Scoliosis of the spine in children: causes and effective methods of treatment

After a medical commission, doctors often make a diagnosis of scoliosis a future first-grader. Unfortunately, today this problem is quite large-scale and is observed in almost every second child.

Scoliosis, popularly called spinal curvature, is the disease that usually occurs in childhood. However, this ailment manifests itself with its negative consequences a little later, when the child enters into adolescence. That is why timely diagnosis of scoliosis of the spine in children, as well as its treatment, can successfully relieve a small patient of the problem.

Pathology definition

What is scoliosis? Under this name is a pathology in the form of lateral curvature of the spine, which occurs in most cases during the period of active growth of the child's body.

doctor feels the spine of a child

As a rule, scoliosis in childhood is expressed rather weakly. Nevertheless, it is not worth ignoring this disease. Indeed, in some small patients, spinal deformity progresses over the years, and in the most severe cases it can immobilize a person. In addition, pronounced scoliosis reduces the amount of free space in the chest. As a result, the patient's lungs cease to function normally.

As a rule, it is possible to prevent the development of severe forms of scoliosis of the spine in children. For this, it is only necessary to begin preventive treatment at an early stage of the disease.

Types of Scoliosis

Pathology causing curvature of the spine is subject to classification. It is distinguished by type and form, causes of occurrence, developmental features, as well as the degree of manifestation. Such a classification makes it possible to identify with maximum accuracy the causes of scoliosis of the spine in children and prescribe the most effective treatment for the child.

Considering the types of disease, doctors distinguish:

  1. Congenital affliction. This type of scoliosis of the spine in children is caused by intrauterine disorders during the development of the cartilage of the fetus, its intervertebral discs, and skeleton bones.
  2. Acquired ailment. The formation of this type of disease occurs under the influence of adverse factors. Among them - a weak corset of the back muscles, spinal injuries, the constant presence of the child’s back in the wrong position, the negative impact of the environment, etc.

Congenital Scoliosis

Identification of this type of disease occurs, as a rule, when a child reaches the age of seven. Of all types of congenital scoliosis of the spine in children (photo can be seen below), a special group of myelodysplasias is distinguished. It is characterized by an anomaly in the development of the lumbosacral region. The cause of this condition is the abnormal formation of the spinal cord in its lower segment.


When congenital scoliosis of the spine is detected in a child, its dysplastic species are also distinguished. Their occurrence provokes abnormal bone formation processes. Such scoliosis also develops in the lumbosacral region, leading to early ossification of this zone. A child suffering from dysplastic curvature of the spine is thin and pale. He has poorly developed muscles and very narrow shoulders. The back is oval in this case, and the chest area can be described as hollow. The head of such a patient is leaning forward. Such a child has limbs that are cool to the touch and excessive sweating. In the most severe cases, he has a pronounced disorder of the nervous system.

Acquired Scoliosis

There are many types of curvature of the spine of this type.

asymmetrical arrangement of the blades in the boy

Consider only the most common of them:

  1. Rachitic. This type of scoliosis occurs quite early. That is why it is detected in children at school age. This is scoliosis of the thoracic spine. In a child, it develops in the region of 9-12 vertebrae.
  2. Idiopathic. This form of scoliosis occurs in most cases. It is an anomaly that forms already in the first years of a baby's life. Idiopathic is called scoliosis, the causes of which have not yet been identified. Such a disease is diagnosed in children as early as 4-6 years of age, as well as in the puberty period.
  3. Paralytic. The cause of this type of scoliosis is transferred polio. The disease progresses rapidly with simultaneous deformation of the chest and the development of the rib hump. Symptoms of the disease are pathological inactivity of the spinal column and weakening of the muscle corset.
  4. Primary. What triggers the development of this type of scoliosis of the spine in children? The causes of the disease, which, as a rule, begins its development at school age, are a child’s prolonged uncomfortable position, wearing a heavy portfolio and other factors that adversely affect posture formation. In this case, the curvature of the spinal column can be not only lateral, but also sagittal.
  5. Static. The reason for the development of this type of ailment is injuries of the pelvic bones and spine, tuberculosis of the hip joint and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. This type of scoliosis in children in the lumbar spine is detected.
  6. Sciatica. This type of scoliosis occurs in a child after suffering a severe form of sciatica. At the same time, the spinal column bends in the opposite direction from the painful area of ​​the back.

