Effective preparations for candidiasis: list, how to take, dosage

It is difficult to meet a woman who would not be familiar with candidiasis. This disease, also called thrush, is quite common. The cause of the disease is fungi, which for a long time do not bother a person, but become activated when the immune system for some reason weakens. Drugs for candidiasis, which are intended either for oral or topical use, can relieve acute symptoms and at the same time strengthen the immune system. About which drugs can be considered the most effective, we will tell in this material.

What is candidiasis?

The cause of the unpleasant symptoms is a fungal infection, which is caused by microscopic yeast-like fungi. These fungi are conditionally pathogenic, they are part of the normal human microflora, however, they begin to multiply actively with a decrease in the body's defenses. Candidiasis can affect the mucous membranes of the vagina, mouth, intestines, as well as skin and nails.

Main symptoms

The main signs of the disease in women are white curdled discharge, itching and burning, pain during urination and sexual intercourse. Candidiasis is also found in men, although it manifests itself much less frequently. Usually this is redness, itching and burning, white discharge during urination, pain during intercourse.

the best drugs for candidiasis

Doctors say: the appearance of this disease signals a decrease in immunity, hormonal imbalance. In addition, candidiasis can report more serious diseases, which is why if the problem recurs often, you must definitely consult a doctor.

Some statistics

Experts say that almost 50% of the planet Earth’s population at least once in their life faced such a problem as candidiasis. 70% of women were diagnosed with candidal vulvovaginitis, and 20% had a chronic form of thrush. As for men, about 10% at least once in their life suffered this disease. Among all diseases of the urogenital sphere, candidiasis occupies 30% of cases.

The best drugs for candidiasis: which company to choose

Today, there are a huge number of antifungal drugs that can cope with this problem. In order to purchase an effective medicine, you should pay attention to the manufacturer. In order for you not to be mistaken in your choice, we offer you a rating of the best companies that produce the safest funds for the treatment of candidiasis:

  1. GlaxoSmithKline;
  2. Laboratoire Innotech International;
  3. Nizhpharm;
  4. "Biosynthesis".

The drugs manufactured by these pharmaceutical companies have excellent therapeutic properties. Often, one step is enough to get rid of discomfort. True, one should always remember that the wrong duration of administration and dosage can eliminate only the external symptoms, but not cure the disease, which practically guarantees a relapse. We must not forget that self-medication is life-threatening, so you should consult a doctor about the use of any medication for candidiasis.

Best candles: Livarol

One of the most inexpensive, but at the same time effective drugs, doctors call candles "Livarol." At the same time, doctors note: the drug is not suitable for those whose disease has developed into a chronic stage - with frequent or prolonged intake, the fungus becomes immune to the drug.

antifungal drugs candidiasis treatment

The main active ingredient in suppositories is ketocosanol. It disrupts metabolic processes in the cells of not only yeast fungi, but also dermatophytes, staphylococci and streptococci, thereby causing their death. This drug for candidiasis is recommended for use in the early stages of the disease. The package is usually 5 or 10 candles.

Pros of "Livarola"

The main advantages of the drug include the fact that it simultaneously has both antifungal and antibacterial effects, while not being an antibiotic. It can be used as a prophylaxis. Suppositories quite quickly eliminate the acute symptoms of the disease due to the fact that the agent with the active component is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the vaginal mucosa in a short time.

Disadvantages of candles "Livarol"

Of course, this drug for candidiasis has a number of disadvantages. For example, it is not recommended for use with the reappearance of candidiasis - the fact is that yeast fungi get used to the active component of the drug. Use of candles is prohibited for pregnant women. The drug also has side effects. The main patients are called allergic reactions and irritation of the mucosa.


Candles "Clotrimazole" are included in the list of the most used drugs for candidiasis. Experts note that they can be used both in the chronic and in the acute stage of the disease. The drug has a persistent antifungal effect, clotrimazole - the active component of the drug - can disrupt the synthesis of ergosterol, which is the main component of the cell walls of yeast fungi. This helps to slow down the appearance of new cells or their complete destruction. The result depends on the concentration of the drug.

Benefits of the drug

vaginal candidiasis drugs

Women who used Clotrimazole suppositories note their low price, effectiveness even in the chronic stage of the disease. Doctors say: the spectrum of action of this drug covers all pathogenic fungi.


