Children's musical them. N.I. Sats Theater: hall scheme

There are not so many children's theaters in the repertoire of which there are interesting performances. One of them is named after Natalia Sats. The theater, the hall layout of which shows a large number of seats, is located on Vernadsky Avenue.

What is remarkable about this theater?

This place is noteworthy for the fact that it is the very first musical theater in the Soviet Union, focused on young spectators. Before him, theaters with a musical repertoire adapted to the perception of children and adolescents did not exist.

The troupe presented its first performance on the stage of the Variety Theater. It was the opera Frost, edited by M. I. Krasev.

The troupe entered the building, where performances are now being given, in 1979.

How is the theater?

The theater named after Natalia Sats, the layout of the hall of which clearly makes it clear that the building was built according to a typical project of the Soviet 70s, has two stages - large and small.

The large hall is designed for a total number of spectators of 1100 people. It gives quite full-fledged performances with the participation of a large number of artists, beautiful and complex decorations and lighting design.

Theater Route Map

The small stage is often referred to as a concert. The number of seats for spectators here is only 300. Here, as a rule, there are performances for the youngest visitors, for example, Aibolit. Concerts of the children's philharmonic society, various small music festivals and performances of teenage groups are also held here.

Where will it be more convenient to sit?

When planning to go to a play with a child, each parent is puzzled by the choice of location, no matter where it is planned to go, of course, the Sats Theater is no exception. The layout of the room where it is better to sit will not tell, it can only give an idea of ​​the remoteness of the scene and the viewing angle.

And given that in this theater performances are given related to auditory perception, that is, operas, vaudeville, operettas and other, acoustic features of the room are of paramount importance.

The big stage of the theater

Those who are going to visit a small stage have nothing to worry about. You can sit completely anywhere. The Small Hall has recently been completely renovated and is now one of the most modern and technically equipped in the country.

But with a big stage, everything is more complicated. A feature of typical projects for theaters for young spectators was the so-called sound hole. That is, this phenomenon, in the presence of which in certain places of the audience or nothing is heard at all, or the sound comes with interference. In some rooms in the sound pits there is an echo effect.

The curtain of the big scene

The big stage in building No. 5 on Vernadsky Avenue is no exception. If you are going to a performance here, you should not take tickets to the center of the hall, starting with a couple of the last rows of the stalls and ending with the middle of the amphitheater. There is no sound dip at the edges.

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