Pancakes with caviar: recipes with photos

Pancakes with caviar - everyone’s favorite delicacy that can decorate any meal. They look incredibly elegant and appetizing at a banquet, and they always turn out to be very attractive and tasty.

This delicacy can be prepared in several different ways. By the way, the filling itself will need very little, and there is no need to use real caviar. So pancakes with caviar can not only act as an elite snack, but also take the place of a budget treat.


Prepare this delicacy under the power of any housewife. Armed with a simple recipe for pancakes with caviar, you no longer have to puzzle over a menu that can satisfy the most demanding guests. After all, such a treat is deservedly considered a truly royal dish, regardless of the way of twisting and decorating.

Pancakes themselves can be pre-baked, but they should be stuffed immediately before serving.

It is best to fill fragrant cakes with red or black natural caviar. But you can stock up on a product from any other fish. Often for the sake of economy, pancakes are stuffed with various sauces, and caviar is used in small quantities only for decoration.

A simple recipe for pancakes with caviar

Such a treat can be safely supplemented with creamy or hard cheese, red or any other fish, preferably slightly salted, crab sticks, vegetables, herbs, sour cream, butter and other similar products.

Formation and decoration

How to wrap pancakes with caviar? Stuffing products can be very different. For example, pancakes can be carefully rolled into rolls, and then cut into even slices with a beautiful cut.

Unusual bags with a “surprise” inside can be made out of cakes. Or you can go the standard way by simply wrapping the pancakes with triangular or square envelopes.

Simple recipes for pancakes with caviar

You can apply for a treat using sprigs of greens, eggs, slices of lemon or slices of fresh vegetables. Photos of pancakes with caviar will help you in the process of decorating the finished treat. Although at this stage you can show your imagination and experiment with the appearance of the delicacy to your taste.

Pancake Recipe with Red Caviar

This treat will certainly appeal to all your guests and household. Even small children will be delighted with such a delicate and unusually tasty treat. And the hostess will remember this dish by the simplicity of manufacture and the speed of the process.

So, first prepare:

  • 0.5 l of milk fat;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of red caviar;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 50 g of sugar.

It is very important to adhere not only to the selected formulation, but also to the rules for selecting products. So, it is worth considering that the flour used must be of high quality, the eggs must be fresh, and milk should be added only in a warm form.

Cooking method

To begin with, carefully grind the eggs with sugar and salt. Then add half of the prepared milk to them.

Now it’s time to introduce flour into the mixture - you need to do this gradually, using only small portions. After the mass becomes smooth and uniform, send the remaining milk and vegetable oil into it.

How to make dough for pancakes with caviar

Place a thick-walled pan on the stove, cover it with a thin layer of fat and calcine thoroughly. Bake the pancakes, frying them on both sides until a pleasant golden color.

After the cakes have cooled slightly, proceed to curl. You can roll pancakes with caviar the way you like best. The easiest way to form a triangular envelope. To do this, put about a spoonful of caviar in the middle of the tortilla and evenly distribute it throughout the pancake. Then the product must be carefully wrapped with a triangle.

How to make pancakes with caviar

That's all, for this process you will need no more than 5 minutes. At the end, decorate the cooked treat.

Pancakes with red caviar and cheese

Such an elegant, spectacular delicacy will surely become the central decoration of any meal, whether it is a simple dinner in the family circle or a huge gala banquet. This appetizer really looks very decent, despite the ease of preparation.

For the filling of pancakes, it is best to take creamy or curd cheese, the main thing is to be soft. If the product you have in stock is too thick, dilute it with a little sour cream or mayonnaise.

To prepare delicious and deliciously beautiful pancakes, you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • half as much sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2.5 cups of milk;
  • 250 g of red caviar;
  • as much cream cheese;
  • one and a half glasses of flour.

Try to get all the necessary ingredients in advance from the refrigerator.

Cooking process

The first step is, of course, to knead the dough for future pancakes. To do this, combine the eggs with sugar and salt, vigorously shake until smooth.

Then add a glass of milk and all the flour. When the mass is smooth, pour in the remaining liquid and vegetable oil. On this dough for pancakes is ready, it is advisable to let it brew for at least 15-20 minutes in heat.

Now is the time to bake cakes. Fry each pancake until it is rosy. And after the finished products have cooled, proceed to the formation of the future delicacy.

How to wrap pancakes with caviar

You can wrap such pancakes with caviar in different ways. For example, each cake can be greased with soft cheese and sprinkled with caviar, and then rolled into a roll. In this form, refreshments can already be served. But for greater elegance, pancakes are still better to cut slightly obliquely to form a beautiful long edge.

You can do a little differently: again, grease each cake with cream cheese, but do not sprinkle with caviar, but immediately twist it. Then the roll must be cut into even pieces that need to be folded onto a serving dish with the cut up. And at the end, decorate each part of the pancake with caviar. This presentation looks very interesting and unusual.

Pancakes with fish and caviar

This is a recipe for a truly luxurious treat from a surprisingly delicious pastry and delicate, spicy toppings. Pancakes come out extremely delicate, delicate and elastic. Caviar can be used absolutely any, as well as fish.

To prepare, take:

  • 2 cups kefir;
  • flour in the same amount;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • glass of water;
  • some salt;
  • 150 g of fish, preferably red;
  • twice as much cream cheese;
  • 100 g caviar, best of all also red.

Course of action

So, as usual, you should first knead the pancake dough.

Pour warm kefir into a deep container, add eggs, salt and sugar to it. Mix the ingredients as thoroughly as possible to achieve a uniform texture. Then pour the sifted flour here and repeat the procedure again.

Quench soda in a glass of boiling water and pour into the dough too. At the same time, try to act as quickly as possible, constantly stirring the mass so that it does not weld. Add vegetable oil in the end and knead again.

How to beautifully design pancakes with caviar

Warm the pan thoroughly, grease it and bake openwork pancakes from the whole dough. Place the cooled products on a table to distribute the filling evenly.

Mash the soft cheese lightly with a fork and coat each pancake with a thin layer. Cut the fish into strips, also lay it on the product. Then roll the blanks with rolls, and then cut them into even pieces, about 3 centimeters thick. Place the slices on top of the serving dish.

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