Like other antifungal drugs for the treatment of candidiasis, Clotrimazole has several disadvantages. One of the main ones can be called resistance to the drug, which develops in the fungus with frequent use of suppositories. Do not use suppositories in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Negative reactions of the body are also possible, among them itching, burning, cystitis.


Among the best drugs for candidiasis are Pimafucin suppositories. The drug is characterized by good tolerance, the absence of allergic reactions and low toxicity. That is why experts recommend using suppositories to treat candidiasis even during pregnancy and lactation. It should be noted that the active component of the drug - nitamycin - is an antifungal antibiotic, which is characterized by a wide spectrum of action. When using candles, the cell membrane of fungal cells is disrupted, the metabolism is disrupted inside them, which leads to the death of the yeast. "Pimafucin" can be used to treat chronic or acute thrush, as a prophylaxis and complex therapy of fungal diseases.

Benefits of the drug

effective drug for candidiasis

Of course, the main advantage can be called the fact that suppositories do not pose a threat to the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. In addition, the drug is suitable for the prevention of candidiasis, it is not addictive and is able to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, including itching, burning and curdled discharge. Experts note that Pimafucin suppositories increase the resistance of the female body to any pathogenic bacteria and fungi, while preventing the growth of pathogenic microflora. In order to get rid of the mild form of candidiasis, one package, which contains three candles, is enough.

Cons of the drug

Pimafucin suppositories have no obvious flaws. The only disadvantage is the high cost of the drug. The list of contraindications is only intolerance to the active component of the drug.


In the list of the most budgetary drugs for the treatment of chronic candidiasis suppositories "Nystatin." This drug quite quickly destroys yeast, but it is ineffective when it comes to bacteria. The active substance of the drug is a polyene antibiotic called levorin. In large doses, it is able to destroy the fungus, and in small doses it simply slows down their development and reproduction. Doctors recommend the use of Nystatin suppositories in both acute and chronic form of thrush. They are suitable for the prevention of candidiasis, people with weakened immunity can use them.

Benefits of Nystatin

chronic candidiasis drug treatment

Speaking about the advantages of the drug, patients note the elimination of unpleasant symptoms the very next day after the introduction of suppositories. "Nystatin" is not absorbed into the blood, it has low toxicity. Moreover, even with frequent use, fungi practically do not develop resistance to the drug.

Negative sides

The drug also has disadvantages. Firstly, it is completely ineffective in the fight against bacteria. Secondly, candles have a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • any liver disease;
  • pancreatitis

Separately, it is worth mentioning the side effects. Among them, experts note chills, the possibility of developing dysbiosis.


Speaking about the most effective drugs for candidiasis, it is impossible not to mention the Polygynax suppository. They are characterized by a combined effect on the body. Among the list of active components is impressive: these are nystatin, polymexin, neomycin sulfate. All three components affect both fungi and bacteria. They literally paralyze and destroy the microorganisms that cause the disease, prevent the further development of the infection and its spread. Polygynax is an antibiotic that can be used to treat various infectious and inflammatory diseases. Specialists prescribe these suppositories for vulvovaginitis, fungal vaginitis, and so on.

Positive aspects of the drug

candidiasis medications

Candles "Polygynax" are perfect for the prevention of many diseases of the reproductive system. They are well tolerated, while not violating the activity of the lactobacilli that make up the vaginal microflora. Polygynax in a short time eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis without being absorbed into the bloodstream. After the first use of suppositories, trophic processes of the vaginal mucosa improve.

Disadvantages of Polygynax

This drug for vaginal candidiasis has a number of negative characteristics: these include the high cost of the drug, undesirable reactions, including a strong local burning sensation and irritation. In addition, suppositories can leave greasy stains on underwear. The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug.


Speaking about which drug to treat candidiasis locally, one cannot fail to note the candles "Terzhinan". At the moment, they simply have no analogues: the fact is that this drug has four active components at once:

  • a broad-spectrum antibiotic called neomycin;
  • the component that is able to destroy trichomonads is ternidazole;
  • a hormonal component that can relieve inflammation and eliminate allergic reactions - prednisone;
  • antifungal substance - nystatin.

