Treatment of hallux valgus: corrector, surgery and other treatments

Hallux valgus deformity belongs to the category of orthopedic diseases. This pathology is popularly called a "bone", or "bump". An interesting fact is that such a disease never occurs in nations that almost never wear shoes. Well, in civilized countries, many people are interested in information about what treatment for hallux valgus should be.

treatment of hallux valgus

What factors provoke the disease?

The most common problems of this kind arise due to congenital pathology or acquired flat feet. Hallux valgus deformity may appear due to other reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition. This does not mean that if one of the parents has a bump on his finger, then it will certainly someday appear in the child. But nevertheless, there is a certain regular relationship, genetically determined, for this disease.
  • Overweight not only affects the internal organs of a person, but also leads to increased stress on the joints, including the feet.
  • Associated diseases such as arthritis, gout, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, etc.
  • Injuries of various origins.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Tight, narrow, uncomfortable shoes, high heel.
  • It is highly likely that hallux valgus deformity will sooner or later develop among ballerinas, as they dance on tiptoe most of the time.

Clinical manifestations of symptoms

Such a defect in a person’s legs is immediately noticeable: a strongly protruding bone, a thumb bent inward, lameness. In addition, new growths constantly appear on the damaged joint, which significantly aggravates the movement and causes pain.

The onset of symptoms forces patients to go to the doctor to begin treatment for hallux valgus. There are several ways to eliminate the growth on the finger. Which one is better is hard to say. When choosing a treatment regimen, the specialist is guided by many parameters, including the patient’s age, the presence of acute and chronic diseases, the specifics of the profession, and much more.

hallux valgus

Prescribing medications

The traditional treatment of hallux valgus is to remove the inflammatory process in the affected joint and relieve pain symptoms. Among the most effective are non-steroidal drugs such as Movalis, Arkoxia, Arthra, Don, Meloxicam, Ketalong, etc. Steroid drugs: Hydrocortisone, Diprospan, etc. d.

In combination with medications, physiotherapeutic procedures are also prescribed. People suffering from the disease in question should know that with such a pathology, any medication for treating hallux valgus deformity acts as a maneuver that distracts from pain. A good sustainable result can only be achieved with an integrated approach to curing this disease.

The use of acoustic shock waves

The procedure has a targeted effect directly on the affected organ. The essence of the method is as follows: infrasound waves penetrate deep into the tissues of the joint and crush the growths, turning them into dust. Decay products are then excreted naturally.

Such treatment of hallux valgus also improves blood circulation in the big toe, significantly improves the motor function of the joint, and pain passes. The procedure itself is painless and lasts 20-25 minutes. The patient feels relief after a few sessions.

Despite the effectiveness of shock wave therapy, there are patients to whom it is categorically contraindicated. Among them are pregnant women, cancer patients, people with infectious ailments, etc.

hallux valgus treatment

Laser foot correction

Laser treatment of hallux valgus is no less popular in our country and abroad. During this procedure, calcium ions are released in the tissues of the cartilage joint, while inflammatory processes and pain are removed. After 20-25 days, the bone softens, the foot takes on a natural look.

Laser technology for hallux valgus is not suitable for all people. Procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women, cancer patients, suffering from diseases of the heart and respiratory organs, having pigmentation on the skin.

hallux valgus

Ultrasound therapy

Most often, it is prescribed instead of drugs or as an additional treatment to quickly relieve pain in the foot. Ultrasound therapy does not break the bone growths of the thumb, however, it relieves inflammation, thereby contributing to improved blood circulation and the regeneration of damaged leg tissues.

Contraindications: severe disorders of the nervous system, arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis.

Mud Therapy

Treatment of hallux valgus with mud can be attributed to one of the most pleasant procedures. Useful trace elements of the healing mixture have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. After a full course of procedures, the pain in the foot passes, the inflammatory processes are removed, the further growth of the cone stops. To maintain a positive effect, mud treatment sessions should be carried out twice a year.

Corrective devices

These include special gaskets-tires, various insoles-arch supports and much more. Their main purpose is to keep the foot and fingers in the correct position, prevent their further deviation, as well as alleviate the patient's condition.

The most effective for this pathology is the corrector of hallux valgus deformation of the first finger. You can also use the latch with crossed fingers. You need to wear it for 4-6 months, then the result will be obvious: the thumb takes its correct position, the inflammatory processes stop, the pain goes away.

After the bone on the finger disappears, you can not use the corrector, and wear it only when the legs are tired of long walking or other physical activity.

first finger valgus corrector

Surgical intervention

In what cases is an operation performed? Hallux valgus deformity is eliminated in this way only with pronounced characteristic pain. If the patient’s goal is cosmetic correction, in this case, the doctors refuse surgical intervention. For this, doctors have their own reasoned grounds.

If other methods of treatment did not give any results with crossed toes, then surgery in this case will also be the only solution to the problem.

To restore the anatomy of the foot, there are several operational methods. It all depends on how badly damaged internal tissues, tendons and cartilage itself.

Surgical intervention is carried out:

  • on soft tissues;
  • on bone structures;
  • in a combined version.

Previously, such surgical treatment of hallux valgus deformity of the big toe was an ordinary sawdust of the growth and belonged to the category of highly traumatic. In addition, after six months or even earlier, the disease returned.

Today, doctors offer other, less traumatic methods of treatment: changing the angle of the phalanx of the fingers, screwing in the screws, moving the tendons, etc.

hallux valgus surgery

Postoperative period

  • The recovery time for each patient is individual: from two months to six months. In most cases, normal motor function of the joint returns within a year.
  • Already 3-4 days after the surgical procedure, patients begin to walk freely.
  • Active movements in which the operated joint is involved are not allowed to be made up to 2 months.
  • Sutures are removed on the 5-7th day (depending on what thread they were made).
  • Orthopedic insoles and shoes are recommended to be worn only during the rehabilitation period (Barukka shoes). Then ordinary shoes, but without high heels.
  • After 2-3 months, you can return to normal physical activity.

Traditional medicine

Compresses, ointments, lotions and baths will help relieve pain. A compress made of turpentine and burdock leaves was especially popular. The components for its preparation are commercially available in pharmacies.

The recipe is: insist dry leaves of burdock in alcohol (3-4 weeks), strain, mix in equal proportions (1: 1) with turpentine. For 3 months daily (at night) apply to the problem area, without forgetting to warm the foot. In the morning, thoroughly rinse all residues of the product.

There are other, equally effective options: applying a grid of iodine, tincture of eggshell and vinegar, rubbing sea buckthorn oil or a bath of dandelion flowers.

big toe deformity

Preventative measures

Even after the deformity of the big toe is completely eliminated, it is necessary to remember the prevention of the disease. It is as follows:

  1. Refuse to wear model shoes.
  2. Daily exercise therapy for the feet.
  3. Twice a week, independently carry out a light acupressure, including stroking, “sawing” and “chopping” movements.
  4. Do not subject your legs to heavy physical exertion.
  5. Switch to a balanced diet.
  6. Do not trigger chronic illness.

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