The best quotes about calm

The problem with many people is not that they do not actually have any life benefits. Often a person pays attention only to disturbing, disturbing moments. Calmness is an integral part of existence. To enjoy it fully and learn about the patterns of occurrence of this condition allow quotes and statements of wise people.

ability to be calm

Words by D. S. Chesterfield

Quotes about calm allow you to understand how important this quality is for a person. For example, the following statement belongs to Philip D.S. Chesterfield:

Lead a calm life - and you will die with a calm conscience.

When a person is worried and worried too much, he thereby drives himself into a trap. Do not pay too much attention to unimportant things that are the sources of today's excitement. Tomorrow all these things will seem insignificant. If you follow the alarm, without remembering the quote about Chesterfield’s calmness, you can make a lot of annoying mistakes. Therefore, everyone who would like to live a decent life does not need to focus on trifles.

Words by L. N. Tolstoy

This phrase belongs to the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. One cannot disagree with her:

The true strength of man is not in impulses, but in indestructible calm.

This quote about calm reveals the true value of this quality. When a person gives too much freedom to his impulses and passions, this invariably leads him to weakening, loss of spiritual strength. Also, such behavior in itself indicates an internal weakness.

Sometimes people make mistakes, believing that if a person does not respond evil to evil, then this indicates his excessive softness. In fact, restraining oneself is much more difficult than maintaining an “indestructible calm,” a quote about which recalls the true state of things. To become a strong personality, you need to train this skill in yourself. Even in a difficult situation, when you want to give free rein to feelings, you need to curb them. Learning this difficult art, a person gets a chance to gain true strength.

keep calm

Remark statement

Sometimes serious emotional storms lurk behind a person’s external calm. Not everyone will demonstrate them. In appearance, such a person may seem completely calm. But this is only a deceptive shell. And sometimes it happens that others do not want to take into account the fact that the external silence of a person does not yet speak about his inner peace. This is illustrated by the phrase from the book by E. M. Remarque, "Time to live and time to die":

“Do you smile and are you so calm?” Why don't you scream?

- I scream, but you don’t hear.

Erich Maria Remarque

Some more beautiful sayings

Quotes about peace of mind help to understand how to find this state. Here are a few more aphorisms that will appeal to true lovers of a quiet life.

When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world reassures better than millions of unnecessary words. Confucius.

You need to calmly understand yourself, not rush to conclusions, live as it should, and not chase like a dog behind its own tail. F. Kafka.

Walking conquers the cold, peace conquers the heat. Calmness creates order in the world. Lao Tzu.

The fool is scurrying around with all his might, starting a trifle, while the clever man remains calm, taking up a great cause. Indian folk wisdom.

Experiences absorb the energy of a person, and he does not have the strength for other, more important things. By listening to wise quotes about calm, a person gets the opportunity to learn how to more competently spend his strength. Popular wisdom and statements of great people on this topic do not lose their relevance - rather, today they have become even more necessary. Indeed, as never before, modern people need peace, measured life.

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