Angina is an acute infectious disease with a predominant lesion of the tonsils, which is caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. Another name for the pathology is tonsillitis. Regardless of age, the symptoms of angina in a teenager, an adult are the same.
Why arises?
Various pathogenic microorganisms cause sore throat, most often streptococci that enter the oral cavity with household items that the patient used. Inflammation can be caused by microorganisms that are constantly in the oropharynx. When favorable conditions are created, they are activated. For example, a disease can cause hypothermia, sharp fluctuations in ambient temperature.
Some people just need to wet their feet, eat ice cream or swim in a pond to start the inflammatory process.
The cause may be an irritating substance that enters the throat, the presence of adenoids, other pathologies of the nasopharynx, in which nasal breathing is impaired. Often, tonsillitis is associated with purulent inflammation in the nasal cavity and its appendages, in the oral cavity.
The risk of developing angina increases with frequent stresses, poor sanitary conditions, chronic fatigue, irregular and irrational nutrition, as well as with hypovitaminosis.
Infection pathways
Depending on which pathogen caused the sore throat, the disease can be transmitted:
- airborne droplets;
- hematogenous (through blood);
- contact household.
Angina is considered a contagious disease, because of which the patient is quarantined. They give him separate dishes.
Types of sore throat
Depending on the signs of angina in a teenager, several types of the disease are distinguished. The clinical picture depends on the type:
- Catarrhal.
- Viral
- Lacunar.
- Follicular.
- Necrotic.
- Fibrinous.
- Intratonsillar abscess.
Catarrhal sore throat
This species is considered the simplest form. It is easy to tolerate and treats well. Signs of angina in a teenager are associated with superficial lesions of the tonsils. Only the mucous membrane of the lymphoid organs is involved in the inflammatory process.
Symptoms of angina in adolescents are as follows:
- temperature 38 degrees;
- drowsiness;
- lethargy;
- swollen tonsils;
- when examining the pharynx, hyperemia is observed;
- pain when swallowing;
- sore lymph nodes;
- lack of appetite.
Lacunar view
Lacunar or purulent tonsillitis in a teenager is characterized by a lesion of the tonsils. In this form of tonsillitis during the examination, large foci of inflammation are observed. Purulent plugs in tonsils can merge among themselves. White plaque is friable, shallow, easily removed.
If the lacunae are damaged, the following symptoms are observed:
- weakness;
- high temperature up to 40 degrees;
- drowsiness;
- joint aches;
- pain during swallowing, as well as in the head or radiating to the ear.
Follicular tonsillitis
Symptoms of angina in adolescents of the follicular and purulent type are rarely differentiated. This is due to the fact that these two types most often occur simultaneously. Less commonly, they occur individually, affecting the tonsils.
Symptoms of angina in adolescents of the follicular type are:
- temperature up to 40 degrees;
- weakness in the muscles, body;
- drowsiness;
- headache;
- sore throat, which intensifies during conversations, when swallowing;
- yellowish-white purulent formations, the size of a pinhead.
Viral sore throat
Purulent plugs in the tonsils are not typical for this species. The viral type of inflammation is very contagious, transmitted by airborne droplets, less commonly household. Enteroviruses, which affect the tonsils and other organs, cause pathology.
Symptoms of angina in adolescents of the viral type differ from the bacterial. Symptoms include:
- a sharp increase in body temperature to 39 degrees or more;
- hyperemia of the throat;
- abdominal pain, vomiting;
- enlarged lymph nodes;
- small nodules appear in the throat, which turn into vesicles with cloudy contents, after a couple of days they open, forming erosion;
- with mechanical damage to the throat, bleeding occurs;
- arrhythmia, discomfort in the heart.
Disease duration
And how long does angina last in adolescents and how long does the temperature last? During the pathology, the fever lasts about three days, then it begins to decline. During treatment, you can not bring down the temperature if it is below 38.5 degrees.
In a sore throat, the clinical picture is similar to a cold, but the disease is more severely tolerated. Sore throat is acute. With proper treatment, tonsillitis recedes within a week.
If you untimely see a doctor, complications arise. They are conditionally divided into two large groups: general and local. The first group is considered the most dangerous, since important organs are affected. Defeat can be fatal.
Common complications include:
- meningitis;
- inflammation of the kidneys, up to the development of renal failure;
- gastrointestinal tract damage;
- sepsis;
- spread of the disease to the chest;
- myocarditis and other inflammatory pathologies of the heart.
Local complications include abscesses, otitis media, swelling of the larynx, phlegmon, and tonsil bleeding.
To establish a sore throat, the doctor conducts a visual examination, collects an anamnesis. To determine the cause of the pathology, a throat swab is taken. It allows you to set the type of pathogen. Be sure to donate blood for analysis. If necessary, the doctor prescribes an MRI.
The treatment of any bacterial pathologies involves the use of antimicrobial agents. Antibiotics for a teenager with angina are prescribed according to different schemes, taking into account the general condition, age, phase of the disease.
