Since ancient times, people can not do without such a cool and thirst-quenching drink like kvass.
Appearance story
The appearance of the drink, which later became known as kvass, dates back to 6 thousand years BC. Initially, it was a cross between beer and brahe. It is difficult to say exactly where this drink appeared. Some claim that he owes his appearance to the ancient Egyptians. From other sources it is known that the first who tried to cook kvass were the Greeks. In Russia, kvass appeared much later - about a thousand years ago. Although the ancient Slavs possessed knowledge about the preparation of kvass long before the advent of Kievan Rus. But the first official mention of kvass occurred during the reign of Prince Vladimir, who gave the order to distribute food, bread and kvass to the people. And since that time, the yeast drink began to be consumed daily in the homes of not only nobles, but also peasants.
Properties of kvass “Royal Supplies”
Although kvass is considered a non-alcoholic drink, despite this, it contains alcohol in its composition. Its level depends on the sourdough from which kvass is made. Therefore, it is not recommended to give it to children. There is no exact age limit, but up to three years old, this drink is strictly contraindicated for children.
Kvass “Imperial supplies” is a fairly high-calorie product, so if you are on a diet, then this drink is not recommended to be consumed in your diet.
Harm and Benefit
As we have already found out, it is not recommended to drink kvass for children under three years of age. It is also undesirable to use kvass for people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis, hypertension. Of course, due to the content of ethyl alcohol (even a small amount), it is not recommended to use it for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
As for the benefits of the “Royal Supplies” kvass, there really is something to brag about. Due to its high content of vitamins, it strengthens the immune system. Doctors say that it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Few people know, but this drink has a positive effect on tooth enamel. Those who suffer from constipation, with the regular use of this drink can solve their problem in a short time. It is especially popular among men, as it increases potency. Due to the content of yeast in its composition, the use of a drink will help get rid of pustules of various origins.
Kvass “Imperial supplies” acts on the body as a light energetic. In addition, it increases appetite. Great for people who fast. Since, due to the high content of nutrients in its composition, it can make up for their deficiency. It was thanks to kvass that many people were able to endure the difficult times of the famine.
Variety of Kvass
Kvass “Royal Imperial Traditional” is prepared from distilled water, sugar. Also, natural malt extract, baker's yeast is used for its preparation. Kvass does not contain dyes, unclarified and not pasteurized.
100 g of the product contains 9 g of carbohydrates, 32 kcal, about 1.2% ethyl alcohol. The shelf life of such kvass may not exceed more than two months. Otherwise, the proportion of ethyl alcohol will begin to increase and kvass may already turn into mash. It is also important to observe the storage conditions of the product. The optimal temperature for storing kvass ranges from 2 to 6 degrees. After opening the bottle, the Royal Supplies kvass can be stored for no more than one week.
"Currant" kvass according to its recipe is not much different from "Traditional".
The “living” kvass “Royal Supplies” is in a constant process of fermentation. At this time, the yeast processes sugar and releases alcohol and carbon dioxide. In addition, vitamins and acids are produced. The fermentation process slows down if the bottle with the drink is sent to the refrigerator. If in kvass, on the contrary, there is too much gas, then it is necessary to transfer it into leaky dishes and put in the refrigerator, covering it with a lid. Thus, kvass will quickly evaporate and become quite saturated.
In order to make kvass tastier, it is recommended to immediately pour it into an unpressurized container after opening for oxygen access.
Kvass is being packaged in plastic containers with a volume of one liter and half a liter.
Kvass can be purchased both in the store and on the official website via the Internet.
Kvass “Royal Supplies”: reviews
If we talk about the niche that this drink occupies among all the kvass, this is perhaps one of the most leading places. Many customers claim that the Tsar’s Supplies kvass is tasty, refreshing and very suitable for preparing various dishes. It may not necessarily be okroshka, as we are all used to. It can also be used for cooking such first dishes as botvini, turret, pike.
Also, many housewives are advised to soak apples in kvass according to an old Russian recipe, which gives them a sweeter flavor.