Forms of scoliosis

An affliction affecting the spinal column may be:

  1. C-shaped. For this form of scoliosis, the curvature has only one arc.
  2. S-shaped. In this case, the curvature is expressed by two arcs.
  3. Z-shaped. This form of spinal curvature has three arcs at once.


Scoliosis is detected in various parts of the spinal column.

At the place of its localization, it happens:

  • cervical;
  • cervicothoracic;
  • thoracic (thoracic);
  • lumbar-thoracic;
  • lumbar (lumbar);
  • combined (in the presence of S, as well as Z-shaped arcs).

Degrees of scoliosis

Depending on the magnitude of the spinal deformity, the ailment is:

  1. First degree. It is diagnosed with almost imperceptible changes in the spine. You can confirm the presence of the disease only by making radiological images. Scoliosis of the 1st degree of the spine in a child is characterized by an angle of lateral deviation of not more than ten degrees.
  2. Second degree. At this stage of the disease, spinal deformity becomes visible visually. In this case, an asymmetric arrangement of the shoulder blades and shoulders can be observed, accompanied by torsion (rotation of the vertebrae around the vertical axis). With scoliosis of the spine in children of 2 degrees, the deviation angle, which can be measured by an x-ray, reaches twenty-five degrees.
  3. Third degree. At this stage of the development of the disease, a rib hump occurs in the child. In this case, the spinal column sharply changes its activity. The X-ray deformation angle is within 40 degrees. The third degree of scoliosis of the spine in children is characterized by the appearance of pulmonary and heart failure. A sick child suffers from shortness of breath, which occurs in him even with the smallest physical exertion, severe sweating and weakness.
  4. Fourth degree. At this stage of the disease, there is a clear deformation of the spine, which can be noticed even when the child is dressed. In this case, the angle of inclination exceeds 50 degrees. You can recognize the fourth degree of scoliosis by the barrel-shaped form of the chest, visually short body and elongated limbs. In addition, the child can observe significant changes in the functioning of internal organs. Complains of such a patient and swelling of the limbs. With this degree of ailment, a person is a disabled person who needs constant care and assistance.

Scoliosis test

Caring parents can themselves detect the curvature of the spine in their child. To do this, a simple test is carried out, during which the baby should be asked to turn his back to the adult, not to strain and lower his arms, stretching them along the body. If the parents notice that their child has one shoulder slightly higher than the other or a similar asymmetrical arrangement is characteristic of the shoulder blades, and if the distance from the body to the arm is greater on one side than on the other, then you should ask the child to lean forward.

In this position, you can see that the vertebrae do not lie on the same line. If parents noticed even one of the signs of scoliosis listed above, then they should immediately take their child to the doctor. This will allow you to timely diagnose or exclude the presence of an ailment. Scoliosis of the spine in children (photo can be seen below) can be successfully eliminated only with early treatment started in a timely manner.

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The child’s body is not yet fully formed. It still continues to grow, which allows it to resist the progression of pathology.

Possible complications

Do not assume that the problem associated with curvature of the spine will pass in the child by itself. In addition, the development of even a moderate form of the disease in children and adolescents may cause quite serious complications. Among them:

  • violation of respiratory and cardiac activity due to changes in the shape of the chest, which begins to put pressure on the heart and lungs;
  • the occurrence of back problems in the form of chronic pain;
  • a negative change in the child’s posture, gait and appearance in the form of protruding ribs, uneven shoulders, as well as the psychological state of the patient, who begins to be ashamed of his body.

Effective Therapies

What treatment can be prescribed for scoliosis of the spine in children? It is carried out after visiting a specialist and selecting an individual complex of necessary measures. What can they be? We will get acquainted with each of them in more detail.

Therapeutic regimen

A patient with scoliosis needs to sleep only on an orthopedic mattress, eat a balanced diet, stop playing sports, excluding increased physical exertion, and begin to regularly perform special gymnastics exercises designed to correct posture.

