Chronic sinusitis is not uncommon in medical practice. It is manifested by inflammation and swelling of the internal sinuses. This leads to difficulty in removing mucus, so it accumulates in the cavities. The chronic form differs from an acute disease with less pronounced symptoms and a long period of course. Lack of treatment sooner or later leads to serious complications.
Features of the disease
Chronic sinusitis occurs for three or more months. In the bones of the face and head there are small sinuses (sinuses) that are filled with air. They serve to depreciate the brain when injured. These cavities are connected by narrow channels with nasal passages.
The sinuses are called sinus. They produce mucus in certain quantities to remove pathogens out. With its help, it is possible to keep the air cavities clean. With irritation of the mucous membranes under the influence of bacteria, mucus is produced very actively. However, the resulting edema and other tissue changes can prevent timely outflow.
In chronic sinusitis, mucus accumulates in the sinuses for a long time, which ultimately leads to purulent processes. Symptoms of the disease flare up and pass after a while, but there is no final recovery.
The main reasons for the development
Almost everyone knows the danger of chronic sinusitis, but not many understand why it occurs. There can be many reasons. Below are some of them:
- long stay in a cold environment;
- allergic reactions;
- deformation changes in the nasal cavity;
- the presence of polyps and other growths;
- prolonged course of viral diseases;
- weakened immunity;
- fungal infections.
Classification Options
In modern medical practice, several types of disease are distinguished. The first option involves the classification of chronic sinusitis directly in the sinuses, in which the inflammatory process occurs.
- Sphenoidal sinusitis is characterized by constant nasal congestion. It flows in wedge-shaped cavities.
- Frontal sinusitis is the most common. In this case, the frontal sinus undergoes inflammation.
- Ethmoid sinusitis affects the nose. Purulent processes occur in the ethmoid sinus.
- Maxillary sinusitis is one of the most unpleasant varieties of the disease. It can lead to the appearance of oncology. In this case, the cavities located on the upper jaw suffer.
Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis
Each disease manifests itself in different ways. The signs of some of them may coincide, but the symptoms of chronic sinusitis are quite noticeable.
- With the disease, in any case, the sense of smell decreases. Sensitivity to odors is significantly impaired.
- During periods of exacerbation, purulent discharge from the nasal cavity is noted. It's hard not to notice them.
- For a long time, breathing through the nose is difficult. With acute respiratory infections and viral infections, a period of discomfort is felt for several days.
- In the area of ββthe nasal sinuses, pain appears that can last more than two weeks.
Before curing chronic sinusitis forever, you need to understand what kind it belongs to. Each of them has its own symptomatology. Sphenoiditis is characterized by rather unpleasant sensations in the head area. It may seem that it is squeezed by an invisible hoop. In a stuffy room, symptoms become more pronounced.
With frontitis, usually quite severe headaches appear, the localization of which is the projection of inflamed cavities. Ethmoiditis is often accompanied by the presence of discomfort near the inner corner of the eye. On palpation, pain may intensify.
How is the diagnosis carried out?
It is possible to assume the presence of the disease according to the available symptoms, but the final diagnosis should be made after the necessary studies. In any case, the doctor performs an external examination of the patient, after which clinical and laboratory measures are carried out.
The basic diagnostic method for exacerbation of chronic sinusitis is rhinoscopy, which makes it possible to study the nasal cavity with a special mirror. This simple method allows you to identify the focus of the disease, the volume of existing purulent masses, as well as signs of hyperemia.
An additional source of information about the state of the nasal cavity can be radiography or computed tomography. In some cases, puncture is appropriate, since it allows you to draw conclusions about the composition of purulent discharge.
Preventative measures
To avoid the occurrence of the aforementioned disease or relapse, certain measures must be followed.
- You can not expose your body to hypothermia. Infectious pathogens are quite easily activated in this case.
- With a weakening of immunity, it is recommended to use special mineral and vitamin complexes.
- Infectious diseases should be completely cured so as not to get a sinusitis complication.
- If possible, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eliminating completely bad habits in order to increase immunity.
Used drugs for chronic sinusitis
The main task is to eliminate the root cause, but with an exacerbation of the disease, complex drug therapy should be performed. With its help, it is possible to reduce the intensity of symptoms and improve the condition of the body as a whole. The following drugs are usually prescribed.
- Decongestants are required to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.
- Antibiotics for chronic sinusitis can completely suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. It can be amoxicillin, clarithromycin or fluoroquinolone.
- Antiseptic drugs are used to rinse the nasal canals. They make it possible to rid the cavity of the accumulation of mucus.
- In the presence of mucosal hypertrophy, enzymatic agents are usually used.
