Great Russian writers and poets

As you know, Russian classical literature had a huge impact on the world. The works that were written by Russian writers and poets in their time are still relevant. Now we will try to consider the most characteristic features inherent in Russian classical literature, as well as the reasons that influenced the appearance of such a unique phenomenon.

The period of formation of Russian classical literature

As noted by many historians and literary scholars, the final period of the formation of the Russian word of art is considered to be the XVIII-XIX century, when Russian classical literature was formed as a kind of worldview and aesthetic phenomenon, expressing the peculiarities of the original Russian view of the world.

Russian writers and poets

It was during this period that social prerequisites formed for the formation of the Russian artistic word, which, it would seem, can bring to life any experience. It was at this time that the great Russian writers and poets worked. Their imperishable works are still being studied not only in, say, Russia, but also in many foreign countries.

The legacy of Russian writers is simply enormous, not only in volume, but also in cultural value. Look, after all, even Western cinema today reinterprets many life values ​​and takes pictures of such famous works of Russian classics as Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, etc.

poems about Russian writers and poets

And we are not talking about how many cartoons were created based on Pushkin's fairy tales, which often carried not only an artistic word, but also a huge philosophical load.

Spiritual background

In general, regarding the development of Russian classical literature, it can be noted that it has departed from Western soullessness and judiciousness that had formed at that time. The main role here was played by the immense Russian soul and Christian roots. In their works, Russian writers and poets tried to portray, so to speak, the truth of life, the life of the people, the sensuality and ingenuity of the Russian soul and the experiences inherent in it.

Many experts, for example, I. A. Ilyin, call Orthodoxy one of the main factors that influenced the development of the Russian word. Ilyin gives his understanding of this phenomenon, believing that it was an insight and wisdom, and "art in Russia was born as a prayer action." This was the “singing wisdom” that influenced the development of the entire literary genre in the world.

The development and influence of Russian classics on world literature

Russian classical literature in general, and Russian writers and poets in particular, have had a tremendous influence on world literature. At that time, it was completely different from all that was proposed by the Western powers.

portraits of Russian writers and poets

Russian classics departed from a certain one-sidedness of Western sentimentalism, enlightenment or romanticism. Of course, in the works one can find some tricks borrowed from Western literature, but they were used, so to speak, partially only for external perception, without affecting the very essence of each literary work.

Russian writers and poets about the war

In addition, many writers of that time, especially Lomonosov, Fonvizin or Derzhavin, many tend to compare with Shakespeare, Rabelais or Lope de Vega, who became the forerunners of the Western Renaissance.

Creative methods

Very often, in studies of such a phenomenon as Russian classical literature, the fact is mentioned that the beginning of its development is associated with the era of Peter I. Later, in the 19th century, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and their contemporaries are believed to have brought the Russian artistic word to perfection and finally solved the problem of national identity.

works of Russian writers and poets

It is no secret that the Patriotic War of 1812 had a great influence on the development of Russian classics. At that time, Russian writers and poets wrote a lot about the war. Who does not know the Borodino by M. Yu. Lermontov or the Hussar Ballads by Denis Davydov, who became a legend during his lifetime? In the works of many of them, the main preference is given to ordinary people, even despite the fact that they themselves left the nobility. The same Pushkin could have been with the Decembrists in Senate Square.

Separately, it is worth noting that, despite the kind of tragedy that is encountered by many classics, very often you can see an obvious caustic satire. Yes, take at least “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov, the “Examiner” by Gogol or Krylov’s fable.

Russian writers

The works of Russian writers and poets deserve all respect. It is recognized by the whole world. It is difficult to single out one writer among writers whose merits to the Fatherland in the literary field would be superior to others.

great Russian writers and poets

However, it is believed that Bolotov, Fonvizin, Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Griboedov, Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Herzen, Goncharov, Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov and many others had the greatest influence on the formation and development of Russian prose. Their works showed the whole world how rich the Russian language is capable of expressing and describing the slightest shades of the soul.

The most famous poets

Of course, among poets, Lomonosov and Derzhavin are considered to be lawmakers, who paved a kind of bridge to Pushkin, Lermontov, and then Tyutchev, Fet, etc. In general, even among writers of the Soviet period of the same Bloc, they are often considered classics of the Russian poetic word.

Russian writers and poets

A special role was played by Ivan Krylov, who wrote his fables. True, as it is now being raised, he borrowed many plots from the French writer Lafontaine, adapting and adapting them to the then Russian reality with pronounced hints.

Features of Russian cultural identity

By the way, if you carefully consider the portraits of Russian writers and poets, they give an idea of ​​that era, which was accompanied by an unprecedented rise in the artistic word. Outwardly - nobles, in the soul - ordinary people who are alien to the bombast of royal secular receptions. Look, how subtly many of them describe the human soul and its experiences! Probably, more than once many readers had a tear in their eyes when the same Gerasim drowned Mu-Mu. And this is not the only example.

As mentioned above, despite its noble origin, very many writers of that time wrote about the common people and their problems. Yes, take at least such a famous work as “Who lives in Russia well?” There you can learn a lot, and also learn a lot about the lives of ordinary people.

Perhaps, outwardly, the unity of the Russian classics with commoners did not appear, but it was they who sincerely believed that the Russian soul in all its irresistible guise was manifested exclusively among the people.

Poems about Russian writers and poets

Many grateful descendants and even contemporaries wrote almost odes to the writers of that time. Look, even the very Lermontov code created a still unfading masterpiece, "The Death of the Poet," dedicated to the death of Pushkin in a duel with Dantes.

What can I say! Poets who wrote about the wonderful Russian classics can be listed almost endlessly. These are Bryusov, Balmont, Ivanov, Antokolsky, Smelyakov, and many, many others.


Of course, it is simply impossible to consider all Russian classics in one article. However, it is thought that the above topic gives an idea of ​​how great the influence that Russian writers and poets had on world literature. Therefore, it is not surprising that the West is studying the Russian literary heritage and pays tribute to everything that was created by Russian classics.

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