Any disease leaves its mark on a person. Some have to give up their favorite pastime, and many of their favorite foods, because health is above all and it must be protected. This article will discuss alcohol and kidney stones: the consequences of drinking alcohol.
What do kidney stones look like?
These are whitish-gray formations, which include the calcium salt of phosphoric acid. Therefore, phosphate is easy to see during radiography. A photo of kidney stones is as follows.
They grow without creating problems for the body, without causing characteristic symptoms. At the same time, they gradually increase and can reach very large sizes.
Phosphates appear in an alkaline environment, in urine, and can easily dissolve. Using a special diet or medication, you can change the acidity of human secretions, which will lead to the destruction of stones.
The next type of stones found in the kidneys are oxalates. Their surface is uneven, there are protrusions resembling spikes, the color is dark gray, high density. Easily detected by ultrasound. Almost crush resistant.
Urates have a smooth appearance, tan. It is difficult to see them in an x-ray. Stones can be easily dissolved by changing the diet, using natural products and synthetic compounds.
Enemies or friends
Often you can hear the opinion that alcohol helps with urolithiasis. It is safe to say that this statement is false.
The kidneys in the human body play a very important role. They are a filter that protects the blood from harmful trace elements that are excreted along with urine.
It is no secret that strong drinks contain a large amount of toxins. The body must necessarily from them. Consequently, the load on the paired bean-shaped organ increases: it begins to work more intensively, spending a lot of energy on it. In the elimination of toxins, all the fluid of the kidneys is involved, which causes dehydration of the organ. Any alcoholic drink is characterized by a diuretic effect.
The question is now unlikely to be logical: does alcohol help in the fight against kidney stones? Of course not. It will not help to dissolve the stones, it will not prevent their appearance, but it will provoke stagnation of toxins in the body, including the bean-shaped organ, and reduce immunity.
What happens to the body
The negative role of alcohol has been known for a long time. When you take it, damage to the internal organs occurs: the kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart. In a word, the whole organism is “poisoned”. And do not think that only chronic alcoholics are destroying themselves. This is not true. This problem is also found in people who rarely drink strong drinks.
Alcohol and kidney stones are incompatible with each other. Alcohol is poison for the paired organ.
Gradually, it becomes clogged with toxins. Then stones begin to form. Diseases such as nephritis and kidney inflammation develop. The symptoms accompanying them appear: an increased content of protein in the blood and urine, fever, pain in the back.
Fans of alcoholic beverages should remember that constant intoxication of the paired organ leads to changes in the adrenal glands, disruption of the excretory system. Renal function decreases, decay products are not excreted. Poisoning occurs. A large number of harmful substances leads to kidney failure.
Kidneys and beer
Many people think that beer is not an alcoholic drink. Real beer can only be found in home breweries, and the rest is a mixture with additives, preservatives and other flavor enhancers. All these substances enter the human body, including the kidneys. If there are stones, then additional chemistry only makes it worse. Beer can also move the stones. Well, if everything goes without consequences, and suddenly complications?
This drink also has a diuretic property. After its use, the load on the urinary system greatly increases. Even after most of the fluid has been used up, the bean-shaped organ continues to work, but already in the dehydration mode.
It should be remembered that beer:
- It will not help to be saved from urolithiasis.
- Exacerbates a kidney problem.
- Does not dissolve stones in a paired organ.
- It will not help to avoid the appearance of stones.
What about Coca-Cola? This drink is non-alcoholic, but you can not abuse it. Some believe that it can dissolve calculi, but there is no evidence for this.
Can kidney stones from cola appear? (photo of which is given above). Yes they can. Regular consumption of this drink contributes to the formation of stones. In 2007, the Moscow Research Institute of Epidemiology conducted research.
Quickly remove pain
Renal pain is incomparable with anything - this is indicated by most people suffering from this disease. It’s simply impossible to watch the torment of a loved one, even if he is a lover of alcohol. Kidney stones: how to get rid of pain at home?
- Distract from pain and reduce their physical activity will help. You can just walk around the apartment, stroking a painful area.
- A warm bath will make your condition a bit easier.
- Drink plenty of still water (more than two and a half liters per day).
- The liquid can be replaced with a decoction of corn stigmas. This tool crushes and displays stones very well.
Now we turn to medical treatment - it is a mandatory addition to all of the above. Of course, all measures to get rid of the disease should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.
Drug treatment
The patient feels terrible if he has found kidney stones. How to get rid of pain using medicines? We’ll talk about this now.
When stones move, spasms appear - they help to reduce muscle and tissue. This, in turn, complicates the passage of stones in narrow places. To improve their discharge, medications that relieve spasm (No-shpa) are used. For acute pain, Ketanov will do.
To prevent infections and inflammations, the antibiotic Ciprinol is used. During treatment, you can not do without tools that affect the stones. An excellent drug for these purposes is Rendesmol. Urochol and Urolesan drops are also suitable.
At the first symptoms of renal colic, be sure to go to a specialist. He will conduct a complete diagnosis, determine the location and size of the stones. After that, the doctor will prescribe treatment for you. If the stones are very large, then surgical intervention is indispensable.
The consequences of a "wild" life
If you have not decided yet whether alcohol and kidney stones are “friends”, then knowing the consequences of a “wild” life will definitely help you decide. Drinking alcohol only aggravates the situation. At some point, a pathology of the paired organ occurs, which leads to the following consequences:
- Poisoning of all internal organs of the body occurs.
- Adrenal gland function is deteriorating. This process is irreversible.
- In the renal pelvis and bladder are inflammatory processes.
- Immunity is reduced.
- The bean-shaped paired organ is destroyed, which leads to its loss.
- Malignant formations appear.
All of the above once again proves that alcohol and kidney stones are incompatible. No help should be expected from alcohol, only new problems. One of them is organ dystrophy. Metabolic processes are disturbed, the level of harmful substances in cells and tissues increases. All this indicates that drinking alcohol with urolithiasis is prohibited. Think about it again, taking a glass in your hand.
Everyone should independently draw a conclusion and answer the questions: how does alcohol affect kidney stones? Can I use it?
Only after feeling all the pain of an illness, maybe people will find the strength in themselves to give up alcohol. Alcohol has not yet benefited anyone, especially in cases where the body is already weakened by disease.