Natural lemon essential oil: properties and applications

Knowledge is known to be a great power. Here, for example, what do people today know about essential oils? In general terms, one can say about 100% natural composition, about their extreme usefulness and almost complete harmlessness. Usually these are transparent liquids (colorless or colored), characterized by a high degree of volatility (as a rule, their density is less than 1). These substances do not dissolve in water, but they do it perfectly in alcohol, wax, fats and other organic liquids and oils.

However, these are nothing more than general words. Today we’ll try to learn as much as possible about such a substance as lemon essential oil, the properties and use of which provide food for serious thought.

Production technology

The raw material for the finished product is fresh lemon peel. Natural lemon essential oil is produced using the cold pressing method.

lemon essential oil properties

Currently, different mechanisms are used for this, but the best quality product is obtained by manual extraction. Prepared raw materials are squeezed, and the result of this process is an essential oil containing a small amount of juice. The resulting composition is defended until the lemon essential oil, whose properties are widely known, rises to the surface, where it is removed.

Is it possible to receive at home?

Nothing is impossible. At home, it is quite possible to get a small amount of good quality product. The most affordable mechanism for this is a new garlic crush (i.e. one that has never been used for its intended purpose). Before embarking on a “production process”, you should make sure that the lemons are not of a special composition, which are sometimes used to protect fruits from premature spoilage during long-term storage. If this is not done, then lemon essential oil, whose properties will not correspond to those declared due to the presence of foreign components in the composition, will be unsuitable for consumption.

The main components of lemon oil

Lemon essential oil is characterized by a sufficiently large multicomponent nature . Its composition includes substances such as citral and citronellal, limonene, linalool and linalyl acetate, pinene, geraniol, camphene. All these components are mainly considered fragrant compounds and are used mainly as fragrances in perfumes and the food industry. Citral, in addition, has anti-inflammatory properties, is used as an antiseptic and blood pressure lowering agent, and is included in medications for treating eyes.

But linalool, which is included in lemon essential oil, is not very positively described by experts. This substance, often included in shampoos, conditioners, soaps and other detergents, can provoke eczema and a host of other allergic manifestations in people.

Substance properties

The completely unique effects that lemon essential oil has are known. Its properties and its use for combating viral and respiratory infections will allow a person to feel the bactericidal, antiseptic and disinfecting effects of a lemon “doctor”. It can be used to lower temperatures and fight viruses. Oil can also effectively stimulate the immune system. The anti-rheumatic, decongestant, diuretic and tonic effects of essential oil are well known in the art. Regular intake of oil can reduce blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure, have antitoxic and hemostatic effects, positively manifest itself in cases of varicose veins and cellulite.

lemon essential oil recipes

In addition, the substance has a whitening, analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Area of ​​impact

The aromatic properties of lemon oil are by no means the only, so to speak, utility characteristic of this substance. In the course of various kinds of scientific research, it was revealed that slowing down the action of the elastase enzyme is one of the possibilities that lemon essential oil has. Properties and its application to preserve the elasticity and elasticity of the skin will allow you to delay the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of obvious wilting. This healing substance stimulates the growth of new nerve cells, helps tone the skin with signs of aging.

Further, it is very effective to use lemon essential oil for oily skin type, as it can lead to normal sebum secretion, cleanse and narrow pores. However, do not think that for people with other skin, this substance is useless. A wide range of effects of "lemon" oil allows you to use it for any type of skin.

Lemon essential oil has an excellent antiviral effect. The reviews of specialists bring to the attention of consumers information about the persistent positive effect in the treatment of diseases such as chickenpox, measles, herpes, influenza-like infections, and viral hepatitis.

lemon essential oil composition

Vegetative-vascular dystonia and food poisoning, diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis), metabolic disorders in the body, kidney stones and gall bladder, obesity and cellulite, rheumatism and arthritis - with all these diseases, lemon essential oil as a component of complex therapy will quite effective.

In addition, lemon essential oil is often used to lighten hair, to treat brittle hair and nails, to get rid of dandruff, all kinds of age spots and freckles, and the vascular network on the skin surface. The use of oil for furunculosis, warts, lichens and cracks in the skin will give a good positive effect. The use of lemon oil will help normalize the blood count and get rid of dizziness, nausea and overwork.

Are there any contraindications?

Like any not only medicinal, but also cosmetic substance, there are contraindications for such a remedy as lemon essential oil. The properties and application of it without first studying the instructions can lead to the development of a negative effect when used (for example, when you are outdoors in cloudless weather). The reason lies in the ability of the oil to increase the sensitivity of the skin to the effects of UV radiation. In its pure form, it is undesirable to use the substance, it is better to do it in a mixture with natural creams, oils of vegetable origin or by means obtained at home. An exception can be made only in the process of treating skin diseases such as warts, lichen or herpes. In these cases, a drop of pure oil is applied to the affected area, trying to avoid contact with healthy skin.

