Arthrosis of the arched joints: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

In the structure of the spine, the joints between the vertebrae are called arcuate (or facet) joints. Thanks to them, a person can bend, bend and rotate the body. If the cartilaginous tissue of the arched joints becomes thinner, arthrosis will occur. Such a disease prevents a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, as it provokes the appearance of excruciating back pain. In addition, arthrosis of the arched joints disrupts the spine.

What are the causes of arthrosis?

Excess weight

Most often, the chronic form of the disease of the arched joints is found in older people. As medical practice shows, the most common cause of pathology is the physiological aging of the body. There are several more factors that can provoke arthrosis of the arched joints. Namely:

  • trauma and chronic overload of the spine;
  • obesity;
  • physical inactivity;
  • endocrine disease, which led to cartilage dystrophy;
  • congenital anomaly;
  • infectious disease;
  • unstable lumbar vertebra, which can easily move to one side;
  • active smoking of cigarettes;
  • systematic stress.

To prevent the appearance of pathology, experts recommend eating properly and balanced, leading an active lifestyle and treating infectious diseases in a timely manner. In this way, you can reduce the risk of developing arthrosis of the arched joints.

Symptoms of the disease

Low back pain

If there are irregularities in the functioning of the arched joints in the sacrum, aching pain occurs that spreads to the entire pelvis. Painful sensations most often appear when lifting weights or active movement. With untimely treatment, the soreness intensifies and begins to bother the patient even when lying down. If the arched joints are deformed, the patient feels tingling, numbness and discomfort in the buttocks and lower back.

At the last stage of the development of arthrosis of the arched joints, the symptoms are pronounced, the pain becomes unbearable, the patient can no longer lie or walk quietly. Due to the development of the inflammatory process in the lower back, any movement causes discomfort and pain.

If one of the symptoms of arthrosis of the arched joints appears, you should consult a doctor.

Patient Examination Process


If there is even slight back pain - a facet syndrome - experts recommend immediately contacting a rheumatologist. The doctor will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment. During the examination of the patient, the doctor evaluates:

  • whether crunching is present during flexion of the lower back;
  • Does the pain in motion intensify;
  • how strong morning stiffness and limited mobility.

In order to exclude other diseases of the spine, the specialist gives a referral to the patient for laboratory tests and an x-ray of the lumbosacral region.

To assess the cartilage structure of the spine, the degree of compression of tendons and muscles, the level of involvement in soft tissue arthrosis, the patient should have an MRI. Based on the results of the study, the attending physician prescribes the appropriate treatment. It is forbidden to engage in self-medication, since the use of ointments at home can be harmful. When one of the symptoms of arthrosis of the arched joints appears, you must go to the hospital.

How is the treatment?

First of all, it is important to reduce pain and limit the progression of joint destruction, restore activity and improve the patient's quality of life. Therapy should be comprehensive and carried out on an outpatient basis. Treatment in a hospital should be carried out only if the disease is too neglected. The treatment of arthritis and arthrosis includes:

  • massage therapy;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • physiotherapy;
  • orthopedic correction of the spine.

If the main cause of the disease is overweight, then the doctor prescribes a diet for the patient. In frequent cases, a rheumatologist recommends focusing on vegetables and fruits, not eating fatty, spicy and high-calorie foods. Small portions, fractional nutrition will help improve the overall health of the patient.

Drug treatment

Pills in hand

With the help of medicines, you can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and improve the well-being of the patient. During therapy, a specialist prescribes:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug to block pain and relieve inflammation in the cartilage of the joints.
  2. With the help of injections, tablets, gels and ointments, complex therapy of arthritis and arthrosis is carried out. The duration of treatment is determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  3. Effectively anesthetize and relieve inflammation "Ibuprofen", "Aspirin", "Phenylbutazone", "Muscle relaxant".
  4. Muscle relaxants will help reduce muscle tone. Thanks to this type of drug, you can get rid of spasms and normalize blood circulation. It is impossible to cure diseases with the help of muscle relaxants alone, since they only eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Among the most famous and popular tablets for arthrosis are Baclofen, Midokalm, Sirdalud.
  5. Thanks to chondroprotectors, cartilage tissue is regenerated. With their help, you can restore joints and slow down the destruction of cartilage. The duration of treatment in frequent cases is several months. Among the most effective chondroprotectors, the medicine "Arthra" is isolated.

Doctors do not recommend taking arthrosis pills at home without a doctor's prescription, since self-medication can exacerbate the problem. The duration of the course of treatment should be determined strictly by the attending physician.

Physiotherapeutic Therapies

If a person is diagnosed with arthrosis of the arched joints, then the treatment process must necessarily include physiotherapeutic procedures that are performed in a hospital. Thanks to such treatment, it is possible to reduce the burden on the body from medications and enhance the effect of other types of therapy. The complex treatment of arthrosis of the arches of the lumbar spine joints includes the following physiotherapeutic procedures:

  1. Using laser therapy, you can eliminate pain and improve the overall well-being of the patient. The laser helps to normalize blood circulation and positively affects the affected joint.
  2. Electrophoresis avoids the side effect of drugs and enhances their effectiveness.
  3. The use of magnetotherapy will help increase blood vessel tone and restore a damaged joint. Due to this, inflammatory processes are eliminated in the lumbar region and metabolic phenomena are improved.
  4. Cryotherapy will help get rid of pain and relieve tissue swelling.

