Snezhana Egorova. Personal life and career

Many know her: after all, the height of her career fell on the beginning of the 2000s. Who is she? Probably everyone guessed.

Snezhana Egorova is a TV presenter, actress and mother of many children. Born February 23, 1972 in a small town in the Kherson region.

From an early age, Snezhana showed great hopes, she was smart and ambitious. The girl graduated from high school "excellent", receiving a gold medal for the effort. Immediately after school, in 1989, she entered the Theater Institute. Karpenko-Kary in Kiev, to the faculty of the acting department. Three years later, she successfully completed her studies and began a creative career.

Egorova Snegana Alexandrovna

Personal life

In 1992, Snezhana married the director Semyon Gorov, better known as Sergey Egorov. Two girls were born in this marriage: in 1992, Anastasia and in 1997, Alexandra. But the happy union did not last long, and once a strong family broke up.

In 2006, Egorova Snezhana Aleksandrovna again married, this time to the musician and actor Anton Mukharsky. Three children appear from their union: in 2006, Andrey, in 2010, Arina, and in 2012, Ivan. But this marriage also did not work out: in 2015, the couple broke up. According to media reports, the union of Mukharsky and Yegorova has long been cracked, and the last straw for Anton, who, incidentally, was the first to file for divorce, was an open photo shoot of his wife for a men's magazine. After the divorce and trial, the children stayed with their mother. And then all the fun began. Anton seemed to have blown away. Reluctance to pay child support has grown to the point that he walked about in what his mother gave birth on the street before the court. Their proceedings are still ongoing. After all, no one wants to give in to another.

Snegana Egorova

Creative activity

In 1993, Snezhana Egorova began working at the local “Drama and Comedy Theater on the Left Bank”. In it, the woman worked until 2001.

In the 91st Egorova Snezhana managed to star in the title role in the film "Alphabet". In addition, there were other roles in the movie, including:

  • "Birthday of the Bourgeois", seen in a cameo role;
  • "Sorceress", played a girl;
  • "Loafers", the role of Lisa's sister;
  • “Tomorrow will be tomorrow,” played Evdokia;
  • "Mow and forget";
  • “The Return of Mukhtar-2”, character - Olga Kupriyanova;
  • "Special Purpose Friend", the role of Lara;
  • "Barbie's Wedding," played by Aunt Galya;
  • "Madhouse", an episodic role;
  • “Dear children,” played Vika;
  • “Do not rush love,” appeared in the role of Selivanova;
  • "The Return of the Prodigal Father";
  • "Wish List", appeared in the role of Snezhana;
  • "My truth".
TV presenter Siban Egorova

Leading work

In addition to filming in films, Snezhana Egorova is actively leading in various programs:

  • 1994 - entertainment program "Hmarochos";
  • 2000 - morning program "Snіdanok s 1 + 1";
  • 2001 - show "Honeymoon";
  • 2002 - the morning program "Rise";
  • 2006 - “We all know about you”;
  • 2009 - music show "People's Star";
  • 2011 - show "Who wants to marry my son."

On the account, Egorova has also participated in projects such as “They exchanged us for bodies” (A. Lisovets) and “Dancing with the Stars”.

At the moment, Egorova is not married, she is completely free, famous and successful. A woman remains an enviable bride for any bachelor. She takes an active position, takes part in programs. She performs interviews with reporters, where she happily talks about children and shares her own experience.

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