Symptoms and treatment of prostate adenoma

How to properly protect yourself from cancer and surgery

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (tumor) is a consequence of hormonal imbalance in the male body. By the age of 40, he begins to produce fewer androgynes, which, among other things, regulate prostate growth. When their number decreases, the gland cells begin to divide continuously, and it grows. An enlarged prostate compresses the urethra, presses on the bladder and rectum. Naturally, this is reflected in the processes of the body not for the better.

Healthy Man Prostate Adenoma - Symptoms and Treatment

There are many symptoms of prostate adenoma. This is frequent urination, especially at night, and urinary retention, and the lack of a feeling of complete emptying of the bladder, and much more. As in the case of prostatitis, with the onset of symptoms, you need to go to the doctor. Otherwise, the consequences can be quite deplorable. For example, infertility, the need for an urinal, stones in the bladder, and kidney failure.

In addition, timely diagnosis allows you to do with medical treatment. Preparations that return to the prostate gland non-conflict in relation to other organs sizes have long been tried and successfully work. There are many folk remedies. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is treated with pumpkin seeds, garlic, walnuts, honey and celandine infusion. But the late stages of adenoma require surgery. No other way.

Healthy Man Prostate Adenoma - Symptoms and Treatment

Finally, and most importantly, the symptoms of adenoma are similar to the symptoms of a prostate cancer. Therefore, an ultrasound scan and a blood test to detect a prostate-specific antigen are Alpha and Omega of a modern appointment with a urologist. Since all men over 40 are at risk (both adenoma and prostate cancer have no obvious prerequisites, except for natural hormonal failure), it is sometimes advisable to consult a doctor for prevention. This is done in developed European countries. An annual visit to a male health professional is a common practice for a person who thinks about his future. They go to the hospital only when it gets bad. And this is at best, because many people prefer to endure pain and wait for it to pass sooner or later. But the disease is not the time of year, in itself does not go away.

Read more informative texts about men's health on the website. "Healthy man" . Forewarned is forearmed.

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