In modern stores you can find a large number of different products. One of them is soy milk powder, which is of vegetable origin. It is made on the basis of soybeans. The birthplace of the product is China, but now it is in demand in all countries of the world. Pleasant taste and light aroma - these are the distinguishing features that contains soy milk powder. The benefits and harms of it will be presented in the article. It will also be said about the breeding rules of this product.
Compared to cow's milk powder, soya milk powder does not contain lactose, so it can be consumed by anyone who has intolerance to this substance. The advantage of the product is the presence of isoflavones in the composition. These components are used for the prevention of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis. They are indispensable for the fight against menopause in women.
Milk has anticarcinogenic and metabolic effects. The product reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is useful for many to use soy milk powder. Its benefit is a positive effect on the skeletal system of the body. It is necessary in the presence of anemia. Due to regular use, men will be protected from prostate cancer. The product is rich in protein and fiber. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause allergic reactions.
Soy milk powder contains a valuable protein that contains important acids. The product is rich in amino acids. From trace elements contains magnesium, potassium, calcium. There are vitamins there - D, A, E, B. 100 g of milk contains:
- Squirrels - 4 g.
- Carbohydrates - 5.6 g.
- Fats - 1.6 g.
And 56 kcal is the calorie content of soy milk powder. The composition allows you to use the product in the nutrition of many people. It is only necessary to breed it correctly. There are also recipes for self-cooking this product.
Soy milk powder is used to prepare various dishes. From it it turns out:
- Kefir.
- Tofu Cheese.
- Milk soups.
- Yoghurts.
- Milkshakes.
- Bakery products.
The product is used for the preparation of puddings, cooking jelly, cereal, casseroles. It is used both at home and in production.
Combination with other products
Milk can be combined with sweet fruits, dried fruits, berries, nuts. It is also used with cereals and boiled potatoes. No need to combine the drink with fresh vegetables, plums, sausage, smoked fish, pastries.
The product is considered high-calorie, so many do not include it in their diet. Nevertheless, soy milk is intended for harmony. It has a lot of calcium, which is perfectly absorbed by the body. With a deficiency of this component, there will be intensive production of the hormone calcitriol, which slows down the processing and elimination of fats. Due to its presence in increased volumes, accumulated fat deposits will not be destroyed.
Calcium is considered an indispensable component for those who want to lose weight. It perfectly breaks down fats, and also helps to build muscle. Therefore, such a product must necessarily be in the diet of overweight people. And this should not be a dry soy milk substitute, but natural.
How to breed?
Powdered soy milk is sold in stores in powder form. How to breed it? For this, the product itself (1.5 tbsp. L.) Must be mixed with sugar (1 tsp.), Gradually adding water (1 cup). The mass must be stirred so that it becomes homogeneous. Then the remaining water is poured, and everything is brought to a boil. The product is served hot or chilled.
Self cooking
There are many recipes for the preparation of the product in question. Of these, there is one of the simplest. Pure soybeans should be wetted in cold water for 12-24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the beans should be chopped by passing them through a meat grinder with a fine grill. This treatment needs to be done several times.
When stirring, it is necessary to pour in water to make grinding easier. Water should be taken in a ratio of 7: 1 to get milk in 3% fat. If there is less water, then we will get more fat milk, which will resemble cream. Ground and mixed soy porridge with water is aged for about 4 hours, after which salt is added (at the tip of the knife).
Then the resulting mass must be boiled for half an hour. Then you need to strain it and squeeze. This completes the preparation of soy milk. The residues in the bag after expressing milk are called okara - soy pulp, in which there is a lot of fiber and protein. It can be used as an enriched nutritional supplement.
Selection and storage
When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the composition that is marked on the package. In its natural form, milk contains water and soy. If chemical additives are present in the composition, such a product will not be useful.
Unopened packaging is stored in a cool place. This period may be equal to not more than a year. An open product must be consumed up to 7 days, and all this time it is stored in the refrigerator.
Product for children
For the nutrition of infants, mixtures in which there is soy protein are often used . The following factors are considered the basis for the use of such products:
- Intolerance to cow's milk.
- Celiac disease - due to a violation of the villous layer of the intestine by exposure to gluten.
- Galactosemia is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.
- Lack of lactose - a protein that breaks down cow's milk enzymes.
So that the child can be fed soy mixtures, you must first consult a pediatrician. In stores you can find such products for children over 2 years. It can be in the diet, just do not forget about cow's milk. Complete replacement is possible only with intolerance to the animal product.
Doctors have not identified the harm that soy milk can cause. Some experts believe that this is a useful product, while others advise to use it only in a minimal amount. Such milk also has opponents who believe that it can cause:
- The appearance of pathologies of the thyroid gland.
- Decreased sperm concentration.
- Oppression of the endocrine system.
Milk should not be consumed if there is a predisposition to the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors and other oncological ailments. The product is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers. It should not be given to children under 1 year old without consulting a doctor, as well as women who may have breast cancer.
Excessive consumption of animal protein increases blood acidity. The body needs to neutralize it. Calcium is taken from the bones. Soymilk contains phytic acid, which, when digested, binds iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, which is why these components are poorly absorbed. Although milk has drawbacks, it is still considered very beneficial. Just use it should be in moderation.