The question why my head hurts when the weather changes is asked by many. This phenomenon is called a disease of civilization. Any jump in atmospheric pressure, change of frosts by warming are reflected in the state of human health. Many have a headache, they experience general weakness, and there is tinnitus. Sometimes dizziness develops.
Disease of civilization
Modern people are used to being in comfort all the time. In summer, there are air conditioners, in winter - heating. Increasingly, people travel by transport, less often in the fresh air. Many are sitting at home at the computer, in front of the TVs. As a result, the adaptive mechanisms of the body are weakened.
As a result, when the weather changes, my head hurts. The body is simply not ready for change, it becomes very sensitive to external conditions as a barometer. Many experience severe irritability, suffer from agitation, sleep disturbances, low mood.
Risk groups
First of all, those who work in the office encounter similar phenomena, move a little, prefer to eat fatty, heavy foods. Frequent drinking of coffee also ultimately provokes questions why the head hurts when the weather changes. In cases where such symptoms are worrying on an ongoing basis, they talk about weather dependence. As a rule, elderly people suffer from it. Symptoms are aggravated by atherosclerosis and hypertension.
Subsequently, they become more intense, bothering for a long time. In cases where a headache occurs when the weather changes, but a person does not take any measures for this for a long time, a stroke may develop. For this reason, it is recommended to timely treat this ailment. It is possible. Prevention of weather sensitivity is also very effective in practice.
What to do
As in many diseases, in this matter, the sooner a person thinks about what to do: his head hurts when the weather changes, the more favorable the forecast. There are many measures that cope with the relief of such symptoms. They represent an excellent prophylaxis of vascular problems.
If the headache hurts when the elderly person changes the weather, it is better for him to take care of taking medications from natural ingredients. They will not have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. Ginkgo biloba-based products are classified in this category. They help improve cerebral circulation, accelerate metabolism in the brain. As a result, the brain receives more glucose and oxygen, its functioning is restored.
It is noteworthy that this remedy becomes salvage both at the initial stage of the disease, and when it has already developed. It is also used during recovery from severe disorders in the vascular system, with brain injuries, weather sensitivity, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Ginkgo biloba-based drugs are sold in pharmacies. They help when your head hurts in bad weather at any time of the year. After all, they make the blood more viscous, prevent the formation of blood clots, and improve blood circulation in the brain. As a result, a number of problems are solved:
- Firstly, a headache is quickly eliminated, the patient notes that dizziness also passes.
- Secondly, there is an improvement in memory, the ability to concentrate.
- The risks of suffering from a stroke are reduced, because the formation of blood clots stops.
If a person suffers from heaviness in the legs, a feeling of cold, pain during walking, the remedies will also be effective.
Additional measures
The prevention of meteorological sensitivity includes the mandatory maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. It includes prolonged sleep, physical activity, compliance with the drinking regimen, a balanced diet. It is best to eat more foods that contain a lot of potassium, magnesium, calcium.
We are talking about potatoes, bananas, eggplant, cabbage. It is necessary, if your head hurts when the weather changes, include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet. They need to be consumed raw - they should be at least 60% of the total diet.
It is very effective to include as many hiking as possible in your daily routine. The body recovers faster if a person rides a bicycle, is engaged in Nordic walking. All this leads to improved blood circulation, metabolism, the muscular system is strengthened, and the nervous system is restored.
Recent research
When studying the question of whether the head can hurt due to the weather, it is worth taking into account the fact that there is a correlation between meteorology and the number of strokes. Chinese scientists analyzed information about 735 patients over two years and compared them with meteorological data. So it turned out that primary strokes occurred, as a rule, at the end of the spring period or at the beginning of the autumn. In those moments there were sharp changes in temperature. While subarachnoid hemorrhages were most often observed on days when the temperature was low.
Is weather dependence a disease?
However, this does not mean that if a headache occurs when the weather changes, it is precisely a disease. Modern scientists have not included weather dependence in the list of diseases known to science. Weather acts as an external factor acting on the body and provoking negative phenomena in it. But they must first exist in the human body for this to happen. For this reason, a person can to some extent act on his own weather sensitivity.
A healthy and strong body adapts to changing conditions. And external factors, if they influence his condition, certainly do not lead to serious ailments. A person may feel uncomfortable from excessive heat or cold, but at the same time feel quite awake.
Usually, the head hurts in weather with people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous system. Often suffering from asthma, arthritis, people become sensitive to external factors, including weather conditions.
Due to changes in atmospheric pressure, changes develop in the vascular system, in tissues. When the pressure drops, hypoxia begins. It manifests itself in the fact that the level of oxygen in the body drops and dizziness begins, nausea, heart pain.
