What does salt in urine in children mean?

Salt in urine in children and adults is the precipitation of salts into a crystalline precipitate under certain conditions. Their crystallization is directly related to the pH level of urine. Norm - a slightly acid reaction - from 5 to 7 pH. If this indicator shifts in one direction or another, various types of crystals can form. Depending on their type and quantity, pathology can be detected in a small patient. Most often, a small amount of salts indicates the specificity of the child’s diet, his lifestyle or some other circumstances that can be easily corrected.

How to diagnose urine salt in children

urine salt in children

A general urinalysis shows the number of crystals, but it is difficult to determine their nature. To more accurately determine the necessary indicators, a urine test for stone formation is performed.

Acidic urine - pH <5

Urate salts in urine can occur if the child’s diet is rich in the following products: chocolate, cocoa, legumes, offal, sardines, sprats, herring, strong tea, meat, mushrooms, smoked meats.

Salt in urine in children (urate) also occurs with increased physical exertion, for example, playing sports. This indicator is also observed with dehydration, a meat diet and a child’s fever. If the analysis revealed a large amount of urate in the urine, the first recommendation is to drink plenty of water (up to 2.5 liters of water per day). A diet is good : dairy products, eggs, fruits and vegetables, cereals and pastries.

Salts of phosphates in urine in children

urinary phosphate salts

Salt in urine in children in the form of phosphates is detected by heating and adding acetic acid. If the urine becomes turbid without the appearance of bubbles, we can talk about the presence of phosphates in it - calcium phosphate and magnesium phosphate. In the urine of a healthy person, from 42 to 65 mmol of phosphorus is manifested per day. But an indicator above 70 and up to 80 mmol indicates the presence of hyperphosphaturia. Such pathologies as anemia, nephrolithiasis can cause this, in adults - rheumatism.


Salt in the urine in children in the form of oxalic acid can be provoked by the frequent use of such products: spinach, tomatoes, sorrel, apples, lingonberries and other products with an acid content. However, oxalates can be in the urine of a child who does not abuse the above products. In this case, their presence may indicate a violation of the metabolic processes of the body.

Salts can indicate the presence of cancerous tumors, the possible dehydration of the body or renal failure.

The high content of salts in the urine can provoke the formation of calculi and the occurrence of urolithiasis.

How to treat

urine salts in urine

It is impossible to make a diagnosis only by the amount of salt in the urine, it is necessarily confirmed or rejected by an additional examination. Only a specialist can draw conclusions based on the analysis and prescribe the appropriate treatment, because often the presence of salts in the analysis of the child indicates some kind of pathology.

Having performed the test, the doctor may prescribe a patient diet adjustment or recommend a lifestyle change. For example, the presence of urate in the urine may indicate that the child is abusing protein foods, but does not finish the fluid intake, or he has too much physical activity.

But at high pH, you need to introduce more meat into the diet. A disease detected by tests may require treatment with medication or a specific diet, and diet should be taken very seriously. Failure to comply with the instructions may provoke the appearance of urolithiasis.

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