Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process, as a result of which pancreatic tissues are affected. The gland is located behind the stomach, in the retroperitoneal zone, in contact with the duodenum. The body got its name because of its own location. When examined in a horizontal position, the pancreas is under the stomach. First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the clinical recommendations of chronic pancreatitis, the pathogenesis and treatment of the disease.
The main purpose of this organ is the formation of gastric juice with enzymes and bicarbonates. They, in turn, are involved in the digestion process. When waiting for food and when it enters the stomach, enzymes and juices begin to be transported from the pancreas through the connecting channel into the small intestine. The pancreas neutralizes the acidic sphere of the gastric juice directly in the intestinal tract, where the enzymes are activated and begin to perform their own functions of the breakdown and processing of elements. Read more about the clinical recommendations for chronic pancreatitis and pathogenesis in children and adults.
The onset of the disease in adults
The statistical information in the history of the disease of chronic pancreatitis in women and men varies significantly depending on the climate, the distinguishing features of food generally accepted in different countries, and the customs of consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, there is a significant difference in the incidence in women and men, both in the mechanism of the disease and in the circumstances that give rise to it.
The main risk category for the development of pancreatitis consists of mature residents, which is caused by the frequency of drinking, an unbalanced menu and the addition of concomitant diseases.
Why does it appear in men
The trigger for a man with pancreatitis will be to a greater extent the use of alcohol (the so-called alcoholic pancreatitis) and the advantage of fatty foods and processed foods. Also a characteristic feature of pancreatitis in men is the chronic form, advanced pancreatitis on the fact of a late visit to a gastroenterologist.
Occurrence in women
In the female, the following prerequisites for pancreatitis are often observed:
- cholelithiasis, causing the development of pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
- hormonal leaps and pathologies that become a factor in the inflammatory actions of the pancreas: pregnancy, menopause, the use of hormone-containing contraceptives;
- hunger, dieting, unbalanced food, detrimental to well-being.
There are other reasons. But the above are the most common and require immediate medical attention.
The course of the disease in a reactive form
Reactive pancreatitis is formed against the background of existing diseases and the results of injuries of the abdominal organs, surgical intervention, etc. More frequent factors contributing to the development of reactive pancreatitis are diseases of the digestive system, such as:
- noncommunicable disease;
- gallstone disease;
- inflammation of the stomach;
- liver disease
- biliary tract disease;
- intestinal infections.
What triggers the disease in children?
Determining the cause of the formation of pancreatitis in children is done by a specialist, namely a pediatric gastroenterologist. Due to infancy, the cause of inflammatory actions in the pancreas is significantly different from the manifestation of the disease in adulthood.
More often, inflammation in a child is considered to be the result of injuries, surgery, resulting in defects in the ducts of the pancreas or its materials. Hereditary tendency to excessive production of gastric juice, cystic fibrosis (intestinal, pulmonary, hybrid form), as well as food allergies, chronic inflammatory processes in the body, the results of mumps and other diseases.
Pathologies of digestion and other functions will become a factor in the appearance of pancreatitis in a child and adolescents.
Etiology of the disease
Signs of pancreatitis, the mechanism of the formation of the disease, methods of diagnosis and therapy are considered the subject of research by experts for several centuries. In the course of improving research methods, the ability to study and accumulate skill, a number of types of systematization of pancreatitis were proposed, based on the specifics of medical signs, the nature of tissue damage, the circumstances of the appearance, and so on.
At present, the types of pancreatitis are determined according to the etiology of the disease, the form and distinctive features of the course of the disease. More about them next.
Classification of the disease by cause
According to the circumstances of the formation of the disease, primary, secondary and reactive pancreatitis are emphasized. The first form of the disease is formed against the background of damage to the materials of the pancreas itself. Among the key factors of destructive actions, the following are determined:
- abuse of alcohol-containing drinks, frequent smoking;
- pancreatic lesions resulting from abdominal injuries, surgical interventions and single research procedures, in particular, similar results with endoscopy are likely;
- long-term, in particular uncontrolled intake of medicines that aggressively affect the pancreas;
- poisoning by food, chemical elements;
- consuming a significant amount of food with artificial additives treated with pesticides and other chemicals;
- genetic tendency to diseases of the digestive system, natural pathologies of the formation of the pancreas;
- an unbalanced menu with too much fat and spicy food, especially with long intervals between meals.
The pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis of the primary form is able to improve at any age stage. Actual diagnosis and treatment makes it possible to temporarily stop or inhibit uncontrolled processes in the tissues of the pancreas, resume lost organ functions and beware of serious complications.
Repeated reactive pancreatitis is reported if it is possible to recognize the main root cause in the etiology of the disease in the form of diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system as a whole, as well as with the provocative effect of infectious diseases; diabetes mellitus; hereditary diseases, in particular cystic fibrosis or Crohn's disease; diseases of the cardiovascular system; worm infestations in the biliary tract and so on. Diagnosing the cause of pancreatitis is difficult. But the well-being of therapy is mainly dependent on the elimination of the causes of the disease and the prevention of exacerbations.
Classification by the form and characteristics of the course of the disease
The island-inflammatory process leads to an incomplete or absolute loss of pancreatic basic functions. The destruction of the cells of this glandular organ threatens with irreversible actions. There is no double organ capable of replacing this gland.
There are acute and chronic pancreatitis. Forms of the disease vary by medical type, methods of therapy, and health outcomes. Acute pancreatitis is called the rapidly developing inflammatory disease, accompanied by the threat of irreversible changes in the tissues and structure of the pancreas, destruction, incomplete or absolute, other organs, and even death. In the acute form, the pancreatic juice, stagnating in the gland, is activated and destroys its cells.
With this course of the disease, a significant defect in the cells of the organ is observed, accompanied by edema. The main category of risk is adults in the age group of 30-60 years, although the acute form can appear in a child as a consequence of similar negative conditions, such as:
- lack of a meal regimen;
- the predominance of fatty and spicy dishes, convenience foods, fast food;
- blunt injuries of the abdominal part;
- helminthic infestations;
- natural pathologies of the formation of the gallbladder, its ducts, duodenal inside, ducts of the pancreas chain;
- hereditary predispositions and pathologies, infectious diseases, etc.
In the childhood age stage, the acute form of pancreatitis has less symptoms. The medical situation of the disease, diagnostic methods and the basics of therapy differ from acute destructive pancreatitis in adults who suffer from such a disease.
Features of the chronic form
The pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis indicates that the disease goes through stages of exacerbations and remissions. According to the degree of progression, insufficiency is formed: the glandular tissue of the organ undergoes changes and is replaced by connective tissue, which cannot produce gastric enzymes and juice. Lack of enzymes gives rise to pathologies in the functioning of the peptic system.
This form of the disease is observed in patients of various ages. Experts record a tendency to diagnose recurrent pancreatitis, which is present in a chronic form. This is provoked by the popularization and availability of convenience foods, fast food, junk food, as well as alcoholization of residents.
Allocate 2 stages of a chronic disease. The initial stage is manifested by small symptoms and can last for many months, depending on the mode of existence and the state of general well-being of a person. The initial stage is followed by a period in which the differences and pathologies in the functioning of the pancreas become more pronounced and excite almost regularly. The aggravation of the chronic form mainly causes the use of poor-quality, junk food and alcohol, especially on an empty stomach.
The signs of the two forms of pancreatitis are different, as are the characteristic features of their course and the likely complications of the disease. Symptoms of a chronic form are often considered to be mild, but the properties of the disease in the acute figure are clearly expressed. In the acute medical picture, it is important to immediately resort to a professional, not only for the purpose of healing, but also for the differential diagnosis of diseases that can cause similar symptoms.
Signs of a chronic form
Pain in chronic pancreatitis is localized in the same place as in a different form, and, depending on the distinctive features of the disease, are felt in the zone of the right or left hypochondrium. Pain senses radiating to the back. They have a girdling character, are able to expand to the area of the scapula, sternum, depending on the zone of the inflammatory process and the period of the disease. Exacerbations can be caused by alcohol intake, consumption of fatty, spicy foods.
