Particularly good medication as a preventive measure to avoid exacerbation of these diseases. However, for the treatment of pancreatitis, the use of one medication has a weak effect, and its inclusion in the complex therapy helps to significantly increase its effectiveness. What other reviews about Duspatalin are there?

Patient Reviews

Patients respond mostly positively to the drug, although there are times when the desired effect is not achieved. However, you must understand that the drug may not always act quickly. If the disease is in neglect, it will take at least two days to eliminate its acute manifestations. In the treatment of stomach ulcers or gastritis, it helps to eliminate cramping and pain, but does not affect the cause of the pathology. We reviewed the patients' reviews of Duspatalin and the instructions for the drug.

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