Cystitis in a child is an acute or chronic inflammatory process that appears in the walls of the bladder. Mostly girls suffer from the disease, but boys are also at risk. Therapy takes an important place, since the disease can cause serious complications.
Disease prevalence
Cystitis affects children of all ages. If among babies the likelihood of symptoms is the same for both boys and girls, then at school age babies suffer from it 3-5 times more often. This is due to the following factors:
- features of the anatomical structure: the urethra in girls is wider and shorter, and the infection reservoirs (vagina and anus) are also located close;
- hormonal physiological and immunological rearrangement in the body in adolescence involves the development of infections in the genital tract (vulvovaginitis, colpitis), since the protective properties of the bladder and mucous membrane are significantly reduced.
Depending on the duration of the course of the disease, the disease can be:
According to the location of the inflammatory process, experts distinguish the following forms:
- diffuse - the disease spreads over the entire surface;
- cervical - the problem is localized on the neck of the bladder ;
- trigonitis - the disease is located in the area of the urinary bladder triangle.
A disease that developed on its own due to the ingestion of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membrane is called primary in the scientific world. Most often, just such an ailment is treated in girls. Symptoms of cystitis in children will always be different, therefore, qualified doctor assistance is needed.
For boys, secondary cystitis is characteristic. With this form, inflammation is considered a consequence of another pathological process. First of all, the problem is of an infectious nature. Inflammation requires exposure to fungi, bacteria, or viruses.
The following types can be attributed to non-infectious cystitis:
- ray;
- drug;
- allergic;
- traumatic.
Depending on the morphological parameters that occur only in acute course, these forms of cystitis are distinguished:
- catarrhal;
- fibrous;
- ulcerative;
- follicular;
- purulent.
In the case of chronic inflammation, persistent changes in the structure of the mucosa are already forming. In this case, the following forms of pathology are characteristic:
- interstitial;
- gangrenous;
- instructing;
- phlegmous;
- granular;
- bullous.
There are a huge number of prerequisites for the development of pathology. Therefore, the treatment of cystitis in a child 2 years of age and older is very important for a full adult life.
The signs of cystitis in a child and the treatment of his symptoms are very diverse. Most often, babies suffer from an infectious disease, so the causes of its appearance are:
- viruses (herpes virus, parainfluenza and adenovirus);
- bacteria (Proteus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella);
- fungi (most often affected from the genus Candida).
The penetration of the pathogen is carried out in several ways:
- descending (descends directly from previously affected kidneys);
- ascending (rises from the genital tract, if there is vulvovaginitis, colpitis in girls or balanoposthitis in boys);
- hematogenous or limofgenic (with the flow of lymph or blood, pathogenic microorganisms make their way inside the bladder);
- contact (microorganisms enter through the wall of the bladder from organs located nearby - in the presence of an inflammatory process in the appendages, uterus and intestines).
It should be noted that the mucous membrane of the bladder has high protective properties. Therefore, in the case of the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, cystitis does not always develop, additional conditions must be present for this.
1. Violations of constant and normal urine flow:
- stagnation due to irregular emptying;
- congenital anomalies of a different nature;
- difficulty in urine output;
- functional disorders caused by neurogenic bladder.
2. Problems in the protection of the cells of the bladder membrane - are formed due to dysmetabolic disorders, namely with the constant presence of salts (urates, oxalates and phosphates), as well as with prolonged use of drugs and hypovitaminosis.
3. Decrease in the body of its protective properties (chronic overwork, stress, hypothermia and frequent colds).
4. Minimum entry into the mucosa of the bladder of nutrients and oxygen. This pathology occurs with a lack of movement, for example, after surgery or prolonged bed rest.
The treatment of cystitis in a child of a chronic form is difficult, therefore, it is required to know the factors contributing to its development:
- inferior and untimely treatment of acute course;
- acquired and congenital diseases of the genitourinary system (neurogenic bladder dysfunction, vulvovaginitis and dysmetabolic disorders).
There can be many reasons for the development of the disease, so parents need to listen to their children in order to recognize the disease in time.
