The drug "Don": analogues, action

When a person begins problems with joints and spine, he is prescribed chondroprotectors. One of the most famous of them is the medicine "Don". Its analogs and it is widely represented on the market. What is better to choose?

don analogues

What are chondroprotectors?

These are drugs that allow you to restore cartilage, providing it with nutrition and preventing it from collapsing. They have a very long exposure period, so the results are noticeable only after six months of use. As a rule, they are all quite expensive.

When are these funds prescribed?

Chondroprotectors (Dona drug, its analogues) are prescribed for the treatment of all diseases affecting cartilage, for example, with arthrosis, periarthritis, arthritis, spondylosis and osteochondrosis, joint injuries, dystrophic changes in cartilage tissue, periodontal disease, after joint operations. However, all of them (drugs) can be cured only in the early stages of the disease. When the cartilage can no longer be restored, they are useless.

drug don analogues


All chondroprotective drugs can be divided according to two characteristics: by generation, that is, by the time of start of use, or by composition. The second classification is much more clear and understandable.

  1. Means containing chondroitinsulfuric acid. These are drugs "Mukosat", "Chondroxide", "Khonsurid", "Arthron chondrex", "Chondrolon".
  2. Medications from bone marrow and cartilage of animals and fish. These include the drugs Alflutop and Rumalon.
  3. Means "Arteparon" and others with mucopolysaccharides in the composition.
  4. The drug "Don". Its analogue is the medicine "Arthron Flex" and other formulations with glucosamine.
  5. Means of complex effects and composition. These are the famous Teraflex capsules, as well as Arthron Complex and Formula-S preparations.
  6. The medicine "Artrodar", which has an effect not only on cartilage, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

Don analogue medicine

Contraindications for all chondroprotectors

All drugs of this series can not be used during pregnancy and in the subsequent period of breastfeeding. The second obstacle is allergy to any component of the drug. In addition, chondroprotectors are prescribed with considerable caution if the patient has problems with the digestive system. Most drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, but you canโ€™t pick them yourself, you need to see a doctor.

The medicine "Don"

A well-known and often prescribed remedy for the treatment of joints is the drug "Don". Its analogues are cheaper, this drug itself costs more than two thousand rubles per course (this is forty bags). It has anti-inflammatory effects, regenerates cartilage tissue. It is produced in the form of a powder, which is dissolved in water and taken half an hour before a meal, or in ampoules (pricked every other day). They need to be treated for up to six weeks.

don analogues Price

Means "Teraflex"

It has a rather famous analogue of โ€œDonโ€ - the medicine โ€œTeraflexโ€. It is prescribed for arthrosis, trauma, osteochondrosis, not shown to people suffering from phenylketonuria. Two capsules are taken three times a day after meals, washed down with water. They need to be treated for at least three weeks (this period can be extended by decision of the doctor). It is slightly cheaper, costs about 1700 rubles.

The drug "Structum"

If the โ€œDonโ€ remedy is prescribed, its analogues can also be taken, they are much more budget-friendly at a price. This, for example, the drug "Structum", used for all the same osteochondrosis and arthrosis. True, he has more contraindications: fragility of blood vessels, tendency to bleeding, thrombophlebitis, age up to fifteen years.

The medicine "Arthra"

This is perhaps one of the most effective drugs in this series. It is used for the same diseases as the Don drug. Its analogs, however, like the Arthra medicine, are characterized by more serious contraindications. In this case, these are kidney problems, diabetes, asthma, childhood and fragility of blood vessels. It is taken no longer than six months.

Natural Chondroprotector

This is Alflutop. Unlike the Dona drug, analogues, the price of which fluctuates around one and a half thousand, are still more accessible to the general population. Alflutop medicine in ampoules costs 1,600 rubles. It is an extract from several species of marine fish, has a positive effect on the metabolism in cartilage, and suppresses inflammatory processes. It is prescribed for periarthritis, trauma, spondylosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, during recovery from surgery.

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