Actors of the film "Real": the main and secondary characters

Today, the actors of the film "Real" will be presented to your attention. Their photos are attached to this material. The director was Evgeny Zvezdakov. The script was created by Vladimir Bragin and Roman Lebedev.


Actors of the film "Real" are presented in the following sections, but for now let us dwell on the plot.

real actors

The picture tells about how bandits plan to seize power in the port border city. It can turn into a center for drug and arms trafficking. To implement the plan, the bandit group in the next election exposes its own candidate for mayor.

Their competitors are representatives of the authorities. They put forward another challenger. To destroy the plans of the attackers, an experienced operative and spy Vestnikov are sent to them.

Main participants

Actors of the film "Real" Sergei Makhovikov and Vladimir Epifantsev played the main characters: Leonid Vestnikov and the owner of the security agency "Lord" Vilen Larionov. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Sergey Makhovikov is an actor, writer, poet, director, songwriter and songwriter for television films. Born in Pavlovsk. He became a student of the Higher Naval Command School Frunze. Played in the films: “Simple-minded”, “Golden Bottom”, “Serpent Spring”, “Men's Work”.

Vladimir Epifantsev was born in Moscow in an acting family. His father is George Epifantsev. The elder brother, Mikhail Epifantsev, is also an actor. He is known for the role of the boy in the film "The meeting place cannot be changed."

Other heroes

Actors of the film "Real" Alexei Makarov and Svetlana Antonova appeared in the plot as Peter Grivin and Alla. Further we will talk about them.

film actors real photos

Alexey Makarov was born in Omsk. This city is also the birthplace of his mother. Father, Valery Makarov, married Lyubov Polishchuk. They got married when the girl was 17 years old. But they quickly parted - the future actor was four years old.

Svetlana Antonova was born in Moscow. She graduated from VTU Schukin. She played on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Satire. She participated in productions: “Secretaries”, “Apple Thief” and “Eight Women in Love”.

The actors of the film "Real" Vsevolod Tsurilo and Yegor Petrenko were remembered by the audience as Viktor Abashin and Styopa. We will also talk about these people.

Vsevolod Tsurilo was born in an acting family, in Novgorod. He was trained at St. Petersburg State Pedagogical Institute, in the course of VB Pazi. He joined the Lensovet Theater, but soon changed the stage and became an actor in the Akimov comedy theater.

Egor Petrenko was born on December 2, 2002 in St. Petersburg. He attended a gymnasium focused on in-depth study of the English language. Engaged in TUT since 2015.

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