- Immunostimulants are necessary to increase the body's immune response directly to infection.
- In the treatment of chronic sinusitis, antihistamines can be prescribed if the disease is associated with allergic reactions.
Physiotherapeutic procedures
As additional measures to combat the ailment, physiotherapeutic measures are prescribed. An integrated approach to the problem allows to achieve maximum effect. In the treatment of chronic sinusitis, the following procedures may be indicated to patients.
- Electrophoresis improves the transport of drugs to lesions.
- UHF and microwave waves expand the capillaries, thereby enhancing tissue nutrition and improving overall metabolism.
- Laser therapy is used to eliminate pain, reduce swelling, and regenerate the epithelium.
- Ultrasonic exposure is carried out to stimulate metabolic processes in the body.
- Diadynamic therapy involves conducting electrical impulses through sore spots.
Surgical intervention
With low efficiency, after taking medications and implementing physiotherapeutic measures, one has to resort to surgical methods of treating the disease. Drainage in the nasal cavities is restored through surgery. The patient is given endoscopy. Surgically, damaged tissues are excised, preventing the natural outflow of mucus.
Endoscopy allows you to normalize breathing, to ensure high-quality ventilation of tissues. The cavities after it begin to function properly. This option can be attributed to minimally invasive surgical procedures. During surgery, patients do not cause significant damage.
In the presence of polyps and cysts, with curvature of the nasal septum, an operation is prescribed. In this case, surgical intervention helps to quickly and effectively get rid of the course of chronic processes.
Elimination of sinusitis in adults is carried out using sinusotomy. The affected cavity is opened directly through the mouth. With frontal sinus surgery, frontal pockets are operated on in both young and adults.
Treatment of chronic sinusitis completely eliminates the symptoms. Surgical intervention is the most effective way to combat the disease in some cases.
Folk remedies
Together with traditional methods of treating a disease associated with inflammation of the sinuses, folk remedies are also actively used. The most effective and affordable method of treatment is the use of a mixture of honey, sunflower oil and soda. The listed ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator.
The mixture is applied in a small amount to a cotton swab and placed in the nasal opening. It is necessary to be in a horizontal position. It is necessary to maintain the remedy in the nose for about 20 minutes. During such events, slight discomfort and burning are possible.
The tool has an antiseptic and healing effect. The pathogenic microflora inside the sinuses is completely destroyed. The mucous membrane is quickly restored after damage. It is advisable to place the swab in the nose 3-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear. Treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults in this way can be carried out exclusively in the absence of polyps and other growths. If they do exist, then only surgery will help.
Drops obtained from onion juice can help with the disease. The recipe is not difficult. A small onion is taken. The skin is removed from it and the juice is squeezed into ceramic or enameled dishes. The liquid must be filtered through cheesecloth. The resulting juice is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1. It is recommended to store the product in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
The resulting medicine is instilled into the nose with an ordinary pipette. A single dose is 2-3 drops in each nostril. The procedure should be repeated daily 3-4 times a day. Usually breathing is facilitated after 2-3 days. If the drops come in contact with the mucous membrane, a burning sensation may appear, so be careful.
Another folk remedy for chronic sinusitis is ginger with honey and lemon juice. From these components, a drink is made that is taken orally to strengthen the immune system as a whole. However, it should not be consumed if you are allergic to citrus or other ingredients. Also, the drug is contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder and exacerbation of hypertension.
Possible complications
In the absence of proper treatment, sinusitis can lead to negative consequences. Complications may be intracranial or orbital in nature. In the first case, the cause is suppuration in the area of ββthe nasal septum. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate directly into the cranium through the bloodstream, which often leads to the development of purulent meningitis or the formation of brain abscesses.
Orbital complications are expressed in the spread of infection to the eyeball. Pain appears in the orbit, a drop in visual acuity is felt, and body temperature rises. Signs of intoxication are present: chills, general weakness and fatigue. In the presence of a retrobulbar abscess, surgical intervention cannot be dispensed with.
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)
In healthcare, a special document is used as a classification and statistical basis. It is reviewed once a decade under the leadership of WHO. It reflects chronic sinusitis. The code for ICD-10, it has J32. An additional figure is put after the point, which clarifies the type of disease.
The name sinusitis is characterized by the site of inflammation. Most often, the problem lies in the maxillary sinuses, as they have narrow openings that are at a disadvantage. If necessary, an auxiliary code is added to determine the causative agent of the disease.
Final part
Everyone can avoid chronic sinusitis, but it is necessary to adhere to the given preventive measures, which are to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as well as timely treatment of colds and viral diseases. However, in the presence of growths or changes in the sinuses, surgical intervention can be dispensed with quite rarely.