Delayed menstruation and implantation bleeding are signs of pregnancy.

You have long dreamed of becoming a mother, and there is a high probability that the long-awaited conception has come. This is great news! However, after a few days, you suddenly find bloody discharge. A lot of questions immediately arise, with what this may be connected: menstruation, miscarriage, or maybe something else.

Most likely, you got the so-called implantation bleeding, the color of which is usually dark red or brown. What is it, and how it looks, we will try to understand this article. Delayed menstruation, toxicosis, implantation bleeding are signs of pregnancy, and one of the first. As a rule, at the moment when the fetal egg attaches to the uterine cavity, small vaginal discharge appears - this is the very bleeding in question. In terms of duration, these secretions occur within two to three days, and, as a rule, there is no painful syndrome, as during menstruation. Even if all of the above symptoms are observed, do not rush to diagnose implantation bleeding. The signs characteristic of such bleeding are as follows: this type of discharge appears before the fact of pregnancy is established, or, in other words, the moment of determining two strips on the test coincides with the date of the expected menstruation. This type of discharge comes on average in the range from 6 to 12 days after the proposed conception. Allocations can be allocated for several hours, or maybe a day, it all depends on the individual predisposition of the body. The complete absence of such secretions is also considered normal. Additional symptoms are known that are characteristic of secretions such as implantation bleeding. The signs are as follows: there is a heaviness in the lower abdomen, discomfort, and also intensifying weakness is noticeable. In addition, at the time of implantation of the egg, a decrease in basal temperature occurs. At the beginning of pregnancy, the basal temperature will exceed 37 degrees. It happens that after conception there are abundant blood vaginal discharge. In such cases, you need to contact a specialist and find out the cause of heavy bleeding. It is no secret that in the early stages a miscarriage is possible. Therefore, it is so important during the cure of the disease that has arisen, the result of which can be a similar kind of discharge.

Toxicosis, breast enlargement, menstrual delay, implantation bleeding are signs of pregnancy that appear in the early stages. But only implantation bleeding occurs even before the test can show two strips.

In order for the process of implantation of a fertilized egg to occur , preliminary fertilization of the egg, which has passed the maturation stage , is necessary. This process is real only in the period of ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. If, say, the cycle lasts about thirty days, then ovulation will begin on day 14, with an error of one to two days. And in order for the fertilized egg to move through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity, a period of about 14-16 days is also required. In other words, cell invasion can occur on day 27 of the menstrual cycle, i.e. just coincides with the beginning of planned menstruation. So a small discharge these days is quite real and absolutely safe and normal.

Many women do not notice the discharge before menstruation, mainly those who are not very concerned about the onset of pregnancy. But if you are carefully preparing for pregnancy and want to make a healthy baby, it is important to notice any new symptoms in your body, while you seek help from specialists. In itself, vaginal bleeding that occurs during the period of egg implantation is the most normal sign of pregnancy, indicating that the first steps to the formation of the fetus have already been taken. It is only important not to confuse normal vaginal bleeding with secretions caused by various diseases and infections that adversely affect the reproductive health of the expectant mother. Now you know what implantation bleeding looks like, so you can handle it all.

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