An interesting recipe for puff cake

Many people like cakes. There is a wide variety of such desserts. Very popular is Napoleon. This is a delicious puff pastry cake with custard. How to cook it right? Now we will tell in detail. To begin with, I would like to note that a sweet cake is made from cakes that are smeared with a delicious cream.

puff cake recipe
To prepare a dessert you will need:

  • 300 grams of sour cream, flour (for dough);
  • three eggs (for dough);
  • two tbsp. tablespoons of flour (for cream);
  • three yolks (for cream)
  • half a liter of milk;
  • a glass of sugar (for cream);
  • 50 grams of oil (for cream);
  • nuts (they will be needed to decorate "Napoleon");
  • vanillin (to taste).

The process of creating a cake at home

  1. Describing the puff cake recipe, we will start by making the dough. Knead it with flour, eggs and sour cream.
  2. Next, add a pinch of salt and sugar.
  3. Then refrigerate the mixture for 30 minutes.
  4. Next, knead the dough, roll the cakes (thin).
  5. Bake them at 200 degrees until rosy. This is about twenty minutes. Check for readiness with a toothpick.
    cake puff pastry condensed milk
  6. While the cakes are cooling, make a cream. To do this, mix sugar and flour, add yolks, milk. Cook on low heat, stirring constantly, bring to a thickening.
  7. After remove the cream from the heat, add butter, vanillin. Stir further.
    custard puff cake
  8. Then collect the pie, evenly coat the cakes with cream. That's all, and the puff "Napoleon" is ready. Garnish a cake with nuts on top. Next, send it to soak in the refrigerator overnight.

Waffle cake. Condensed milk recipe

Sweet cake is familiar to many since childhood. Our grandmothers and mothers also prepared such a dessert at home. How to make a waffle cake yourself? The recipe is simple to execute.

waffle cake recipe
Preparation of products will take no more than fifteen minutes, and the creation process - about ten. So, for cooking you will need:

  • one can of boiled condensed milk ;
  • six finished waffle cakes ;
  • half a glass of nuts (walnuts or forest);
  • two hundred grams of butter.

For the preparation of glaze will need two tbsp. tablespoons butter, sugar, sour cream and cocoa.

Making a waffle dessert

  1. We will begin to describe the recipe for puff cake with the preparation of a cream. To do this, mix condensed milk with oil. Next, add the nuts (ground). Stir the mass.
  2. Now it will take cakes. Grease them with the resulting cream. About two tbsp. l on one cake.
  3. After collect the cake.
  4. Now you need to cook the icing. Then fill it with the top of the cake. To do this, melt the butter with sugar until the first component is completely dissolved. Next, add the cocoa. Then mix until smooth. Then add sour cream, stirring constantly, cook for several minutes until the glaze becomes glossy.
    puff napoleon
  5. Then pour over the cake. Leave for sixty minutes to soak.

The tasty cake

Puff pastry, condensed milk - these are the main components of the dessert, which can be prepared for the holiday. The cake to taste is incredible. It is not difficult to prepare. Initially, of course, the dough is made. After that, a delicious, sweet cake is made from condensed milk and butter.

how to cook puff pastry with custard at home
To create this gentle dessert, you will need:

  • four eggs;
  • 400 grams of margarine;
  • two tbsp. l vinegar
  • 0.75 glasses of water;
  • 450 grams of butter;
  • one can of condensed milk;
  • four glasses of flour.

The process of making dessert at home

  1. First take the frozen margarine, cut it into medium slices.
  2. After sifting flour. Chop it with margarine with a knife.
  3. After add vinegar, eggs and water. Then mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Next, knead the elastic, soft dough.
  5. Divide it into ten parts, place in the freezer for an hour.
  6. Then roll each piece into a layer (diameter - 25 cm). Bake cakes on a sheet covered with baking paper for ten minutes. Pierce them with a fork before cooking.
  7. Soften butter with condensed milk. Beat well, refrigerate for half an hour.
  8. Put the cakes on the table, align the edges with a knife, trim the excess. Grind the remains into crumbs.
  9. After smear the cakes with cream.
    how to cook puff pastry with custard at home
  10. Next, lay them on top of each other, while pressing firmly.
  11. Lubricate the sides and top of the cake with cream. Sprinkle crumbs on all sides. Refrigerate for four to five hours.

Chocolate dessert for children and adults

Now consider another recipe for puff cake. Such a dessert will be different from those that we examined above. It will be a real chocolate cake.

For cooking you will need:

  • 20 grams of cocoa;
  • 180 grams of butter (component for the first mixture);
  • 3 + 1 eggs;
  • 150 + 60 grams of sugar;
  • tsp baking powder, vanilla;
  • 120 grams of flour;
  • 250 grams of grated cheese (component for the second mixture);
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • half a cup of condensed milk.

Making a dessert with cocoa

  1. First, sift flour through a sieve, mix with baking powder, cocoa. Next set aside.
  2. Then make a cream of sugar and butter.
  3. Then break three eggs, mix with flour mixture.
  4. Take another container, in it beat the grated cheese, sugar (60 grams), egg, vanilla.
  5. Then prepare a baking dish.
  6. Pour in half the first mixture. Next, pour the egg and cheese mixture. After over lay out the remains of the first mixture. Bake in a preheated oven for sixty minutes.

Little conclusion

Now you know the puff cake recipe. And not just one, but several. We hope that the information presented in the article helped you, and you were able to make dessert yourself.

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