Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: prevention, causes and treatment

Over the past few years, unflattering reviews from people resting on the Black Sea can be found in the media. The reason for such conversations is the incidence of intestinal infections among tourists. Is it really? It is possible that this information is false and distributed in order to reduce the number of vacationers on the coast. Otherwise, spending a vacation in the famous resorts of the Black Sea is dangerous. In fact, the situation is being tried by journalists and tourists who have been poisoned.

intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast

Incidence of intestinal infections in the Black Sea

Information that intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast is found in many vacationers appeared in 2012. Since then, such a rumor spreads more and more every year. The presence of foci of infection in this area is really a big problem not only for tourists, but also threatens the health of local residents and affects the profit of the owners of resort areas.

Everyone knows that the Black Sea has always been considered a great place to relax. A favorable climate and various amenities for tourists attract not only residents of Russia and Ukraine, but also people from other countries. In addition to recreation areas, on the Black Sea coast there are many resorts and resorts. They are intended for people with chronic diseases. Therefore, an outbreak of intestinal infections on the Black Sea coast is a large-scale problem. Nevertheless, it cannot remain unresolved, because not only the owners of the resorts, but also the government are interested in this.

intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast treatment

Information about outbreaks of infections in the Black Sea: truth or myth?

The fact that an intestinal infection appeared on the Black Sea coast is evidenced by many reviews of people. Basically complain tourists who returned after a vacation and were unsatisfied with this situation. Some of them even conducted their own investigation and collected information from the head of the infectious diseases hospital and local governing bodies. Nevertheless, people have not received a reliable answer. Complaints about infection with infectious pathologies scare others who want to relax on the Black Sea. This significantly affects the country's economy.

Despite the cases of infection, there is no official confirmation of such information. Doctors say that infectious diseases are normal for the summer. Especially considering the number of fruits and vegetables sold at resorts. In addition, many are admitted to the hospital with ordinary poisoning. No one is safe from such cases, regardless of where the person is: on vacation or at home.

Despite this, people planning a vacation often ask themselves: where is there no intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast? Indeed, this topic is quite relevant. Especially if an infectious intestinal lesion is associated with bacteria in seawater. There is currently no confirmation of such information. But, if this turns out to be true, the owners of recreation areas will suffer great losses, and swimming in the sea will be dangerous to health.

where there is no intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast

What infections are found on vacation?

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast can be different. Especially if the cause of its development is not related to water contamination. The most common intestinal pathologies found on vacation in this region are foodborne toxicoinfection and diseases, the causative agents of which live in the sea. At the same time, people can become infected both while swimming and by eating fish from a given reservoir. The following varieties of infectious diseases are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial pathologies of the intestine. Among them, dysentery, salmonellosis, and escherichiosis are distinguished. Also, acute intestinal pathologies include poisonings caused by staphylococci, protea, clostridia, Klebsiella, botulinum toxin. Most often, these diseases lead to the development of foodborne toxicosis.
  2. Intestinal pathologies of viral etiology. Often found in children. These include the following pathogens: rota-, entero, coronaviruses.
  3. Intestinal infections caused by parasites. Among them are ascariasis, amoebiasis, giardiasis.
  4. Fungal infections of the intestines.

All these diseases belong to acute gastrointestinal pathologies. In addition, when eating marine fish, you can get a specific infection - opisthorchiasis. This disease adversely affects the cells of the liver and bile ducts.

Causes of intestinal infections during rest

Despite the fact that intestinal infection occurs on the Black Sea coast, the reason for it is not always lies in the poor quality of water. After all, pathogens can be anywhere. As the doctor of the infectious diseases hospital located in one of the resort towns of the Black Sea explains, most often patients come to the clinic with banal food poisoning. In this case, you can not talk about contamination of sea water. Bacteria and viruses breed in vegetables and fruits, eggs, and poor quality meat. Transmission and spread of infection from sick people to healthy tourists is also possible. Intestinal pathologies are known to be highly contagious lesions.

Another reason for the development of OCI in the Black Sea is considered to be water contamination. It is associated with high temperatures observed in the summer months. It is believed that because of this, bacteria (staphylococci, Escherichia coli, viruses) multiply faster in the sea. Also, poor water quality is a consequence of waste dumping. A separate cause of infection is the ingestion of fish infected with bacteria or parasites. Also, deterioration in well-being can occur due to changing climatic conditions.

intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast symptoms

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: symptoms of pathology

Signs of infection acquired on the Black Sea coast may be different. It depends on the causative agent of the disease. However, all intestinal infections have similar symptoms. The main ailments you can pick up include enterocolitis, dyspepsia, and intoxication. People who have been infected have the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • General weakness and fever.
  • Abdominal pain localized in the lower and middle sections.
  • Diarrhea.
  • The appearance of impurities in the feces. With some infections, blood, pus is observed.

Specific signs of dysentery are pain in the left iliac region. Tenesmus is also observed - false urge to defecate. When salmonellosis feces becomes green, resembles "frog caviar."

intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast than to treat

Diagnosis of infectious bowel diseases

Diagnostic criteria for acute intestinal infections include diarrhea (bowel movement more than 10 times per day), fever, abdominal pain. It is important to distinguish between diseases. After all, the choice of treatment depends on the pathogen. To this end, pay attention to the change in feces (its appearance), localization and nature of pain. To identify the pathogen, biological fluids and excrement are sent for laboratory research.

Intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast: treatment of pathology

Such pathologies cause such dangerous disorders as loss of fluid from the body (with vomit, feces), changes in water-salt metabolism. This is dangerous intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast. How to treat such a disease? Therapy should be aimed at combating the pathogen and correcting disorders. The choice of drugs depends on the etiology of the infection. In some cases, they are treated with Penicillin, Metronidazole, Ceftriaxone. To replenish the volume of fluid, it is recommended to take "Rehydron". With severe violations, an intravenous infusion of saline is carried out, electrolyte balance correction.

intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast

Recommendations for vacationers on the Black Sea

To avoid infection, it is recommended to postpone the rest on the Black Sea for 1 month. That is, come to the resort before the opening of the season. People who relax at sea in May or early June do not complain about the development of infectious diseases. Unlike tourists who arrived in July and August. It is also recommended not to bring babies. Refrain from climate change should be people who have problems with the immune system, suffering from acute diseases.

outbreak of intestinal infections on the Black Sea coast

Prevention of intestinal infections in the Black Sea

Before going to the resort, you should consult with your family doctor. Also, doctors must be warned that, judging by the reviews of tourists, intestinal infection on the Black Sea coast may develop. Prevention for those who decide to go on vacation is to carry out the following activities. First, you must follow the rules of hygiene. It should be remembered that you can not swim if there is damage to the skin during menstruation. Secondly, you should thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables. If you have small children, you should pour the food over with boiling water. Thirdly, you need to clean and rinse the fish well, give it a thorough heat treatment. Drinking bottled water is recommended.

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