Pain with exacerbations of the disease appears against the background of the formation of an inflammatory process acting on the nerve endings of the pancreas, as well as with edema and enlargement of the organ that attracts the nerve endings in the tissues around. Morbidity can appear after a diet violation, continue from a couple of minutes. up to a few days. A decrease in pain is observed with downward bending, squatting. In addition to the manifested pain, the corresponding symptoms of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis arise, the treatment of which is prescribed by the doctor:
- bloating, belching, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting due to a violation of the digestive system due to enzyme deficiency;
- decrease in body weight, deterioration in general health.
In addition, dry skin, fragility of the nail plates, anemia, signs of vitamin deficiency, high asthenicity, etc., as a result of pathologies of protein, carbohydrate, fat metabolism, as well as constant intoxication by the decay products of undigested food are also traced; increased gas formation, stool pathology, constant diarrhea, prolonged constipation due to the lack of food digestion, activation and reproduction of microorganisms that adversely affect the intestinal microflora.
The clinical situation of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is similar to the acute form. With an unforeseen exacerbation of the disease, pancreatic tissue necrosis can also develop, causing acute pain seizures and causing urgent medical intervention and hospitalization of the patient.
Therapeutic menu
Pharmaceutical, enzymatic and dietary therapy is chosen by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition and analysis information. But the general fundamentals of dietary adjustment constantly remain approximately the same. They give rest to digestion and the pancreas, which means they reduce pain and normalize health.
The nutrition for pancreatitis and gastritis is sharply reduced - most of the usual foods need to be forgotten.
You should eat often, approximately 5-6 times a day - every three hours, with an interval of 8 hours of sleep. Serving size should be small - approximately 200-250 g, especially after exacerbation of the disease.
All dishes are automatically processed - almost all of them are used in mashed form. Then, as the inflammation subsides, larger particles appear in the food, however, it is necessary to thoroughly chew the food.
Since due to the lack of providing caloric elements in chronic pancreatitis, pain occurs in the whole body, you need to increase the protein component of the menu - up to about 140-150 g of protein per day.
But fats and carbohydrates, which are very difficult for the pancreas, are limited to the least probable. About 300 g of carbohydrates per day, 70-80 g of fat are provided.
Foods having a sokogonny effect are removed from the menu - meat and fish broths, cabbage juice and broth; during the period of a manifested pain seizure, therapeutic fasting is advised for a period of 48 hours under the supervision of a doctor.
With pancreatitis and gastritis, you should drink plenty of water - it is recommended to drink a day up to 2 liters. clean water, approximately every thirty minutes, take 2-3 sips throughout the day.
Naturally, with pancreatitis, you should completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol. They are the most powerful provocateurs of seizures.
How to eat?
In our world, there are practically no people who do not have problems with the digestive tract. Cases in the modern food industry are not distinguished by a positive trend: companies and factories care mainly about their profits, but not at all about the quality of the products they produce.
All by will stuff themselves with a variety of artificial dyes, Eshki, various surrogates, etc. Undoubtedly, this affects the whole organism. The pancreas is the first to suffer, as a result of which a person may develop a chronic form of pancreatitis. In this case, and especially with exacerbation of the disease, you should follow a fairly strict diet number 5.
With pancreatitis, you should adhere to certain principles of nutrition. Moreover, the diet should be quite strict. Proper nutrition will help reduce the severity of pain, effectively preventing a possible exacerbation.
Main rules
When pancreatitis passes into a chronic form, the patient's diet should be calculated as follows:
- Full amount of carbohydrates and fats.
- A large amount of protein food.
- Minimal intake of salt, honey and sugar.
Diet tips
Before you learn what to eat with chronic pancreatitis, you need to follow the following principles:
- Fat intake should be distributed throughout the day.
- The diet should be divided into small portions throughout the day.
- Moderately use fats, margarine and oil in cooking.
- It is best to bake, grill, stew and boil all products.
- In the diet you need to include the necessary amount of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products daily.
- Each meal should be accompanied by the intake of the required amount of protein. The group of allowed protein products includes lean beef, dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat, low-fat chicken, egg whites, fish, soy and beans.
- Avoid alcoholic beverages and foods.
What is possible?
