How many live after a heart attack: life expectancy, statistics, treatment quality and regular medical supervision

Every year, myocardial infarction is becoming an increasingly common disease. In addition, it is worth considering that it is very dangerous, so the question of how much they live after a heart attack is quite natural. In this article, we will talk about what this phenomenon is, and we will also study statistics on how much you can live after it. We will also learn how to properly treat and what are the features of monitoring the condition. Therefore, carefully read the information provided in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. So let's get started.

What is myocardial infarction?

To date, myocardial infarction is considered one of the most common ischemic diseases of the cardiovascular system. Because of him, the greatest number of people aged fifty-five to sixty-five die. However, younger and older patients are also common. According to statistics, such a pathology is most often found in representatives of the strong half of humanity than in the weak. According to doctors, men have a heart attack five times more often than women.

heart muscle

Consider what a heart attack is (how many live after it, you can read on). As you know, the heart consists of muscle tissue, the death of which can occur with insufficient oxygen supply, which usually occurs with improper circulation of a coronary nature. According to experts, the heart is quite sensitive to a lack or complete lack of oxygen. Therefore, with its lack of necrosis begins. In other words, tissue dies.

The main causes of the development of pathology

How many live after a heart attack is a matter of concern to so many people over the age of fifty. After all, health is already becoming not so strong, which means that patients are trying to study the reasons for the development of this pathology. There are many reasons why a heart attack can occur. Carefully read each of them in order to know how to lead the right lifestyle and prevent the development of such a dangerous phenomenon.

So, we will consider the main reasons that can lead to a heart attack:

  • Excessive excess weight, as well as low motor activity (lack of exercise). The less a person moves, the greater the likelihood of an increase in blood pressure. In this case, the blood does not have the opportunity to be saturated with oxygen, which means that oxygen starvation occurs. During movement, skeletal muscles work, which during their work activate the activity of the heart and contribute to the rapid movement of blood throughout the body.
  • The presence of hypertension, as well as diabetes. In the presence of increased pressure, the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity and flexibility, which means that they can no longer cope well with their duties. Diabetes mellitus also contributes to the presence of significant changes in metabolic processes.
  • Smoking, as well as alcohol abuse. Such addictions lead to spasms in the blood vessels and change the structure of their walls.
  • The disease can also be inherited.
  • Improper nutrition. A heart attack very often occurs in people who eat large amounts of fatty, fried, sweet and other harmful foods. Also, the disease can occur if the drinking regimen is not observed. All this leads to irreversible changes in metabolism.
heart ache
  • Excessive stress of an emotional and physical nature. Frequent stresses, as well as excessive enthusiasm for sports can trigger the development of the disease.

Once again, it is worth repeating that men are more likely to develop a heart attack, therefore, representatives of the stronger sex need to more closely monitor the health of the cardiovascular system.

A heart attack usually occurs in people with angina pectoris.

Main symptoms

Pay attention to your health status. Typically, the development of a heart attack will be indicated by such phenomena as:

  • strong pain in the region of the heart, which will only intensify every day;
  • inability to perform physical exercises. The patient notices how every day his stamina becomes worse and worse;
  • the use of special medicines does not give such a good therapeutic effect;
  • in addition, the patient has a general deterioration. Headaches, dizziness and weakness appear.

Usually an attack of a heart attack occurs during severe stress, during overeating, during intercourse, or after surgery. That is, in the presence of situations requiring more active work of the heart muscle.

How many live after myocardial infarction: statistics

Everyone wants to know how long you can live with a pathology such as a heart attack. For this purpose, there are statistics. How many live after myocardial infarction, we can find out by analyzing statistics. Unfortunately, this data is not entirely comforting. If a person was not immediately hospitalized after the attack, then the likelihood that he will survive after it will be negligible. If the person was sent to the hospital on time, then the probability that he will be able to continue to live will be about ninety percent.

doctor's tool

However, you need to look at the data from all angles. After all, it is completely different to answer the question of how much they live after a heart attack, if the patient was able to live one month after the attack. In this case, the chances that the patient will be able to live another year are about eighty percent. But the chances of a five-year survival will be about seventy percent.

However, it is very important to take into account the state of the heart muscle after the attack, as well as how well the rehabilitation procedures were performed. So, according to statistics, if the heart muscle has about fifty percent of injuries, then in this case the patient's life span will be reduced by half.