It is unacceptable to use lemon essential oil during the course of chemotherapy. Well, individual hypersensitivity to the components that make up the substance is a self-evident contraindication for the use of essential oil.

Face care

Lemon essential oil is very widely used in modern cosmetology, the properties and application of which help to achieve a positive effect in solving a wide variety of skin problems.

If skin care is carried out regularly and using natural vegetable oils, then it makes sense to add no more than 2 drops of lemon oil to one tablespoon of the base.

lemon essential oil reviews

As mentioned earlier, it is allowed to apply to people with any type of skin. The only question is what kind of result a person seeks to achieve. For example, to effectively care for oily skin, experts recommend using grape seed oil , in which a few drops of lemon are added.

If the skin is already showing signs of wilting and wrinkles, lemon oil (a few drops) is injected into any of the following oils: peach, olive, coconut, castor, rosehip or avocado oil.

If the skin is dark, and you want to give it a slightly lighter shade, clarify with lemon essential oil, adding a few drops of it to the oil obtained from sea buckthorn.

You can also mix lemon oil with home-made creams and face masks (the ratio of a single dose of cream to the number of drops of lemon oil is 1: 1).

Homemade face masks

For those who are fond of the hand-made preparation of various cosmetics, information will also be important that no more than 2 drops of lemon oil can be added to almost any composition. Even if at present there are no skin problems, a mask with lemon essential oil, applied regularly, will help to postpone for an indefinite time the moment of manifestation of the first signs of wilting. In general, there are a great many recipes for masks using lemon oil.

mask with lemon essential oil

Here is a solution to problems with oily skin, and anti-aging masks for skin with signs of wilting, and masks to improve complexion and formulations to lighten freckles.

Healthy hair is an indicator of the health of the whole body

There is an opinion among consumers that if lemon essential oil is used to lighten hair, then after a few sessions they will not only become lighter, but will be smooth and shiny. Blondes after several rinsing sessions with lemon oil will be pleasantly surprised by the appearance of a platinum hue. The easiest way to strengthen the hair is that every day, after washing the hair, you need to apply a few drops of essential lemon oil to the comb and carefully comb the hair.

To achieve a more pronounced and lasting effect, hair masks can be used (as well as for the face).

The most popular hair mask recipe

The recipes of masks using lemon essential oil help to quickly achieve positive results, they are known to a large number of consumers. In order to stimulate hair growth, strengthen the roots and get rid of dandruff, the following composition is used: castor and almond oils (2 and 1 tbsp. L. Respectively) and lemon oil (3 drops). The mixture obtained from these components is heated in a water bath and rubbed into the scalp. Then they put on a plastic hat and wrapped their head in a towel for a quarter of an hour. Then everything is washed off.

Other uses for lemon oil

Lemon essential oil for nails is currently widely used. Prevention and treatment of fungal and other lesions, nutrition of nails and their moisturizing, giving a healthy color - all this can be done with lemon oil. Daily baths, in which several drops of lemon oil are added, make the nail plate lighter, give it a well-groomed appearance. The course of therapy should be 7 days.

lemon essential oil for nails

Baths can be done once a week, but then the course should last 2-3 months, after which you must definitely take a break. It is impossible to use lemon lemon essential oil for nails in a different way (more often and longer), otherwise the nail plate will dry out, become depleted, and cracks and exfoliating areas may appear on it. Lemon oil not only has a beneficial effect on the nails themselves, but also softens the skin around them, improves its condition, and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells.

Another area in which lemon essential oil is applied is the bath. Steam baths with the addition of this substance are effective for colds (the nose will breathe very soon), have a tonic effect, heal wounds and rashes on the body, and improve blood circulation.

Since oils (including lemon oil) will not dissolve in water, they are pre-mixed with sea salt, honey, cream, natural yogurt. To take a bath (time - 15 minutes, temperature no more than 38 degrees) 10-15 drops of oil will be enough.

Home Use Options

Using lemon essential oil for hair (feedback on the results obtained is impressive), nails, skin (in cosmetology) - this, of course, is a lot, but not all. Lemon oil is an effective tool that can prevent the spread of infection in the home where the patient is. An aroma lamp or a few drops sprayed with water will protect the inhabitants of the house from infection.

lemon essential oil properties and applications

A positive effect will be obtained in the fight against moths and ants. A small pillow soaked in 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil will cause insects to look for another place to "live."

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