The actor of one role is Danny Lloyd. The same Danny Torrance from Shine

Daniel Lloyd (abbreviated as Danny) is a former American actor who took part in the creation of only two films and became famous for his debut - the role of Danny Torrance in the cult film Shine (1980). Danny Lloyd was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA, on the first day of January 1973.

In the mystical existential thriller

The debut in the big movie Danny Lloyd took place at a young age. At the age of six, he starred in the stunning picture of Stanley Kubrick, striking not only with a subtle genre aesthetics, but also with an extraordinary built narrative, “The Shining”. At first glance, the trivial story of a haunted house in the interpretation of the legendary filmmaker turned into an agonizing wandering through the labyrinths of the human subconscious, irrational horror, awakening the hidden essence of the average man, prompting to kill.

To embody such a grandiose film adaptation of Stephen King's literary opus, the director was extremely responsible for the selection of leading actors. Casting, in addition to the director himself, was led by Leon Vitali. It is his merit that participation in the production of Danny Lloyd’s tape is considered.

Danny Lloyd

Perfect candidate

Samples for the role of the character of Danny Torrance passed 5,000 boys. Initially, the director saw in the image of the hero Cary Guffy, who has proven himself in Close Encounters of the Third Degree. However, he later focused on the personality of Danny Loyd. During the long filming process, Kubrick, like the rest of the crew, in every way guarded the psyche of the young performer. The child did not suspect that he was participating in the creation of a horror film. He was actively involved in the filming process, even added his cue to the pantheon of paintings that became after winged phrases - the famous “redrum”. Also, a six-year-old child offered the director one of the behavioral characteristics of his character. He himself began to move his fingers during the filming of episodes during which his character is talking with an invisible friend of Tony.

The realization that he was filming a horror came to Danny after completing the filming when he saw the poster of the project. The boy’s screen partners were the charismatic Jack Nicholson and the charming Shelley Duvall, who played his cinematic parents. For the first time, Lloyd watched the film completely at the age of 16 and, according to him, did not feel fear at all.

actor Danny Lloyd

Change of professional activity

After such a successful debut, the public prophesied to the boy a deafening career in the movie. However, as an actor, Danny Lloyd did not take place. The image of Torrance remained the most noticeable in his creative activity. Once again, he plunged into the production process as a teenager, playing in the biopic Will: G. Gordon Liddy. In the future, he tried several times to realize himself on the screen, participated in the casting of many paintings, but all attempts were unsuccessful.

Then Lloyd left the cinema, graduated from college in Elizabethtown in Kentucky, having received the specialty of a biology teacher. Now he is engaged in teaching activities in Nagpur, lives on a farm. He is married, the couple has six children.

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