How many live after myocardial infarction? Reviews of patients who survived such a phenomenon as a heart attack indicate that following all the recommendations given by a doctor significantly increases life expectancy. However, it is worth considering all possible factors. The prognosis for life depends on the age of the patient, the area of ​​necrosis of the heart muscle, as well as the characteristics of the rehabilitation period, and, of course, on the patient’s desire to recover.

If a person suffered a heart attack at a young age, then there is a huge chance that the activity of the heart muscle will be almost completely restored. However, elderly patients have completely different statistics. How many people live after a heart attack? Here the data is completely different. More often than not, a person after fifty to sixty years cannot survive even a year after an attack.

There are cases when an elderly patient survived several heart attacks and at the same time lived for more than a dozen years. As well as situations in which the young patient did not live a year after the first attack. Therefore, it can be judged that the individual characteristics of each person, as well as his lifestyle, are decisive factors in the presence of a heart attack.

What can a patient do

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how much they live after myocardial infarction, since there are many factors for the development of this disease. It also all depends on rehabilitation measures and treatment features.

Each patient should be aware that life expectancy will largely depend on his attitude to his condition. It is very important to follow all the doctor’s instructions in order to extend it as much as possible. How many live after a myocardial infarction is a question that every patient who has already managed to survive such an attack is trying to find the answer to. Usually, with a heart attack, doctors prescribe special medications that are most often taken for life. In addition, there are also medications that can improve the patient's condition with a sharp deterioration. Such medicines must be carried with you constantly, wherever you are. Be sure to take them with you for a walk, on a trip, and even during a banal trip to the store.

How many people live after a heart attack largely depends on themselves. Of course, you can significantly increase life expectancy if you change the lifestyle itself. Do not forget that this pathology cannot develop on its own. You will not meet an absolutely healthy person who, for no reason at all, will be taken by an ambulance with an attack. Usually, such a disease has many prerequisites. For example, other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The disease can make itself felt against the background of angina pectoris, hypertension, in the presence of thrombosis or atherosclerosis. So, timely treatment of such diseases can also prevent the development of a heart attack.

Quite often, doctors from patients hear the question: how many people live after a heart attack? The condition of each patient is purely individual. Someone can live a dozen years, and someone can not even two months. Therefore, it is very important to give up bad habits, especially smoking, to maintain your health. After all, refusing to use cigarettes, you can double life expectancy after a heart attack.


It is also important to monitor body weight. The presence of ischemic diseases is more often prone to people with obesity. Therefore, do your weight. Go on a diet, minimizing the consumption of fatty and sweet. Include more protein, vegetables, and fruits in your diet. Do not forget also about the exercise. Of course, in everything you need to know the measure. Find your middle ground. Exercise will not only save you from excess weight, but also saturate the heart with oxygen, which is very important for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

How to live after a heart attack

In order not to think about how much they live after an extensive myocardial infarction, take care of your health right now. Do your best to maintain his good condition. However, if such a nuisance as a heart attack still happened to you, you will have to adapt to a different lifestyle. If the patient had a normal attack of a heart attack, then after it requires restoration of the body for two months. However, if the attack was extensive, then recovery processes can take much longer. When asked how long they live after an extensive myocardial infarction, the doctor will answer after the patient begins to recover, which means that it will be possible to predict the overall picture.

Recovery of each patient is individual. If the heart attack was extensive, then most often the patient needs surgical intervention for treatment, which consists in the establishment of artificial pacemakers, stents and other devices. Such operations significantly improve the standard of living of sick patients, as well as increase its duration. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to refuse surgery, despite the fact that the recovery period may be slightly delayed. In the future, this will bear fruit.

It is also important to go through a rehabilitation period, which lasts about two to three months. How many years live after a heart attack (statistics described above), each patient who has had this disease is interested. If the disease was not very complicated, then you can return to normal physical activity after a few months. Of course, if you have an extensive form of the disease, you will have to wait a little longer.

Rehabilitation methods

Usually, after a heart attack, a person remains in the hospital for a couple of weeks. However, after discharge from the medical institution it is also very important to independently monitor the state of your health and help your body recover.

Of course, the doctor will prescribe the use of special medications for you. However, this is far from all. In addition to them, you will need to connect all possible rehabilitation methods, including folk ones.

