Increased pressure? What to do, how to help?

Often, the current pace of life leads to the development of diseases that occur against the background of overwork and fatigue. Such ailments include hypertension, manifested as a result of stressful situations in the form of sharp jumps in blood pressure. In this case, even hypertensive people, who always have some kind of drug in stock, can not always navigate. If high blood pressure, what should I do?

increased pressure what to do

"A silent killer"

So in the common people mysteriously called hypertension. The name "silent killer" fully corresponds to it. The disease develops imperceptibly, the symptoms are similar to normal fatigue. Often, the patient learns about the diagnosis of "hypertension" from the doctor who arrived at the call of the "emergency medical service". And then a reasonable question arises: if the pressure is increased, what should be done to prevent sad consequences?

How to identify signs of an attack of hypertension? First, you need to regularly measure blood pressure. It is also important to pay special attention to pain in the area of ​​the heart and head, dizziness, tachycardia. Sometimes the first sign of hypertension is an instantaneous visual impairment. Also, a disease can signal a breakdown in the morning and excessive tiredness in the evening.

increased diastolic pressure what to do
Hypertensive crisis

The most severe manifestation of hypertension is a situation when the pressure is sharply increased. What to do in this case? During this condition, called a hypertensive crisis, pressure can reach a critical point. Sometimes the position of the patient is so difficult that he may lose consciousness and the ability to move one of the limbs for a while.

The first actions in severe crisis

When there is an excessively increased diastolic pressure, what to do is necessary for the patient himself and his relatives to know. First of all, you should immediately call an ambulance. If the condition is critical, you must try to reduce the pressure on your own, waiting for doctors.

To improve his well-being, the patient must first relax. The breath should be held at the time of exhalation for about 10 seconds, repeating the action for several minutes (three is enough). Using this technique sometimes helps to reduce the pressure by a couple of tens of millimeters of mercury. There is an improvement due to the fact that at the time of holding the breath, the heart rate decreases. The main rule is that you should not panic and do medication on your own!

If there is increased eye pressure, what should I do?

increased eye pressure what to do

It happens that the pressure rises not only in the blood vessels, but also in the eyes. The higher it is, the greater the likelihood that retinal cells are destroyed. At the same time, metabolic processes change in the eyes, and this carries serious complications.

The most dangerous is that often the symptomatology of eye pressure does not manifest itself explicitly. But still there are signs, paying attention to which, you can understand the presence of deviations in the organs of vision. In this case, the eyes quickly begin to experience a feeling of fatigue, unpleasant sensations appear in them. Headaches resembling a migraine may also join.

If the eyes are under pressure, what should I do? With such symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor who will find out the cause of the deviation. Sometimes this symptom is due to disorders in the hormonal system.

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