The treatment of cystitis in a child can be different and primarily depends on the signs of its manifestation. The inflammatory process in children depends on the age and form of the disease. Newborns cannot be aware of the causes of the disease and tell parents what is happening to them. Therefore, the main symptoms of cystitis in children of the first year of life are:
- restless crying, worse after urination;
- the appearance of dark or cloudy urine (this can be determined by the diaper);
- temperature increase to 39 degrees and above.
The treatment of cystitis in a child 3 years of age and older is much simpler, since children themselves can talk about the signs of the disease. Symptoms of cystitis manifest as:
- frequent urination (2-3 times per hour);
- urinary incontinence (this is easy to notice in babies who have not suffered from such a problem before);
- significant clouding of discharge;
- pain in the rectum and perineum;
- difficulty urinating;
- temperature rise.
Age features
In a newborn baby, the appearance of cystitis can easily be explained by the structure of its genitourinary tract. The formation of the disease at such an early age occurs due to the abnormal structure of organs or congenital malformations. If the baby is completely healthy, then the probability of the disease is affected by the quality of the diaper and the frequency of its replacement. Improper care, cheap materials that constantly come in contact with the baby’s delicate skin, the formation of allergic reactions affect the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. If parents notice at least minimal symptoms of the disease, then timely treatment is necessary.
Cystitis in a child 3 years of age is most often caused by hypothermia, since babies mostly sit on the pope. Girls are also likely to have a bacterial infection in the event of improper washing.
At the age of 4–5 years, the kids are well adapted to kindergarten, and they cope with their needs on the toilet or potty. But most often they still don’t know how to thoroughly wipe their ass or do not attach much importance to this. Therefore, inflammatory processes at this age are associated exclusively with a bacterial nature. If you suspect a defeat, you also need to consult a doctor for quality treatment.
Cystitis in a child of 6 years and older is most often formed due to stress. Since this period comes primary education at school, which entails mental and nervous stress. Therefore, at this age, not only bacterial, but also neurological forms of the disease are formed. In attempts to always look good, the guys put on tight trousers and skirts that significantly disrupt the circulation of the pelvic organs, which is why they often cause problems with the bladder. Pupils are also characterized by hormonal changes during which such a disease is not the most pleasant occurrence.
Among the people, cystitis is mistakenly considered a mild and simple disease that can be defeated with a single decoction of chamomile.
Each reproductologist can tell a huge amount of information about the rather sad consequences of the disease left on its own. Very often, if you do not treat cystitis in a child, this can lead to impaired renal and bladder function. In girls, it is also dangerous because the infection often remains in a "sleeping" state, and as a result can provoke female infertility and chronic miscarriage.
If you ignore the disease and do not take it seriously, the problem can end with total changes in the tissues of the bladder. This in the future often becomes the reason for the removal and formation of its analogue from other body tissues. It is considered a fairly complex operation. After it is held, the girl’s life will hardly be called full. Infertility, chronic urinary incontinence and a huge number of restrictions that apply to certain drinks, food and physical activity are possible.
Treatment of acute cystitis in children and chronic manifestations is impossible without a qualitative examination.
The following methods are used for diagnosis:
- Ultrasound (ultrasound) of the bladder, pelvic organs, and, if necessary, the kidneys;
- Analysis of urine;
- blood collection;
- urine biochemical analyzes (detection of nitrates, salts and protein).
Treatment features
For therapy, a set of measures is drawn up, which includes medical treatment, compliance with the regime and diet, as well as hygiene measures. For children, both traditional drugs and folk remedies can be used.
For patients, it is recommended for the first time 3 days to observe strict bed rest. The kid needs to provide comfort and peace. For a quick recovery, it is best to abandon walking and active games. In order to eliminate uncomfortable symptoms and pains, it is recommended to install dry heat on the stomach (up to 40 degrees). For such purposes, parents often use a heated bag of salt or a heating pad. You can also use warm baths with sage, chamomile or calendula.
In the treatment of cystitis in a child of 10 years and younger, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the genitals, since a quick and high-quality recovery depends on this. Spicy, salted, fried and spicy ingredients should be excluded from the diet. The basis of nutrition is required to include dairy products. Incredibly useful are yoghurts or cereals.
Throughout the disease, you need to ensure maximum fluid intake - this is done to clarify urine and remove pathological products from the bladder. It is useful to drink warm milk, weak tea and fruit juices, especially cranberries or cranberries.