If the pressure rises, an increase in blood pressure occurs with it. In this case, blood circulation becomes especially intense, and the patient suffers from a serious malaise.
In healthy people, damaged vessels quickly return to normal, because they are elastic. But if this quality has been lost, the body experiences difficulties in adapting to environmental conditions. At the same time, several degrees of meteorological dependence are distinguished.
There are several levels of weather sensitivity. On the first of them, a person experiences only slight discomfort, weakness.
At the second level, weather dependence directly develops. Then the weather hurts my head, while deviations from the normal state are noted. For example, the pressure rises or falls. Sometimes cardiac abnormalities occur, white blood cells in the blood may increase.
At the third level, this phenomenon is called meteopathy. Then the patient loses working capacity due to weather conditions.
There are not so many statistics on weather sensitivity. But as a rule, people suffer precisely from headaches. In the United States alone, approximately 45 million people turn to American doctors every year, complaining that their head hurts due to the weather.
Japanese researchers examined the condition of 34 people who showed signs of migraine. They felt best when the pressure was about 760 mmHg. But as soon as the indicator changed insignificantly, their state of health worsened.
International studies aimed at finding answers to the question of why the head hurts due to the weather revealed that in different regions of the Earth, deterioration of well-being among weather-dependent people is caused by a change in air temperature, a strong wind, proximity of typhoons, and a cold front. At the same time, some zones were noted in which it is best for meteo-dependent people to live - there the influence of external factors on the body is minimal.
According to one theory, the head hurts because of the weather due to the atmosphere. These are electromagnetic waves emanating from electrical discharges. They can be created, for example, by lightning.
They have a faint attenuation. They spread over thousands of kilometers. For this reason, they can be present in the atmosphere, even if thunderstorms are not observed nearby. They affect the membranes in the body. And if a person is sensitive to external factors, he begins to suffer from migraines, being near the atmosphere.
Often people with rheumatoid arthritis also note signs of meteorological dependence. They feel the most intense pain when rain, a storm approaches. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure also affect them negatively. It is noteworthy that studies did not find a relationship between weather changes and arthritis.
Doctors said that such impressions of patients are associated with the nocebo effect. With him, a person is confident in the negative impact of a factor that in fact has no relation to his problem. And this auto-suggestion affects his condition. Dutch researchers have been monitoring individuals affected by arthritis for 2 years. By correlating the surveys of their condition with the current weather, they found out that there really is a connection between the two indicators.
The intensity of pain increased by one point with every 10% increase in humidity. The vessels began to function worse by one point for every 10 hectopascals of pressure increase. As doctors note, this relationship is due to pressure directly in the joint. It has sensitive nerve endings and this is reflected in pain.
Main secret
Those who want to cope with weather dependence are advised by doctors to get rid of the disease that provokes this phenomenon. For the most part we are talking about weak vessels. Their strengthening is necessary to be dealt with first of all. It is best to temper, taking a contrast shower, the practice of dousing with cold water, rubbing.
It is recommended to do jogging, breathing exercises. If you deal with them on days when the condition is especially poor, hypoxia will be noticeable and quickly decrease.
A very strong influence on the state of health has a sleep pattern. Chronic lack of sleep makes the body susceptible to external factors, it becomes weakened.
The use of fortifying medicines helps many. We are talking about the drug "Ascorutin", vitamins B. They strengthen blood vessels in the body. At the same time, they are practically not able to have a negative impact on the patient's condition. However, before you start using them, it is recommended to talk with a specialist. He will give recommendations on how to take these funds, with which it is better to combine them, and with what - no.
Caution should be taken to restorative herbal remedies. Sometimes an allergic reaction occurs on them, there are also cases of individual intolerance to the components. Each person can come up with something of their own. If it helped one, this is not a guarantee that the tool will help the other.
How to strengthen blood vessels
There are quite simple recommendations that make blood vessels healthy and provide prevention of many ailments associated with them. Topping their list is the abandonment of tobacco and alcohol products. It includes physical activity: simple bending and squats significantly increase vascular tone.
At the same time, a visit to the sauna and contrasting douche can strengthen the vascular system. It is better to include more citrus fruits, fruits rich in vitamin C. It is necessary to eat lean meats, fatty fish, green tea.
In the spring, a multivitamin course provides good support for the body. It is important to ensure that the weight is normal.
It is proved that regular massage of the collar zone can alleviate the manifestations of the disease. Due to this, attacks of meteosensitivity lose their intensity. Blood supply is restored, muscles relax. As a result, if the head hurts on the weather, the pain after the massage comes to naught. In addition, this kind of procedure will be very beneficial for the scalp and hair. Moreover, it can also affect the state of the nervous system, stopping the symptoms of irritation. The effect is achieved if the massage is performed comprehensively.