How to pickle brisket? Some delicious recipes

You can confidently call the brisket one of the oldest dishes of Slavic cuisine. A piece of salted fatty meat with spices wrapped in a rag accompanied the merchant on a long journey, and the pilgrim, and the ordinary soldier. And this delicacy was the basis of the diet of the Chumaks, who transported salt to the farthest corners of Russia ...

how to salt brisket

The breast can be called one of the types of fat - truly a cult dish. It differs in the predominance of the meat part over the fatty part, and often contains bone or cartilage parts of the ribs. Of course, the most delicious brisket salted on its own. Fragrant, spicy or tender, depending on preferences, it can brighten up a modest weekly dinner or dignity reign on the festive table. How to salt the brisket will be discussed in the article.

What is brisket? Choose a piece for salting

The meat from the breast of the carcass is called the brisket. Pork is used for salting - it is oily, tender, with layers of juicy bacon. Thin cartilaginous ribs often do not cut, because they give the brisket a special charm. Before pickling the brisket, it is better to go to the farmer's market, where they bring the freshest and highest quality raw materials. The meat and lard of a domestic pig grown in the fresh air and fed with natural feeds is always more aromatic and tasty. Just before buying, you should make sure that the health of the pigs was all right. The conscientious seller will gladly provide all the necessary documents.

Dry brisket salting

Often the original and the ancient are in no way inferior to the latest innovations and the latest developments. How to salt brisket in a classic way? To do this, you need the brisket itself, salt and black pepper.

how to salt brisket

The meat cut into bars should be grated with the mixture and left to salt for 2-3 days. That is how brisket was salted in antiquity. Salted in this way, it is tender and soft, easy to cut. When serving, you can’t even remove the skin from it. This universal method of salting is good in that the meat is almost neutral, but at the same time not fresh, expressive. It will be enjoyed even by those who don’t eat spicy foods.

Salting of juicy brisket with spices and garlic

But lovers of garlic and pepper will appreciate the following recipe. Fatty brisket goes well with many seasonings. Before salting the brisket with pepper and garlic correctly, prepare all the necessary ingredients, crush them in a mortar and mix thoroughly. You can immediately add salt to the same mixture.

how to salt brisket

For this recipe, black, white and red ground pepper, marjoram, paprika, zira, dried herbs, coriander and much more are suitable. That's all that you like to flavor dishes - feel free to add to the mixture! Passed through a crush garlic will add flavor and pungency. A piece of brisket rubbed with spices and salt can be wrapped in gauze, foil or cling film so that the seasonings do not crumble. After a couple of days, you can enjoy homemade aromatic treats.

Brine brisket

Another fairly common method with no less ancient history teaches us how to salt brisket in brine. It differs in that the piece will not be salted out directly with salt, but with salt water, in which spices are dissolved. To prepare the brine, take 50 grams of salt for every liter of water. But how much to put spices and seasonings is a matter of taste. The breast should be immersed in water and put on top of oppression.

how to salt brisket in brine

Salting time depends on the size of the piece. Usually two to three days is enough. Before pickling the brisket in this way, a piece can be stuffed with garlic.

How to serve salted brisket on the table

This treat is ideal for a side dish of boiled or baked potatoes. Homemade pickles and pickles are combined with salted brisket. You can serve the table with wooden, ceramic or clay dishes, as well as pick up linen textiles.

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