Fish Pie Recipe from My Grandma

Any gourmet gets a real pleasure from the taste of home baking. As a matter of fact, in this case, you can call a real gourmet anyone who at least once tasted wonderful cakes for grandmothers or mothers - after all, they are prepared with great love, and not just with an effort to observe the recipe throughout. Moreover, our home craftswomen have never read anything special, because they lived in a village where colorful culinary publications are not sold, and they have never heard of the Internet ...

But for my whole life I remembered those wonderful days when my grandmother, beloved woman Motya, first put a nicely smelling saucer in a warm place near the chimney, wrapping a blanket around the coffin, and the next day, after having thrown a huge Russian stove, I put in large baking sheets with specially laid out pieces of dough. A few hours later, Baba Motya called me, affectionately saying: "Little Adelka, hurry up to eat bunnies very quickly, and cheesecakes, and other craps." Oh, and the Ural heartland of my happy childhood is wonderful! How I loved to stay in a small village when my parents brought me here for several months from prim Germany!

But I especially remember the wonderful grandmother’s pies with fish. In the Urals there are many lakes that abounded at that time with fish, I don’t know how now, and then in our lake we also caught cunning robbers of pike, and mirror carps, and careful roach, perches, ruffs and other trifles. And in the brooks one could observe small swivel fish, which grandfather called turntables ...

The recipe for a fish pie that my grandmother baked, I remembered perfectly. True, I didn’t remember how Baba Motya closed the dough in a sour dough, I only remember that she made hops in the summer and somehow made home-made yeast that gave her unique flavor and aroma, and the bread did not stain for a whole week. Now they don’t do that ...

Oh well. Here is the very recipe for a fish pie that I have adopted and have been using for many years to make luxurious fish pies. Making a fish pie begins with the dough. Any housewife knows how to make the dough, but the whole point is that at present the dough is put in a pan or other utensils made of modern materials. So I give young housewives free advice. Find somewhere in a remote village a clay pot of sufficient size or a small vault - you don’t need to bake a lot of bread, chanegas or pies at once. Bring home and close the dough for pies or other homemade cooking in this dish only. Such a dough will be alive. Pots from the gift shop are unlikely to work - they are not real.

If there is no time for dough, you can buy ready-made yeast in the store, this is also suitable - we buy dumplings with meat content of 25% or ice cream made without milk in the store. Of course, you don’t have a Russian oven either, but cooking a pie with fish can be arranged with an ordinary oven, you just need to keep the heat in it even.

So, the promised fish pie recipe. Take a baking sheet of sufficient size, grease it with plenty of unrefined sunflower oil, roll out a rectangular sheet of dough about one and a half centimeters thick on the table and lay it on the baking sheet, filling in all the corners. Lay out a layer of chopped potatoes on top. So far, everything is exactly the same as for ordinary potato pie. And hereinafter - exactly how to make a pie with fish.

The most interesting. Options are possible here - it all depends on the type of fish we take for the pie. We will now bake a halibut pie. We lay out chopped plastics (about a centimeter thick) on top of a potato layer of halibut fillet, alternating them with thin plastics of good butter. If it was not possible to get this oil, you can use the fact that under the name of oil it is sold in a store for 30 rubles a pack, but it will not be so good. From above, you can pour a layer of chopped green onions from your own summer house and add seasoning for fish. Close the pie on top with a “lid” of dough, pinch the edges and place the pan with the pie in a well-heated oven.

Important! The temperature in the oven should not be higher than 120 degrees and remain unchanged for the entire time the cake is cooked. The heat should be uniform.

Now it remains only to be patient - the cake will languish for several hours. The oven cannot be opened. Willingness is absolutely unmistakably determined by the amazing and strong aroma that will fill the whole house. After that, with the help of a wing (!), Coat the cake with melted butter and then darken it for another twenty minutes in a cooling oven.

This is Grandma’s fish pie recipe. Of course, there are many more recipes, and many know how to make a pie with fish, perhaps my grandmother’s recipe is not original, but still ...

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