Fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcohol during pregnancy

Doctors knowingly constantly warn about the dangers of alcohol, especially during pregnancy. In addition to the negative impact on the mother's body, it affects the fetus inside the womb - the baby who has not even been born.

What is the danger of alcohol during pregnancy?

Being a strong chemical teratogen, ethanol leads to numerous fetal injuries. It rapidly penetrates the placental barrier and gets to the baby, and its concentration in the blood of the child is often higher than that of the mother. Immature enzyme systems that are involved in the metabolism of ethanol cannot fully neutralize alcohol. As a result, oxygen does not enter the fetus, which necessarily affects its development and formation, causing the appearance of fetal alcohol syndrome.

fetal alcohol syndrome

It is assumed that the critical dose of ethyl alcohol for the baby in the womb is 30-60 ml per day. However, most experts believe that there is simply no safe amount of alcohol.

The fetus is subject to the embryotoxic effect of ethanol throughout pregnancy. Alcohol consumption in the first trimester causes a high risk of birth defects and intrauterine death, in the second trimester - structural disorders of the central nervous system. In the later stages of pregnancy, this dependence can cause fetal growth retardation.

What is fetal alcohol syndrome?

This is a whole group of congenital malformations in a child due to the teratogenic effect of ethyl alcohol. This pathology is characterized by the lag of the baby in physical and mental development, numerous manifestations of dysmorphism, mental retardation and other vices.

Fetal alcohol syndrome is a whole symptom complex that is diagnosed in babies whose mothers suffer from chronic alcoholism. The origin of this pathology is based on the harmful effects of toxins of ethyl alcohol and its decay products on the fetus inside the womb. This is possible due to the rapid passage through the placenta of ethanol, which affects the liver, RNA synthesis and transportation of many trace elements.

alcohol during pregnancy

The frequency of birth of children with such a pathology ranges from two to seven cases for every 1000 births. In some countries, these figures are much higher. Experts noticed a persistent trend: at the birth of the first child with serious developmental disabilities, the parents do not make any conclusions - the second baby and the next in 70% of cases appear with the same diagnosis.

A bit of history

For the first time, fetal alcoholization within the womb was described by the scientist P. Lemoine. He examined children in a group of addicted mothers and identified certain developmental disorders. Later, KL Jones also spoke in his works about abnormalities in children whose mothers did not give up alcohol during pregnancy. Combining the two studies, the scientist called these disorders "fetal alcohol syndrome." From that moment, doctors from around the world began to actively study pathology.

Studies conducted in the CIS, show that the fair sex does not have accurate information about the dangers of alcoholic beverages. That is why only a few exclude them during pregnancy. Many women mistakenly believe that dry red wine not only does not harm the fetus, but even contributes to its proper formation. According to statistics, about 80% of women drink alcohol before pregnancy, and 20% do not give up on them until the baby is born.

Clinical picture

Fetal alcohol syndrome is the main cause of mental disabilities in a child. They can manifest themselves in the form of central nervous system disorders, behavioral and intellectual disorders. Often children with this diagnosis are behind in weight and height. They differ in their characteristic appearance: shortened palpebral fissures, the upper lip is thin, and the labial groove is almost not pronounced. Microcephaly and ptosis of the eyelids are sometimes observed. Such facial anomalies are noticeable throughout life. Serious abnormalities include heart defects, joint dysplasia, and chest deformity.

Fetal alcohol syndrome in children is characterized by impaired hearing and vision, and inhibition. They poorly perceive and remember information at school, practically do not control their emotions. Such children problematically adapt in the team, do not know how to make friends with peers, so they are usually recommended to study in specialized boarding schools.

fetal alcohol syndrome signs

Pathology diagnostics

A neonatologist can immediately diagnose fetal alcohol syndrome immediately after the birth of a child. Signs characteristic of this pathology are usually visible to the naked eye (insufficient height / weight, external abnormalities). It is also important to consider the presence of a so-called alcohol history in the mother.

Fatty acid esters defined in the hair and meconium are peculiar biomarkers. Substantial help in making a final diagnosis is provided by neuroimaging methods. These include brain MRI and neurosonography. To exclude severe developmental disorders, babies are given an ECG, ultrasound of organs, EEG.

Subsequent monitoring of a child with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome is carried out by narrow specialists.

What treatment is required?

This pathology is not treatable. However, timely appeal for help to specialists can significantly simplify the life of a small patient. Some symptoms can be corrected surgically (disruption of the heart, digestive tract). To eliminate maxillofacial defects, plastic surgeries are performed.

fetal alcohol syndrome in children

Observation by a neurologist helps to correct minor deviations from the central nervous system. All children with such a diagnosis must be observed by a psychologist. A specialist can help the child adapt to society, correct the features of his behavior.

Forecast and Prevention

Children with such a syndrome often spend their whole lives in specialized institutions, and then in neuropsychiatric boarding schools. They are unnecessary to parents and unable to take care of themselves.

fetal alcohol syndrome

To prevent alcohol syndrome in a child of all women of childbearing age, it is necessary to examine and timely identify the so-called risk groups. They may include ladies who regularly drink alcohol. Often, many women do not even suspect how dangerous alcohol is during pregnancy for an unborn baby. Doctors should conduct regular work to reduce or completely stop drinking a woman. Those who cannot independently abandon this bad habit should be sent for special treatment.

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