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As an alternative to the diet menu for chronic pancreatitis, some products can be replaced with such analogues:
- Cereals: rolls, bread, couscous, natural bran, low-fat crackers, cereals, noodles, pancakes and pancakes, rice, popcorn, waffles, corn and muffins. In moderate amounts, you can eat french fries, potato chips, cookies, sweet buns, croissants, granola and muffins.
- Legumes, rice and almond milk, and products made from it: peas, beans, soy, lentils, nuts, butter from it, as well as coconut milk.
- Vegetables and fruits: they are recommended to be consumed in absolutely any form. Fried vegetables and avocados will not be the best alternative.
- Desserts: you can eat light biscuit, sorbet, popsicles, applesauce, pudding, gelatin, sorbet, as well as a minimum amount of bitter natural chocolate. Cakes, custard, coconut products, fried desserts, pies, cakes, donuts, and cookies remain banned.
- Drinks: hot chocolate, fruit and vegetable juices, tea, coffee, as well as sports drinks are allowed here. Carbonated drinks and cream flavored drinks are taboo!
- Seasonings: it is allowed to eat different spices, taking into account individual tolerance, as well as a little vegetable oil, jam, margarine, honey, maple syrup, broth, low-fat mayonnaise, low-fat salad dressing, mustard, sugar and salt. All of these products are allowed, but in limited quantities. It is better to avoid lard, olives, fatty mayonnaise, tahini pasta, smoked meat dishes, hummus, as well as salad dressings.
Sample day menu
Not every patient can correctly make a menu for the chronic course of pancreatitis. Therefore, below is the optimal menu, and it can be adjusted for yourself. The recipes for the diet are quite simple, they do not contain much fat, but at the same time are rich in fiber, carbohydrates and protein.
So, the approximate menu for pancreatic pancreatitis for the day is as follows. Breakfast can be prepared from this set of products:
- scrambled eggs with spinach;
- a slice of cereal bread cooked without yeast, spread with a minimum amount of oil;
- 0.5 tbsp. porridge made from oatmeal, seasoned with fresh berries;
- coffee, tea, fruit drink, compote.
A snack may include making a smoothie: you need to take 1 cup of milk from soy or almonds, 1 cup of light yogurt, a medium-sized banana, and also vanilla. All ingredients must be mixed well.
Lunch is an important meal that should not be skipped. In the pancreatic pancreatitis diet menu, you can include fish and turkey, rich in protein, carbohydrate-containing cereals and vegetables, as well as legumes with healthy fats.
The second snack may consist of an apple and a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese. For the last meal you should eat mostly protein dishes - fish with vegetable salad and a side dish of rice. If you feel hunger before going to bed, then with such an approximate diet menu with pancreatitis, you can drink a little low-fat kefir.
Therapeutic fasting
Based on reviews of chronic pancreatitis, we can say that fasting for medicinal purposes does not hurt. The basis of this approach is the removal of inflammation, as well as the elimination of swelling in the pancreas. Hunger allows you to quickly restore the affected organ, stopping the production of enzymes and gastric juice.
As soon as the patient has the first signs of pancreatitis, doctors are advised to drink a sufficient amount of non-carbonated mineral water, a rosehip broth, as well as green tea.
You need to get out of therapeutic fasting gradually: on day 4, you can add such products to your menu:
- dried wheat bread;
- oatmeal cooked in water;
- jelly;
- fruit drink;
- decoctions of herbs;
- semi-liquid mashed potatoes;
- some dry cookies;
- oat broth;
- liquid rice, buckwheat or semolina porridge.
Nutrition after diet
About a week after the end of the diet, you can add steam protein omelet, water with honey, raisins and prunes, shredded fruit mousse, low-fat cottage cheese soufflé, slimy cereal soups, minced meat, vegetable squash, green tea, pumpkin or carrot puree with the addition of vegetable oil, yogurt, vegetable puddings.
Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis symptoms and treatment is not too severe. This is a rather serious disease, which, however, is successfully treated with certain medications and a special diet. Yes, the diet is strict, but the list of allowed foods is quite wide, and even a skilled gourmet can make a very tasty and healthy menu. But, as you know, the disease is better to prevent than to treat. Therefore, compliance with all preventive measures will protect against pancreatitis.