How many years people live after a heart attack, one cannot always say for sure. However, to extend your life, you need to take care of your health. Doctors recommend using homeopathic methods as an additional treatment. Drugs made on the basis of medicinal hawthorn are able to dilate blood vessels, have a sedative effect, and also lower blood pressure well.

rehabilitation after a heart attack

It is also recommended to take herbal preparations that can eliminate puffiness. Thus, the patient will be able to rid the heart, as well as neighboring tissues of excess fluid, which will improve blood circulation and allow the cells to be saturated with beneficial substances.

Quite often, a heart attack attacks people who have the wrong lifestyle. In this case, experts strongly recommend making positive changes to it. Namely, it is very important to make positive adjustments to food, play sports and get rid of bad habits. It is also worth learning how to shield yourself from stressful conditions and often walk in the fresh air. For example, in a park or out of town at all.

Consider how many people live after an extensive heart attack, depends on a large number of factors. The main thing is to ensure complete calm during the rehabilitation period. After a heart attack, a scar forms on the heart muscle, which will heal for several months. All this time you need to be in a state of maximum rest and relaxation.

Power Features

How many live after myocardial infarction and stenting, as well as without it, are of interest to many people who have experienced an extensive form of heart attack. According to statistics, with the help of surgical intervention, the patient can live for more than ten years. However, for this you need to follow a special diet. It is very important to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition. It is best to eat six to seven times a day, but at the same time in small portions. Taking a large amount of food at a time will greatly worsen your condition. It is worth considering that diets differ among themselves depending on the period after a heart attack. So, the first couple of weeks the diet should be very strict. At this time, the patient should be under the supervision of medical personnel in the hospital. Such a diet should consist in the use of low-fat dairy products, vegetable soups, as well as cereals. It is very important to take into account that all dishes should be eaten without the use of salt and at the same time grated.

Very many representatives of the stronger sex are interested in the question of how many men live after a heart attack. As you already know, the beautiful half of humanity is faced with such a disease much less often, however, women should also know the features of proper nutrition. After the acute period has passed, doctors are allowed to start eating normally. However, it is worthwhile to adhere to special rules and take only products authorized by the doctor. Keep in mind that excessively fatty animal foods can clog vessels very strongly, including the vessels of the heart. Therefore, try to exclude such products. Instead, take as much sprouted wheat and bran as possible. If you really like sweets, do not deny yourself the pleasure. Instead of your favorite cakes and sweets, give preference to dried fruits and nuts with honey. Fans of black tea should learn to replace it with a rosehip broth or freshly made cranberry juice.

myocardial infarction

Give up coffee and spirits completely. This should be your golden rule. If you are interested in how many people live after myocardial infarction, pay attention to statistics. Patients who do not eat well after an attack can significantly shorten their life and not live more than a couple of years.

Do not eat just before bedtime. Take your last meal a few hours before bedtime. However, if you still really want to eat, you can drink a glass of light kefir or yogurt. , .

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Another very effective exercise is walking up the stairs. Of course, start with just a few steps and gradually increase their number. Also, the staircase is considered an excellent diagnostic method. If you were able to rise to the fourth or fifth floor at a time and at the same time do not experience shortness of breath, then you are moving in the right direction and your heart is gradually recovering.

Possible consequences and complications

The occurrence of various complications can affect how many years live after a heart attack. The disease has many complications. The most dangerous of these is complete cardiac arrest, which leads to the death of the patient.

It is also possible the development of post-infarction syndrome, in which the muscle tissue of the myocardium begins to be replaced by connective. This leads to the fact that the heart begins to function poorly, and in particular its contractile characteristic worsens.

If the heart attack is extensive, then this can lead to pulmonary edema. In this case, one cannot do without resuscitation, as well as strictly bed rest for a long time.

A heart attack can cause the walls of the heart to rupture and it will no longer function normally. Against this background, the development of a large number of diseases of the cardiovascular system is possible.

walk in the park


Myocardial infarction is a very dangerous and very complex disease, which has many nuances, as well as a long rehabilitation period. Everyone should take care of their health from a young age, in order to prevent the development of such a disease at all. Namely, you need to be responsible for your diet. Refuse harmful foods and give preference to fractional nutrition. Also, do not ignore the exercise and avoid stress. How many live after a heart attack and stenting is a question that many patients are interested in. After surgery, many patients even stop thinking that they survived such a dangerous phenomenon.

Do not forget that your health should always be in the first place for you. After all, if it is in order, then everything will be normal in other areas of your life. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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