Preparations for the treatment of cystitis in children
According to the results of cytological studies, the doctor will identify the type of pathogen that provoked the development of the disease. This analysis will help determine the substances that work best for therapy.
For treatment, antibiotics, antimycotic, synthetic and antimicrobial components, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
For children from medicines, “Augmentin”, “Furadonin”, “Monural”, “KO-timoxazole”, “Cefuroxime” are very often prescribed. Sometimes, “Ciprofloxacin” is prescribed for the treatment of symptoms of cystitis in a child of 7 years and older, it is a very powerful drug and is used for the most extreme manifestations of the disease.
The antibacterial course is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors, taking into account all the substances that make up it.
Significant attention is required to be given to the drinking regimen. The child should drink purified water at the rate of 50 ml per 1 kg of his weight. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly speed up the healing process, as well as remove toxins and waste products of pathogenic microorganisms.
Nutrition should be complete, rich in trace elements and vitamins. Avoid products that provoke bladder irritation (spices, spices, sweets, sour fruits and vegetables).
Useful ingredients will help speed up the process of urination. These include tomatoes, watermelons, melons and cucumbers. It is important to offer your baby only seasonal products. Fruits and vegetables from greenhouses are not considered the best option.
Alternative treatment of cystitis in children
Most often, natural components are an additional procedure to medication, since together they give a qualitative result.
- Bearberry - characterized by a diuretic effect. To get a decoction, you need 10 grams of leaves to pour a glass of boiling water, and then for 5 minutes send to the fire. Strain and consume half a cup 3-5 times a day.
- Steaming the feet is done not in water, but in well-heated milk.
- Rosehip - the fruit has an excellent diuretic effect. For cooking, you need 4 tbsp. l dry berries, season with 0.5 liter of boiling water and steam over low heat for 15 minutes. Then filter and drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
- Poplar buds - cut very finely, and 2 tbsp. l finished raw materials seasoned with 2 cups boiling water. Leave to steam for 1 hour. Drink half a cup 3 times a day.
- In the treatment of symptoms of cystitis in a child of 5 years old and younger, cranberry jam, which is required to use several tablespoons every day, is excellent.
- Sage - 10 grams of leaves is filled with 200 ml of boiling water and put on a small fire for half an hour. After filtering, 50 ml is used 3 times a day.
- St. John's wort - 1 tbsp. l plants are poured with a glass of boiling water and steamed for 15 minutes. Drink a quarter cup 3 times a day.
- Lingonberry leaves - 2 tsp. crushed leaves are poured with a cup of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. Before each meal, drink half a glass.
- Baths with infusion of chamomile or sage - these herbs have anti-inflammatory properties.
It’s hard for kids to drink a lot of fluids. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to tasty and healing drinks.
- Tea with lemon - you need to brew exclusively natural green tea. This drink will have a slight load on the bladder and kidneys of the baby. The resulting drink is mixed 1: 1 with milk, and a little sugar is added to it. Lemon is squeezed into the prepared drink.
- To treat cystitis in a child 4 years of age and older, a lingonberry and cranberry decoction is used. Such a drug does not require much time and effort to prepare. For him, 250 grams of berries are washed and transferred to a pan. Then 2 liters of water are added and sent to the fire. Next - add half a glass of sugar and make the fire minimal. For cooking, you need at least half an hour. Then cool and strain the broth.
In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is required:
- after bathing the baby in an open pond, dress him in dry clothes;
- treat diseases of internal organs, especially inflammatory ones;
- prevent the child from sitting on a cool surface;
- teach the rules of personal hygiene.
It should be noted that most often the disease develops due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder cavity, as well as various inflammatory processes.
Reviews of doctors and parents
The treatment of cystitis in a child is unambiguous. It should begin only after the form of the disease has been determined. According to doctors, if the parents detect even the slightest signs of illness, they should immediately bring the baby to the hospital, and there the specialist will prescribe tests, after which he will prescribe the required drugs for therapy.
Self-medication in this case is not recommended at all, especially for girls, since the disease can progress and lead to the development of complications. Doctors strictly forbid giving babies antibiotics without consulting a doctor.
According to parents, in case of timely admission to the hospital, the signs of the disease go away quickly and do not bother the kids. Therefore, fast therapy brings good results.