Tablets from motion sickness "Dramina" for children: reviews, instructions for use, description and composition

Is it possible to give the drug "Dramina" to children? Reviews about the effectiveness of this tool, as well as about the possibility of applying it to a child, will be presented later. In addition, you will learn about the properties of the medication in question and how it should be used correctly.

dramina children reviews

Form, description and composition of the drug

In what form is the drug "Dramina" made for children? Reviews of doctors claim that this tool goes on sale in the form of round, white and flat tablets with chamfers and risk.

The active element of this medication is dimenhydrinate. The tablets also include auxiliary components such as lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, crospovidone, microcrystalline cellulose and povidone.

The drug "Dramina" is produced for children (price, reviews about this medicine are listed below) in blisters that are packaged in packs of paper.

Features of the disease in which the drug "Dramina" is prescribed

What is the purpose of prescribing the drug "Dramina" to children? Reviews indicate that this drug is actively used for kinetoses. For those who do not know, we recall that this term means a motion sickness, that is, a feeling of motion sickness and nausea arising from monotonous vibrations. As a rule, it manifests itself during sea voyages in water transport. Also, this disease often makes itself felt in the process of driving a car, train, bus or flying in an aircraft.

The strength of the manifestation of kinetosis directly depends on the strength of motion sickness. Most often, children encounter such a pathological condition, including with a long swing on a regular swing.

As for the fairer sex, they suffer from motion sickness several times more often than the strong half of humanity. However, experts say that children from 2 years old suffer most from this disease. As is known, approximately 58% of all children are sick at this age.

dramina instructions for use for children reviews

Pharmacological properties of the drug

Now you know why Dramina is prescribed for children.

Reviews say that the principle of action of this drug is based on its ability to block m-cholinergic receptors of the central nervous system and histamine H 1 receptors. Also, the drug in question inhibits vestibular stimulation (affects otoliths).

The medication used in high dosages is able to exert an effect on the semicircular canals and eliminate dizziness. In addition, antiemetic, anorexigenic, sedative and moderate antiallergic properties are characteristic of this drug.

Kinetic indicators of the drug

How quickly does the therapeutic effect manifest itself, if you give the drug "Dramina" to children? Reviews of experts say that the onset of the action of this drug is noted already 20-30 minutes after its direct administration and lasts for 3-5 hours.

According to the attached instructions, after taking the tablets inside, their active component, dimenhydrinate, is quite well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and distributed throughout all tissues and organs. In small quantities, it is excreted along with breast milk and is almost completely excreted by the kidneys (during the day).

dramina for kids price reviews

Indications for taking oral tablets

Why is the drug “Dramina” indicated for children? Reviews (the dosage of this medication is presented below) report that the drug in question is highly effective in the following conditions:

  • kinetoses (i.e. with airborne as well as seasickness);
  • for the treatment and prevention of signs of labyrinth and vestibular disorders, including dizziness, nausea and vomiting, with the exception of symptoms that were caused by anticancer treatment;
  • Meniere's disease.

Drug prescribing bans

In what cases can not be prescribed the drug "Dramina" from motion sickness for children? The reviews of experienced specialists, as well as the attached instructions for use, indicate the following contraindications to this medication:

  • children's age up to one year;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy period;
  • herpetic or exudative dermatoses (acute);
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • high sensitivity of the patient to the components of the drug.
    dramina for children reviews of doctors

Medication "Dramina": instructions for use for children

Reviews report that the drug in question can be prescribed to babies only from 1 year of life. Up to 6 years, this drug is recommended to be taken in an amount of 12.5-25 mg three times a day. At the age of 7 to 12 years, this medicine is usually prescribed in a dose of 25-50 mg with the same multiplicity.

How long can I take Dramina oral tablets for children under 3 years of age? Reviews report that the duration of treatment with this agent depends on the strength of motion sickness and the manifestations of kinetosis.

The drug in question should be taken before meals. If necessary, it can be pulverized and mixed with baby food.

Method of use in adults

About the dosage in which the drug "Dramina" is prescribed for young children, we described above. As for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, this drug is prescribed to them in an amount of 50-100 mg three times a day. It should be noted that the maximum daily dose of this medicine is 350 mg.

In order to prevent kinetosis, it is recommended to take 50-100 mg of the drug half an hour before the intended trip.

dramina from motion sickness for children reviews

Side effects

When taking Dramina tablets, the following adverse reactions may occur:

  • Skin rash, headache, angioedema, nervousness.
  • Bronchospasm, drowsiness, anxiety, drug dermatitis.
  • Dry mouth, dizziness, decreased appetite, general weakness, insomnia.
  • Fatigue, decreased blood pressure, impaired concentration, nausea.
  • Weakening of color, as well as night vision, violation of accommodation.
  • Tachycardia, vomiting, hemolytic anemia, dry nasal mucosa.
  • Difficulty urinating, thickening of the bronchial secretion.

Overdose cases

In case of an overdose of Dramina, such symptoms as dryness in the throat, in the mouth and nose, difficulty and slow breathing, redness of the face and confusion can occur. Also, children may have cramps and hallucinations.

dramina children under 3 years old reviews

To treat such conditions, gastric lavage is performed using activated charcoal and a saline laxative is prescribed. For convulsions in children , the drugs “Diazepam” and “Phenobarbital” are used.

Drug Interactions

With the simultaneous administration of Dramina, the effects of alcohol, tricyclic antidepressants, hypnotics and sedatives, catecholamines, atropine and barbiturates, as well as antipsychotics, are enhanced. In addition, this medication weakens the effect of anticoagulants and corticosteroids. It also reduces the depressive effect of acetylcholine on the heart muscle.

The parallel use of "Dramina" with scopolamine, bismuth preparations, psychotropic drugs and analgesics increases the likelihood of visual impairment.

This medication is incompatible with antibiotics that have an ototoxic effect.

Drug Reviews

Numerous reviews about the drug "Dramina" note its high effectiveness. Parents of young children claim that the effect of this medication appears literally 35 minutes after taking the tablets. Moreover, they immediately stipulate that this drug almost immediately causes severe drowsiness. Although such an adverse reaction does not occur in all small patients. Specialists associate the sedative effect of this medication with the peculiarity of the nervous system of a particular child.

Dramina children dosage dosage

Also, patients are pleased with the low cost of the drug in question. It is about 180 rubles for 10 tablets.

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