How to cook corn porridge in milk: recipe, tips

Every person who cares about healthy nutrition and a complete diet should know how to cook corn porridge in milk, and be sure to include it in your diet. So let's learn! The article gives recommendations and tips, as well as step-by-step instructions.

Healthy diet, full breakfast

Porridge began to gain great popularity along with an increasing tendency to popularize healthy eating. More and more people are inclined to change their eating habits to more wholesome, along with this it is important to know that corn porridge with milk is more useful than fried omelet for breakfast. However, many do not like the complexity of the cooking process, especially if it is breakfast.

Ready corn porridge

Surely the question of how to cook corn porridge in milk and the consistent answer that cooking takes at least 25 minutes immediately scares off half of the followers of a light breakfast. But you should not be so careless about this type of cereal, as it has many useful elements and vitamins. The content of vitamins of the whole group B, vitamin A, PP and E, as well as 13 minerals, can significantly cover their deficiency in the body.

Cooking methods

Consider two methods for boiling corn porridge in milk in order to choose the best one for yourself.

First you need to determine the number of servings. For 3-5 servings, you will need only a half cup of corn grits and 2 cups of water, optionally you can add milk. But since the cooking time is 25-30 minutes, it must be taken into account that the liquid will still evaporate, so the cereal can be brought to readiness on water.

First, rinse the cereals thoroughly and boil water. Before adding the cereal to the water, it is necessary to salt the liquid to taste, then gradually pour the corn groats, stirring. Our classic first option is cooking in a pan. If you cook it in a pan, then you need to stir often, otherwise, thickening, the porridge will stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. Do not worry, when stirring, the porridge cooks perfectly, does not burn and does not crumple, and the final result will satisfy any avid picky.

corn porridge in a beautiful serving

For the second cooking option, you will need a multicooker. Cooking corn porridge in milk in a slow cooker is easy and simple. The non-stick functions of the multicooker bowl and its special purpose in the independent process of bringing food to readiness allow you to not watch for constant stirring. You can pre-pour water (not boiled), pour out corn grits, set a timer for 30 minutes and go about your business. Half an hour - and a delicious, healthy breakfast is ready without much effort!

If the question of how much to cook corn porridge in milk is not settled, then we will consider it in more detail. So, the minimum cooking time for corn porridge is 25 minutes, during this period of time the grains are well digested and become easily digestible. If you don’t finish the porridge, then unpleasant symptoms of heaviness in the stomach may appear, although during the meal you may not be completely ready. Remember that corn porridge has an excellent property of enriching and cleansing the body thanks to fiber, and if you are not too lazy and cook corn porridge according to the correct recipe once, following all the tips, then in the future this process will seem very simple.

Do not let the delusions rob you of a nutritious breakfast!

One of the most important questions for parents is how to cook corn porridge in milk for a child. To begin with, consider the age of the child. If the baby is 2 to 5 years old, then one trick can be applied, which will facilitate the eating of porridge. Ready steamed corn porridge with milk, can be mashed using a submersible blender. After this, the porridge becomes very tender in consistency, and for taste and as a sweetener, you can add a handful of fresh berries or dried fruits.

corn porridge with vegetables and shrimp

You ask, are there any nuances in how to cook corn porridge in milk? This is easy, there is no strict technology in the preparation, while there are many options to diversify the supply of corn porridge. In the preparation of any, even the most unpretentious, dishes, every housewife has her own methods. Perhaps the most important aspect in the proper preparation of this porridge is time: the longer the cereal is cooked, the tastier it will be in the end. There is one good tip for preparing corn grits for cooking. First grind it thoroughly in a coffee grinder, then cook it, so you can save a little time, because due to fine grinding the grits will be cooked faster.

Porridge - healthy and nutritious, but if you add pumpkin?

Want to know how long it takes to cook corn porridge in milk with the addition of pumpkin and other healthy vegetables that go well with corn porridge, then pay attention to the recipe below.

  • Wash the corn grits thoroughly and arrange in portions in clay pots.
  • From above add cubed pumpkin, fill with water and milk in a ratio of 50/50.
  • After closing the lids, send to the oven for 25-30 minutes.

After readiness, add a little butter or ghee, in combination with a pumpkin it will be an unrivaled taste!

Probably those who are new to corn grits have the impression that the porridge made from it is combined exclusively with a sweet addition. But of course, this is a profound error. Corn porridge is easily combined with many more satisfying ingredients, it is a matter of taste. Therefore, more interesting recipes are provided for you in this article.

Corn porridge with pieces of cheese

Cooked corn porridge recipe

First you need to boil the porridge according to the recipe above.

Next, pass the vegetables over low heat: a couple of onions, one carrot, pepper and, if desired, mushrooms can be added. Once the vegetable mixture is ready, you can serve with corn porridge.

Recipe for making corn porridge with meat and vegetables in a slow cooker

Pour the washed cereal into the multicooker bowl, fill with water, set the timer for 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, open the cooker lid and mix the porridge. If the porridge has reached half-preparedness, then you need to add a little milk, gently lay on top the previously boiled chicken breast, broccoli, and cauliflower. Then close the lid and leave for another 15 minutes, after which the mega-healthy, dietary and satisfying cereal with vegetables and meat is ready!

corn porridge

Recipe for corn porridge baked with egg and herbs

So, another original recipe for how to cook corn porridge in milk. To do this, boil corn grits in advance until fully cooked. Dilute with milk, but do not bring to a liquid consistency. Put porridge in batches in clay pots or in foil, formulated so that the egg does not leak after adding. Next, add one egg to each serving of porridge without whipping. Cut greens and pour on top. Close tightly and send to the preheated oven for 3-5 minutes.

There are many ways to properly cook corn porridge in milk. Now you need to consider in more detail the use of corn porridge in the children's menu. Experts suggest introducing complementary foods in the form of corn porridge from 8-9 months. These age indicators are based on the fact that usually a ready-made dry mixture of corn porridge is introduced into the child’s diet, which has the desired consistency and instructions for portioning. But this does not mean that parents cannot make corn porridge for their child. Grind purchased cereals very carefully in a coffee grinder. For babies at the beginning of feeding, porridge should be cooked for 40 minutes, stirring constantly.

ready-made corn porridge

Cooking sequence for babies

Long cooking provides easy digestibility by the children's digestive system. Corn grits are very useful, and how to cook porridge in milk, all parents need to know. The preparation of corn porridge in milk for children should be divided into two stages, the cooking time of cereals - 40-50 minutes - this is the first, and the addition of milk is the second. After pouring milk, traditionally close the lid and boil the porridge a little over low heat. As soon as the porridge is ready, send it to a blender or use a submersible, it is advised to do this, despite the fact that the cereal was initially ground. After the baby gets used to corn porridge, you can already add various fruits in order to diversify the diet of the child.

corn porridge with raisins on a background of dried apricots

Cook in advance and enjoy breakfast

In order not to spend time cooking corn porridge during breakfast, it can be boiled in water the night before. And for breakfast, get ready porridge from the refrigerator, pour milk and warm it up. So easily and simply you can diversify the preparation of corn porridge and introduce it into your diet. The most important advantage is the content of many useful vitamins and elements that have wonderful properties. Enjoy your meal!

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