Exercise therapy

Gymnastics with scoliosis of the spine in children is one of the main methods used in the complex treatment of the described problem. Performing special physical exercises allows you to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back, improve the motor activity of the vertebrae, and also activate the blood supply to the tissues.


In the presence of scoliosis of the spine in children, an individual complex of special exercises should be selected. He is appointed by an exercise therapy specialist who determines the intensity and degree of exercise. If necessary, the exercises can be adjusted.

During gymnastics, static and dynamic loads should be alternated. Some of the recommended exercises a child can perform independently at home. For instance:

  1. From the supine position, stretch your arms forward. During inhalation, raise straight legs and arms. On exhalation, return the body to its original position.
  2. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Perform leg movements as if pedaling on a bicycle.
  3. Raising your arms up, walk on your heels and then on your toes.


This procedure is used as an auxiliary method of treating the disease. Massage with scoliosis of the spine in children can improve blood circulation in the area that has undergone deformation. This procedure eliminates pain and strengthens the muscular system.

A massage session is sometimes differentiated. So, they make it relaxing in the hypertrophic zone and tonic in the atrophied one.

Consider the stages of this treatment procedure. At first, the masseur easily works out the soft tissues, and then has a profound effect on the muscles. After that, the deformation is corrected and the result obtained is fixed. The average massage course is from 15 to 20 treatments. The first sessions last no more than 20 minutes. Then gradually this time increases and reaches 50-60 minutes.

Posture Corrector

Is there another method with which the treatment of scoliosis of the spine in children is carried out? Depending on the localization of the curvature and its degree, an orthopedist can choose a posture corrector for the child. This is a special product that must be worn for a long period of time. In the process of the child’s growth, the posture corrector is periodically adjusted to fit his figure.

girl in correctional corset

Juvenile scoliosis is eliminated with the help of declinators. These products serve to support the muscles of the upper thoracic region, while correcting a small stoop. With more pronounced scoliosis, the orthopedist recommends wearing a chest belt and bandage to his patient.


This treatment method to eliminate spinal curvature is ineffective. However, its use in combination with therapeutic exercises, massage and other methods will help to strengthen their action and accelerate the recovery of the child. Physiotherapeutic methods can restore metabolism, activate blood circulation to tissues, eliminate signs of inflammation and pain. This type of treatment will help the correct distribution of loads on the muscles and on the spine. Consider the most effective methods of physiotherapy.

Charcot's shower

This method is a hydromassage procedure. During such a shower, water in the form of a jet is supplied under pressure. In this case, the specialist directs her to the deformed area of ​​the spine. Holding Charcot's shower regularly helps eliminate curvature.

hydromassage procedure

It should be borne in mind that when water is supplied with excessively high pressure, spinal deformity can be further enhanced. That is why in sanatoriums the procedure is carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist.


With pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, spasms of a certain muscle group are often observed. Eliminate this phenomenon allows electrical stimulation of tissues. The muscles are exposed to a current of a certain power, which saves the patient from pain caused by muscle strain.

Electrophoresis allows drugs to penetrate deeply lying layers of the skin. In this zone, the active substances of the agents used break up into ions, acting on the pathology site for several weeks.

Ultrasound Exposure

The phonophoresis procedure helps to restore blood circulation in the tissues and eliminate signs of inflammation. Ultrasound allows drugs to penetrate deep into the skin, where they will ease pain.

Heat treatment

This method is also often used to eliminate scoliosis of the spine in children. In this case, both natural and artificial heat sources are used. The positive effect of the procedure is as follows:

  • restoration of outflow of blood and lymph;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • removal of decay products.

All the above actions explain the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of heat therapy.

Surgical intervention

The method of eliminating scoliosis using a surgeon's scalpel is used only with an advanced form of the disease, when it negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism. Indications for surgery are the deviation of the spine from the axis by an angle of more than 40 degrees, as well as the presence of pain that cannot be stopped with drugs. Surgical intervention is also carried out with intensive progression of the disease, as well as with neurological disorders that have arisen in the patient.

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