The most effective drugs are the penicillin group. The duration of antibiotic treatment is at least a week. And even if the improvement occurs 2-3 days after the start of the drug, they still take the prescribed course in full.
Much attention is paid to nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins, diverse. It is recommended to include liquid cereals, broths, jelly, steam cutlets, mashed potatoes in the diet. The dishes on the menu should be warm.
How else to treat sore throat in a teenager 16 years old and at a different age? In addition to antibiotics, be sure to prescribe:
- Topical preparations. To relieve pain, rinsing with “Furacilin” and other substances is prescribed for angina. Hexoral, Kameton sprays, Faringosept lozenges and other products can be used.
- Antihistamines. Bacteria secrete toxins. So that they do not contribute to the development of an allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed. It can be "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Tsetrin".
- Antipyretic. In the early days of the disease, the temperature can reach 40 degrees. To relieve fever, the doctor may prescribe Nurofen, Ibuprofoen, Paracetamol and other medicines. They are used only at temperatures above 38 degrees.
- Probiotics, eubiotics. Treatment of angina requires the use of antimicrobial agents for a long time. In order not to disturb the intestinal microflora, they select the means that restore it. This is Linex, Beefyphyr.
For gargling, you can use pharmacy drugs or alternative medicine. The doctor can prescribe a solution of "Rivanol", "Lugol", "Eludril." In order for the medicine to reach the deep sections of the pharynx, when rinsing you should keep your head thrown back, while holding your breath.
Use warm rinses of pharmacy chamomile and sage to rinse. Herbs are brewed strictly according to the instructions and used to rinse the mouth.
Among the pharmaceutical preparations for rinsing are used: “Furacilin”, “Iodinol”, “Rivanol”, “Eludryl”, “Chlorophyllipt”, “Rotokan”. And how to dilute Furacilin tablets for gargling and how many times a day to use the solution? To get the finished product, you need to place a tablet of the drug in a glass of warm water and wait for its complete dissolution. The prepared solution is gargled twice a day. To speed up the dissolution of the drug, it can be crushed.
Folk remedies
In the early stages of angina, it is recommended to chew lemon wedges with zest. This citrus has many beneficial substances that have a positive effect on the development of the disease. You can’t eat anything for an hour after the lemon. The procedure is carried out on the first day every two hours.
Inhalations help well. To prepare the composition for the procedure, you need to take two parts of the pharmacy chamomile, mint, thyme, three parts of eucalyptus leaves and pine buds, four parts of sage, elecampane. All ingredients are mixed. Then three tablespoons of the mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and insisted for ten minutes. The finished product is filtered, used to rinse the oral cavity. The same solution is used for inhalation.
To cope with angina, a composition made from calendula, plantain leaves, wormwood taken in equal parts helps. Then a spoonful of the mixture is poured into a glass of water and boiled for ten minutes. The tool is filtered. Gargle every two hours.
With severe sore throat, a soda solution is used. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of soda and salt, dilute in a glass of warm water. Five drops of iodine are added to the composition. With this tool gargle.
Other recipes
Asking the question of whether teenagers are placed in a hospital with a sore throat, the answer will be mixed. In advanced cases, the patient may be advised to go to hospital. With a mild form, outpatient treatment is prescribed.
A variety of fees used for gargling, inhalation have a positive effect. To rinse, make a decoction of two parts of chamomile, mint, thyme, three parts of eucalyptus, pine buds, four parts of elecampane root. All ingredients are mixed. Then three tablespoons of the mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and boiled for three minutes over low heat. It is best to boil the composition in a teapot to use a decoction for inhalation.
Helps relieve pain and relieve inflammation of aloe syrup. To prepare it, you will need a 0.5-liter wide-necked container. It is filled to half with chopped aloe leaves, and sugar is added to the top. The throat is tied with gauze and allowed to infuse for three days. Squeezed syrup is taken three times a day before meals until complete recovery.
With angina, a cough occurs. To calm it, it is recommended to take the following composition: mix two tablespoons of violet flowers with a spoon of plantain, sundew. The composition is poured with a liter of water and boiled for three minutes. Then the remedy is allowed to infuse for an hour. Take the composition on a spoon three times a day.
A positive result is a gargle with iodine and potassium permanganate. The solution is prepared from a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate with the addition of ten drops of iodine. All are mixed. The composition is used to gargle thrice three times a day.
Inhalation of onion fumes helps a lot. It is passed through a meat grinder, spread on a saucer. Vapors are inhaled by mouth for two minutes three times a day. Each time using freshly prepared gruel.
When using any rinse, make sure that the liquid is warm.
Sore throat prophylaxis
Angina is a dangerous disease. To prevent it, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. Knowing how to breed "Furacilin" gargle tablets, you can use the solution at the first sign of illness. This will help to avoid the transition of inflammation to a severe stage when the doctor makes a serious diagnosis - tonsillitis.
In order not to disturb the throat, it is recommended to monitor the nutrition, the temperature of the consumed foods. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia, observe the rules of personal hygiene, try not to visit crowded places during epidemics. If any infections occur, they must be treated promptly.