Drops "Okomistin": instruction. Okomistin (eye drops): price

Do you know what a medicine like Okomistin is for? Instructions for use, price and indications of the mentioned funds will be presented in the materials of this article. In addition, you will learn about what contraindications this drug has, in what form it can be purchased at the pharmacy, what is included in its composition (auxiliary and active components), what side effects are observed after use, etc.

After reading the instructions of the drug in question, you can safely use it for its intended purpose. However, before this, we recommend consulting with a specialist (ophthalmologist). After all, only an experienced doctor will be able to advise you one or another drug that will be most effective in relation to your disease.

okomistin instruction

Release form, description and composition of the drug

The mentioned preparation is very often used in ophthalmic practice. So in what form can you buy a drug like Okomistin? The instruction attached to the medication suggests that it is available only in the form of drops for the eyes. According to the description, a 0.1% solution is colorless and transparent. The active component of this drug fluid is benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate (or the so-called miramistin).

As for the additional substances that are part of the medication, then they include only purified water and sodium chloride.

Drug packaging

In what form are Okomistin eye drops sold? Instructions for use of this medication are always in a cardboard box. A polymer bottle filled with a medicinal substance (10 ml) with a dropper cap is also placed in it. Thanks to such a convenient capacity, the procedure for using the drug is greatly facilitated.

Pharmacological action of eye drops

What pharmacological characteristics does the Okomistin medication have? Instructions on this subject give detailed information. According to her, the drug in question is an antiseptic that is actively used in ophthalmic practice for topical use.

okomistin eye drops instruction price

According to experts, the mentioned eye drops have a pronounced antimicrobial effect against both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Also, the medication is used to treat diseases caused by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, microbial associations and monocultures, including hospital strains with multidrug resistance to antibiotic agents.

For which microorganisms is the Okomistin drug effective? The instruction informs us that the medicine works well against pathogenic fungi and chlamydia, as well as adenoviruses and herpes viruses.

We can not say that the medication in question is the most effective against such gram-positive bacteria as streptococci and staphylococci.

Due to the properties of the drug, the growth and reproduction of the aforementioned microorganisms quite quickly ceases, as a result of which, in fact, the patient recovers completely.

However, it should be noted that, according to experts, under the action of eye drops "Okomistin" significantly decreases the resistance of fungi and bacteria to antibiotic agents.

Pharmacokinetics of eye drops

Are Okomistin eye drops absorbed into the systemic circulation? Instructions for use do not contain such information. This is due to the fact that the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug have not been studied in laboratory conditions.

okomistin instruction for children


Do you know why eye drops such as Okomistin can be prescribed? Instructions for use (for children and adults, this drug is prescribed for the same indications) suggests that the said tool is especially effective in the following pathological conditions:

  • keratitis;
  • chronic and acute conjunctivitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • for the prevention of purulent and inflammatory complications in the postoperative and preoperative period;
  • injury to the visual organs;
  • keratouveitis.

Use the medication in question should only be prescribed by the ophthalmologist and only for the indications listed above.


Under what conditions should you never bury the ocomistin eye preparation? The instruction for children states that this remedy is contraindicated for them. The medication can only be prescribed to patients who have reached the age of 18. Also, eye drops are not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • when bearing a fetus;
  • with increased sensitivity to the substances of the drug (both active and auxiliary);
  • during breastfeeding.

drops okomistin instructions for use

Medication "Okomistin" (eye drops): instructions

The price of this drug will be presented to your attention at the very end of the article. As for this section, in it we will tell you about how the medication should be used and in what dosage.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug "Okomistin" must be instilled in an eye bag (conjunctival) 1 or 2 drops 4-6 times a day. This procedure should be carried out until complete recovery.

How to use Okomistin as a prophylactic? The instruction for eye drops suggests that in this case, the medication must be instilled 3 days before the operation, as well as within two weeks after direct surgery (2 drops three times a day).


What negative consequences can be observed if Okomistin drops are used at higher dosages? The instructions for this drug do not contain such information. However, this fact does not mean that the drug in question can be used uncontrollably and without a doctor's prescription.

okomistin instructions for use price

Drug interaction

How does the simultaneous administration of other medicines and the Okomistin drug affect the human body (instructions, price of the medicine are presented in this article)? According to experts, studies on the interaction of this drug with medications have not been conducted. However, it should be noted that if this drug must be used simultaneously with other eye drops, the interval between their instillation should be at least five minutes. Such caution is necessary in order to prevent the possible washing out of the components of the drug by subsequent dosages.

Lactation and pregnancy

Is it possible to instill eye drops of Okomistin during breastfeeding? The instruction (for children this drug is contraindicated) informs us that during lactation, as well as during gestation, the use of this medication is prohibited.

Side effects

What side effects can be observed after applying the drug in question? Does the drug “Okomistin” (eye drops) contribute to the occurrence of adverse reactions? The instruction (the price of these drops is not very high) for topical antiseptics confirms the fact that after using it, some patients do develop an allergy. Also, in some cases, the patient may feel a slight burning sensation and discomfort. As a rule, such phenomena pass independently after about 15-20 seconds. These side effects do not require the removal of eye drops.

okomistin instructions for use for children

special instructions

Before using the drug in question, it is necessary to consult an optometrist, as well as familiarize yourself with the instructions. By the way, it is she who informs patients that contact lenses must be removed before the drug is instilled. Moreover, it is advisable to install them back no earlier than ¼ hours after the installation.

Do eye drops affect a patient’s ability to control mechanisms and drive a car? Patients using this drug should refrain from any activities that require an increased concentration of attention, as well as good vision and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Storage conditions and shelf life of the medication

Eye drops "Okomistin" should be stored only in a place where little children do not have access. The storage temperature of this medication should not exceed 25 ° C. The shelf life of the drops is 3 years (in a closed bottle). After opening the container, this period is reduced to one month.

drops okomistin instruction

The cost of the drug

The price of the drug in question is not very high. For 10 ml of the drug you will have to give about 160-180 Russian rubles. Given that one bottle is enough to conduct a full course of therapy, treatment with this medication is quite cheap.

It should be noted that the eye drops "Okomistin" have no analogues. The active substance miramistin is used in other forms of medicines.

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