"Vertigohel": instructions for use, reviews, composition and analogues

In this article, we consider the instructions for use with Vertigohel, analogues and reviews.

It is a homeopathic multicomponent preparation, the influence of which is due to the elements that enter it.

vertigohel instructions for use

The composition of the drug

The medicine in the form of drops includes active homeopathic components: cocamulus anamirt, rectificatum petroleum, grisea ambergris, maculatum conium. An additional substance is ethanol.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Vertigohel. Resorption tablets contain such active homeopathic components as cocamulus anamirta, rectificatum petroleum, grisea ambergris, maculatum conium. Additional substances: magnesium stearate and lactose.

The injection contains cocculus anamirt, grisea ambergris, rectificatum petroleum, maculatum conium. Auxiliary components - sodium chloride and water for injection.

Drug Release Form

According to the instructions for use, "Vertigohel" is made in the form of drops for internal use and lozenges.

The drug in the form of drops is packed in bottles with a dropper (30 ml), placed in a pack. In the form of tablets, the product is packaged in 50 pieces in a white polypropylene pencil case, placed in a box.

Solution for injection is packaged in five or one hundred ampoules in a pack.

vertigohel instruction

Pharmacological effect of this drug

The medicine “Vertigohel” is distinguished by oligodynamic, vasodilating and psychotonic effect.

Pharmacodynamics of a homeopathic remedy

What does the instruction to “Vertigohel” tell us? This drug produces a stimulating effect, which is aimed at the central nervous system, affects the brain and spinal cord, causing adrenaline synthesis and its exit into the synaptic cleft. The components in its composition harmoniously complement each other, while having a rather mild and at the same time significant effect on the nervous system. The effect of the drug is determined by the characteristics of the substances contained in it. Cocamulus anamirt is prescribed for the treatment of nausea and motion sickness caused by defects in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, as well as cerebral sclerosis. In addition, it is used for depression, disorders of the nervous system, mood disorders, with various types of dizziness and lack of sleep. So it is said in the instructions for use with "Vertigohel."

Maculatum conium helps with depression and cerebral sclerosis.

Grisea ambergris is recommended for nervous and psychoemotional exhaustion, defects in the functioning of the autonomic system, cerebral sclerosis, depression and premature aging.

Rectificatum petroleum is effective in the treatment of dizziness, defects in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, inflammation in the digestive tract.

vertigohel instructions for use reviews

Indications for the use of the medication

In accordance with the instructions for use, "Vertigohel" is prescribed during therapy:

  • dizziness with neurogenesis or vascular nature;
  • conditions after concussion or after traumatic brain injury.

Contraindications to the use of medication

As indicated by the instructions for use with Vertigohel drops and tablets, it is undesirable to treat this drug with:

  • sensitivity of the patient to the components included in its composition:
  • pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding;
  • at a minor age.

Resorption tablets should not be prescribed for intolerance or lactase deficiency.

Care should be taken when prescribing the drug to patients with liver pathology, traumatic brain injuries with complications, suffering from brain diseases and alcoholism.

Side effects of using the drug

According to the instructions and reviews for “Vertigohel”, during treatment allergic reactions may develop. When they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

vertigohel drops instructions for use

Instructions for use "Vertigohel"

Each form of the drug is taken orally.

"Vertigohel" in the form of tablets is recommended to dissolve three times a day, one at a time.

In the event of sudden attacks of nausea and dizziness in an acute form, at first it is required to take one tablet every fifteen minutes, but no more than two hours. Therapy lasts about 2-3 weeks.

For the purpose of prevention, as well as treatment of dizziness that occurs in transport, you need to take one tablet every fifteen minutes. This should be done one hour before the trip or for an hour during the trip. Then it is recommended to drink three times, one tablet every day.

In the form of drops, the drug is prescribed in ten drops. Initially, they dissolve in water (100 ml). You need to do this three times every day.

In case of sudden attacks of nausea and dizziness in an acute form, it is necessary to take ten drops every fifteen minutes, but not more than two hours. Therapy lasts 2-3 weeks.

vertigohel instruction reviews

In order to prevent and get rid of dizziness that occurs in transport, you need to take ten drops every fifteen minutes. It is advisable to do this an hour before or within an hour on the trip.

If the drug is not effective enough, you should consult a specialist.

In the form of a solution, “Vertigohel” is administered intramuscularly. Its standard dosage is one ampoule 1-3 times a week. If the case is especially severe, then two ampoules per day can be used. A child from one to three years old is allowed a third of the ampoule, from three to six - half, after six - an adult dose.

Special conditions for taking the medicine

Due to the use of homeopathic remedies, the existing symptoms may temporarily worsen, that is, primary deterioration occurs.

In this case, stop treatment and consult a doctor. In addition, a specialist should be consulted in the absence of a therapeutic effect for 2-3 weeks.

When prescribing tablets to patients with diabetes, it should be remembered that one tablet contains carbohydrates, which are equal to 0.025XE.

vertigohel instructions for use tablets

When treating with a drug in the form of drops, one should refrain from driving a vehicle and engaging in hazardous activities where increased attention and high-speed psychomotor reactions are required.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use with Vertigohel. Reviews are presented below.

Analogues of this medication

This drug does not have exact analogues. “Tonginal”, “Betagistin”, “Trental” and “Tenoten” have a similar influence.

Drug Reviews

Medicines that help eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, dizziness and motion sickness are always popular. That is why the drug "Vertigohel" speaks at both medical and numerous women's forums.

Users often report that its effectiveness is not high enough. When prescribed to patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, relief is felt only in isolated cases, but mainly a very serious condition that resembles a feeling before passing out is preserved.

drops instructions for use

Experts believe that homeopathic remedies by no means in all cases can have a significant effect on the human body, in connection with which they give preference to classical medicines that have a persistent proven effect.

So, one should not rely only on the judgment about the safety of homeopathic treatment, since it often does not produce the desired effect. As you know, even mild dizziness and nausea can indicate the presence of significant disturbances in the activity of the nervous system. If in doubt about the appointment of a doctor, you can contact other specialists, and then choose a therapeutic course that will be effective.

We reviewed the tool "Vertigohel" instructions for use, analogues and reviews.

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