Depending on the general state of the patient’s health and the severity of the pathology, the doctor prescribes a specific method of treatment for arthrosis of the arched joints of the lumbar spine. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.


With the help of massage and physiotherapy exercises, blood circulation in the lumbar region can be activated. Regular exercise will help strengthen the muscle corset and increase the mobility of the intervertebral joints. Thanks to the circular movements of the body, swimming and exercises with a hoop, the general condition of the patient can be improved. After finding out the cause of arthrosis of the arched joints, the doctor selects those exercises that will help the patient recover faster.

Orthopedic corset and collar

In the process of treatment can not do without an orthopedic regimen. During the treatment of the disease, it is important not only to control nutrition, but also to wear an orthopedic product: collar, corset, belt, bandage. They will help fix the spine in the required position. Most often, the doctor prescribes an orthopedic device in case the disease worsens. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor determines the type of fixation.

Alternative medicine

Acupuncture process

To relieve severe pain in the spine and improve the general condition of the patient, non-traditional methods of treatment are widely used, which have gained immense popularity. Innovative methods of therapy include:

  1. Manual therapy. With this treatment, you can increase mobility and prevent atrophy of the muscles of the lower back. After one session, spasms are relieved, pain is eliminated and mobility of the arched joints of the spine is returned. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor determines the duration of the course of treatment.
  2. Acupuncture has a beneficial effect on the joints. The procedure allows you to eliminate pain and activate the internal process of the body.
  3. Hirudotherapy enhances immunity, normalizes the functioning of cells, relieves inflammation and pain, improves blood circulation. During therapy, leeches are used. Their saliva contains a biologically active substance that is able to positively affect the human immune system.

Before using any method of treatment, it is important to consult a doctor and carry out a medical examination. You should know that in the process of hirudotherapy, only medical leeches are used, which are not dangerous to human health, unlike marsh ones.

Alternative methods of treatment

Infusions of herbs

In case of spinal injury, it is important to go to the hospital immediately. Before using any folk remedy, you need to consult a doctor. Do not underestimate folk recipes, as they have exactly the same powerful effect as pharmacology. Among the most effective tools are:

  1. Juniper tincture is used in order to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of arthrosis of the arched joints. To prepare it, it is necessary to combine juniper berries, field horsetail, St. John's wort and birch buds in equal proportions. Next, they need to grind and mix. Pour 1 tbsp. l herbs with a glass of boiling water. Insist for an hour. Consume before meals. The duration of the course of treatment and the dose are determined by the attending physician.
  2. With the help of cabbage juice, you can restore the metabolic process in the body and increase immunity. To cook it, you need to grind the vegetable in a blender or pass through a juicer. It is important to carefully strain the infusion and take a glass before meals. Such a tool will effectively eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of arthrosis of the arched joints.
  3. Using eucalyptus tincture for grinding, you can eliminate pain. For cooking, pour 200 grams of the leaves of the plant 0.8 liters of alcohol. The drug should be infused for a week. Rub into the lumbar region every day before bedtime. The duration of treatment is several weeks.

Before using any folk remedy, you should undergo an examination with a doctor. Self-medication can harm. The treatment process for arthrosis of the arched joints must be strictly controlled by a specialist.

Preventive measures: recommendations of doctors

Girl on the street

Doctors are of the opinion that the main enemy of the disease is cold. It is important not to supercool. In winter, woolen and warm clothes should be worn. It is equally important to eat and exercise correctly, as physical inactivity often provokes the onset of the disease. The diet should include:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • chicken eggs;
  • cauliflower;
  • beef;
  • dairy products.

It is important to exclude fatty and high-calorie foods. You must constantly monitor your weight. This will help prevent problems in the joints. Doctors concluded that smoking cigarettes adversely affects the joints and the general state of human health.

Note to patient

At home, it is not recommended to carry out treatment, as this can harm and worsen the general well-being of the patient. If one of the signs of facet joint syndrome appears, it is important to consult a doctor immediately. You should know that at the initial stage of the development of the disease, treatment is much faster and more effective. Any folk remedy must be taken strictly as prescribed by the attending physician. Based on the results of the patient’s examination, the specialist will prescribe drugs that will help to eliminate soreness in the lower back as soon as possible. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, you can quickly cure the facet joint syndrome.

In the process of carrying a baby, women often encounter lower back pain. This is due to the fact that the baby puts pressure on the pelvic organs. Under such circumstances, many doctors prescribe a bandage. It is not recommended to independently carry out treatment, since the health of the child depends on this. As medical practice shows, some time after birth, the pain subsides.

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