Actress Svetlana Mamresheva: creativity, biography and not only

She is Circassian by nationality. In her opinion, it is common for a person to transfer the norms that exist in his family into relations with others. She believes that abilities and talent have no nationality, and she is sure that each of us possesses them - you just need to be able to hear the "inner voice of the soul" in time and then reveal them in yourself. She recalls that in childhood she amused neighbors and relatives by copying English.

She thanks the grandmother and mother for being able to convey her love for the Circassian culture and traditions. Thanks to her loved ones, the girl learned to pray, and today it gives her strength. She laments that people sometimes forget about miracles. She admits that for a long time she was tormented by unrequited and platonic love. She prays to God that everything is in order with her family. Meet me!

Actress Mamresheva Svetlana

general information

Svetlana Mamresheva - theater and film actress with Russian citizenship. In the track record of the native of Kabardino-Balkaria there are 5 works in cinema and on television. The launching pad of her acting career was a small role in the 2009 Ivan the Terrible series. She worked on the set together with the actors: Alexander Demidov, Maria Shashlova, Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Nikita Emshanov, Francis Petri, Albina Dzhanabaeva and others. She played in the following genres: biography (Ivan the Terrible), detective (Spider), melodrama ("Spider"), thriller ("Treason"), etc.

photo of actress mamresheva svetlana

About person

Svetlana Mamresheva was born in the Kabardino-Balkarian city of Nartkala on June 13, 1988. After graduating from school, went to Moscow. An attempt to enter the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University turned out to be unsuccessful for Svetlana. As a result, I learned to actress at the school. Schepkina and teacher Kirill Serebrennikov at the Moscow Art Theater School. According to Svetlana, the mentor taught her the main things in life: not to be afraid and not to lie.

Svetlana Mamresheva knows English and studies vocals. Now she works at the Gogol Center Theater.

Theater and movie roles

Behind the young actress is more than a dozen theatrical roles. In the play "Nine" she was busy as the performer of the role of Lely Guseva. In the production of K. Serebrennikov, โ€œThe Hero of Our Timeโ€ portrayed Bela. Was also involved in the creation of the project on W. Shakespeare "A Midsummer Night's Dream." In the musical "Awakening of Spring" reincarnates on stage in Anna. In the theatrical action "Hamlet", the actress was offered to play one of the main roles.

After working in the film "Ivan the Terrible" Svetlana Mamresheva starred in the film "Alien Mother". in 2012 she joined the cast of the project "Treason". In the full-length film "Dovlatov" is recognizable in the role of the familiar Semyon.

We wish Svetlana Mamresheva new bright roles!

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