Cooking Beans

Everyone knows what beans are, but few people know how many nutrients a given product contains, and very few people know how to cook beans to preserve all these beneficial properties. The methods for preparing beans dishes, as well as its beneficial qualities, will be discussed in this article.

According to nutritionists around the world, beans are among the ten most useful foods. If a person comes to the decision to reduce his weight and hold an unloading diet, then bean dishes should always be present on the table. It has the ability to cleanse the body, and is also very useful for a diabetic diet.

The composition of this product includes carbohydrates, starch and proteins. And protein in its qualities is equal to the protein found in fish and meat. For this reason, the proper preparation of beans allows you to get dishes that, if necessary, can completely replace the fish and meat diet.

Regular consumption of beans will saturate the human body with B vitamins, as well as PP and C. In addition, the product includes micro and macro elements: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt and iodine. It is ideal for combating excess weight, it helps in the treatment of diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gastritis. Among other things, beans have the ability to calm the nervous system and is an excellent alternative to all kinds of chemicals.

Interestingly, the proper preparation of beans allows you to save almost all minerals. This is the main advantage of the product. There is another very interesting fact - if you use beans more or less regularly, the risk of cancer will be significantly reduced. In addition, beans are used not only in cooking, but also in the field of cosmetology. It is part of some masks designed to combat wrinkles. With useful properties, everything is clear, now you can go to the questions of what dish can be made from this product, and most importantly - how to make beans, so that all useful vitamins and minerals are preserved.

When answering the question of how to cook beans, many experts recommend focusing on its cooking. The duration of this process should be at least one and a half hours. But it’s important to soak the beans for 10 hours, it is better to do it overnight. It is long soaking that makes it soft. If you plan to use beans as a first dish, then it is better to cook it at the same time as meat, then it will reach the necessary consistency. Poultry and rabbit meat goes well with this product. As for the first dishes from beans, the most delicious is borsch. Beans can also be added to soups, both boiled and canned. Even in this form, it retains about eighty percent of the nutrients.

What can be cooked from beans? The simplest dish is stewed beans with onions. In order to get lobio, the preparation of beans is carried out precisely through stewing, you just need to add a little tomato paste to the dish. The most common methods for preparing beans are usually based on a combination of beans and vegetables.

Here is one of the simplest recipes. It will take a little vegetable oil, 4 cloves of garlic, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, the beans themselves, canned or boiled, salt and seasonings. All vegetables must be cut into small cubes and stew until the potatoes are ready. Then you need to add the beans and all the necessary seasonings and stew the mixture for about another ten minutes. It will turn out an excellent dish in terms of taste. And this is not all recipes; there are a great many dishes from beans .

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