Miakaltsik - bone health spray

Many of us know firsthand the various diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. Severe pain, difficulty in moving are just some of the symptoms, but there can be many more unpleasant sensations.

The skeletal system, despite its strength, is very fragile and delicate, so care about it is necessary from childhood. However, most often we do not do this and pay attention to it when we are already faced with a problem. There are many such problems, and the effective drug Miacalcic, a spray that can be used very easily, can help in the fight against some.

Drug information

This drug It is a tool that affects important phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the human body, and also corrects metabolism in tissues such as cartilage and bone. The preparation consists of: benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride , purified water, hydrochloric acid, and the main substance is synthetic salmon calcitonin (1 ml 200 IU).

Drug action

  • normalization of bone metabolism;
  • reduction of pain (a kind of analgesic);
  • increased excretion of sodium, calcium and phosphorus in the urine;
  • decreased gastric secretion;
  • decreased excretion of hydroxyproline;
  • increase in bone mineral density;
  • reduced risk of fractures.

Indications for use of medicine

"Miacalcic" is a spray that mainly used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, namely when:

  • osteolysis and osteopenia;
  • Paget's disease ;
  • osteoporosis (primary, secondary, postmenapausal);
  • neurodystrophic diseases;
  • hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • vitamin D poisoning


  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a baby.

Method of use and dosage

Depending on the disease, the dose of taking the drug "Miacalcyc" varies. At the same time, spray can not be consumed more than 400 IU per day. So, how do you use the medicine?

  • with osteoporosis, it is recommended to take 200 IU per day;
  • with osteolysis and osteopenia, 200 to 400 IU per day is prescribed (1 administration per day should not exceed 200 IU);
  • with Paget's disease, it is recommended to administer exactly 200 IU per day intranasally, but the dose can be increased to 400 IU in several administrations;
  • with neurodystrophic diseases, treatment is prescribed from two to four weeks, 200 IU is taken per day;
  • for other diseases, doses are prescribed by a doctor.

Side effects

"Miacalcic" is a spray that It does not often cause side effects, but among those that were fixed, the following were encountered:

  • rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • dryness in the nasal cavity, sneezing, nosebleeds, swelling;
  • allergy;
  • severe nausea, vomiting;
  • fatigue, headaches, dizziness;
  • loss or change in taste perceptions, as well as significant visual impairment;
  • flu symptoms.


In case of an overdose of Miacalcic, the following reactions are possible:

  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • hypocalcemia.

Interaction with other drugs

The interactions of the drug with other means, except lithium, are not known. When applying "Miacalcica" with lithium preparations, dose adjustment of the latter is possible.

"Miacalcyclic." Spray - reviews and opinions

Patients who have had to use the drug have a high efficiency spray. They advise him as an alternative to the direct use of calcium, so necessary to strengthen the skeletal system, but destroying the stomach. Many note a decrease in pain syndromes, as well as symptoms of diseases. Some note the high price of the drug, however, they immediately refer to the high degree of effectiveness of the drug. โ€œMiacalcicโ€ is a spray, the instruction of which is very simple and understandable.

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