Gynecologists prescribe "Terzhinan" not only for the treatment of candidiasis, but also for any inflammation of the vagina, fungal or bacterial vaginitis.

what drug to treat candidiasis

Main advantages

Speaking about the positive aspects of this drug, patients and doctors note the absence of negative reactions after use, ensuring a normal level of pH balance in the vagina, restoring the integrity of the walls of the mucous membranes. In addition, it cannot be said that Terzhinan quickly eliminates thrush of any severity. The drug can be used to prevent inflammation before surgery or childbirth, as well as for the treatment of other gynecological diseases.

Cons "Terzhinana"

Among the shortcomings, patients note the high cost of the drug. Doctors do not recommend using it during pregnancy or when planning it. The fact is that the active substance can interfere with the consolidation and further development of the fetus. Another contraindication of the drug is intolerance to its components.

Pills for candidiasis: "Nizoral"

This drug was developed for local and systemic treatment of fungal diseases. The active component of the drug - ketoconazole - has an antifungal and metastatic effect. Nizoral slows down the synthesis of yeast, while changing the composition of the cell membrane, which, of course, leads to the death of the fungus. With blood, the drug spreads throughout the body, covering all locations of the fungal infection. That is why the drug is perfectly suitable for the treatment of candidiasis of the oral cavity, vagina, intestines, skin. It should be noted that the duration of the medication should not be less than five days. Even if the symptoms have already disappeared, the course must be continued. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting fungi that are resistant to the drug.

Benefits of Nizoral

preparing for oral candidiasis

The drug is able to eliminate thrush of any severity, while at the same time normalizing the microflora. The active substances are not absorbed into the general bloodstream, however, the drug is very effective in combating fungal infections of different localization - the drug is equally good for candidiasis of the skin, mouth, and vagina.

Negative characteristics

"Nizoral" should not be taken by patients with severe diseases of the kidneys, liver. To abstain from its use should be and with an allergy to active substances. The drug is contraindicated in women during pregnancy and lactation. He also has not the most pleasant side effects: among them a disorder of the nervous system, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract and increased blood clotting.


When prescribing drugs for candidiasis of the oral cavity, vagina, skin or intestines, doctors often prescribe fluconazole-based drugs to patients. The most common drug with the same name. Fluconazole has a lot of positive reviews: patients note that the active component suppresses yeast fungus enzymes in a short time, which leads to its inability to receive good nutrition. This leads to the fact that the fungus cannot multiply and develop. Unlike other drugs for candidiasis of the oral cavity or vagina, this medicine is able to relieve the mild form of the disease in just one dose - 150 milligrams of the drug will be enough.

In the event that the thrush is often repeated, appeared against the background of taking any antibiotic or has grown into a severe form, the correct dosage and frequency of administration can only be prescribed by a practitioner.

Positive sides

"Fluconazole" is actively fighting the causative agent of the disease. The drug is suitable for candidiasis in the mouth, intestines, on the skin or in the vagina. In addition, the active component is rapidly absorbed, which eliminates unpleasant and painful symptoms in a short time - after the first application. Patients also note the long-term effect of the drug.

Disadvantages of Fluconazole

oral candidiasis drugs

Speaking about this drug for candidiasis in the mouth, intestines and other localizations, its adverse reactions should be noted: including irritation and allergies, impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines and nervous system. It should not be taken by pregnant women. Only the attending physician can prescribe the treatment regimen: with the wrong dosage, disorders such as hallucinations and paranoia are possible.


This new generation drug is suitable for the treatment of candidiasis of the intestine, vagina, oral cavity, skin. The medicine is a lyophilisate - a powder for the preparation of infusions. The substance instantly inhibits the synthesis of the main component of the fungal cell.

Drug benefits

In addition to treating thrush of different localization, the drug has other advantages. Firstly, it can be used by children from three months old - of course, only as directed by a doctor. The drug against candidiasis in men, women and children is equally effective.


The main drawback of the drug, according to patients, is the intravenous route of administration. The infusion time is quite long - at least one hour. The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy, breast-feeding while taking "Kansilas" should be discontinued. Side effects are also possible: chills, nausea, anemia, rash, and itching. Some patients have sweating, diarrhea, and shortness of breath.

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