Cartoon "Emoji Movie": reviews, features and actors

The emoji movie (2017) is a new story from Sony , which released such grandiose paintings as The Godfather, The Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower and others. This time, the producers decided to release something new - to please the world with an animated cartoon. What came of this, we learn further.

After the release of such vivid and memorable cartoons as "Puzzle", "The Secret Life of Pets", many wanted to see the " Emoji Movie". Reviews after viewing remained ambiguous. Some people say that it is worth watching to kill two hours of time, while others recommend that you should not even do this, because you can fall asleep during the first five minutes. Indeed, “Emoji movie ” (cartoon reviews are mostly negative) is considered one of the worst this year. Let’s figure out why it happened.

emoji movie reviews


Emoji are emoticons. Such small creatures that inhabit a mobile phone. When a person writes a message, he adds emotion to convey the mood to the interlocutor . So emojis are sitting , waiting in the wings when they are added to SMS. And when they are chosen, they are terribly happy.

That was the preface. There once was a boy named Alex. And he had a girlfriend with whom he constantly talked. But the words are already outdated, and now all sent each other only emoticons. Emoji lived in a town named Textopolis, and was controlled by the Queen. She clearly followed everyone so that everyone would fulfill their destiny.

emoji movie cartoon reviews

But this is bad luck. Gene has the opportunity to show several emotions at once. He - like a chameleon, adapts to the message. And once he showed not at all the emotion that Alex wanted to send to his girlfriend. The queen was terribly angry and drove Gene out of Textopolis . Gene is terribly upset and wants to become like everyone else. To do this, he begins to look for a way to a program that will help him become like his brothers. But along the way it turns out that a threat loomed over the city of Textopolis . Now all plans will be put off, because the main task is to save the world of the phone and its inhabitants.

Error No. 1

What is wrong with " Emoji Movie"? The opinions of the audience are unanimous: the plot is lame. Alex's relationship does not work out, and there is nothing to worry about the boy, because he rarely appears on the screen. I would like to be nervous for Gene, but his comrades are a freedom-loving girlfriend and poop. The latter is trying to joke, but she doesn’t really get it.

On the way to the mysterious Dropbox , where Gene should be formatted, the characters visit various popular applications: Spotify , Facebook , Twitter . Everything would be fine if here the creators had not made mistakes. The advertisement clogged the Emoji Movie (2017 cartoon ). Reviews are full of phrases: the picture consists of advertising the most digital lifestyle. People forget live communication, sit on smartphones, and even words are hard to write . Emoji - as an advertisement, the imposition of a way of interconnection.

emoji movie cartoon 2017 reviews

Mistake number 2

Scenario. The producers decided to save not only on the plot, but also on the script. It seems that he was blinded from pieces: one was taken from the "Puzzle", the other from the Zeropolis , the third piece was snatched from Ralph. Own storyline, which could catch his eye, no. Even adventures are boring and uninteresting. Good moments can be considered those where heroes encounter eccentric trojans and other viruses. They at least joke appropriately.

Any animated film created for children should be taught something important and good. What conclusion can be drawn from " Emoji movie"? Criticism is pragmatic: be yourself; no matter what the children are, parents must protect them ; play Candy Crush ! And it's all? A two-hour cartoon that will teach what children already know? And even these conclusions are very tense.

the emoji movie 2017

Error No. 3

Advertising. Sony did not save on this . They launched trailers on a grand scale that rattled in all languages ​​of the world, shouting that The Emoji movie was the best of the best. Obviously, they obviously understood the failure of the picture.

And in the picture itself, attention is constantly focused on the fact that playing on the phone is good, and they have a lot of benefits for children. This led to the fact that many were dissatisfied with the " Emoji movie." Reviews confirm the fact that parents are unhappy with this positioning. Games are sometimes needed, but focusing on a movie is superfluous.

What good is there in the cartoon?

Despite the fact that there is more negative, there are attractive moments in the cartoon . For example, animation. Bright, colorful, with many details. Heroes are drawn perfectly.

The film contains beautiful music. Soundtracks are catchy. All music is recorded by Scottish composer Patrick Doyle .

cartoon emoji movie 2017


The director of the cartoon " Emoji Movie" (2017) was Anthony Leonondis . The idea to create a tape based on smartphone buttons arose a long time ago, and even several companies fought for it. But the victory was won by Sony .

On account of Anthony Leonondis several high-profile films: "Igor", "Kung Fu Panda. Secrets of the Masters ”,“ Lilo and Stitch - 2 ”.

Positive reviews

Among the audience, not everyone was categorical. Many people say that sometimes you want to take a break from complex and philosophical ideas, complicated stories, and just relax without thinking about anything. Look at the beautiful picture and enjoy superficial humor. Looking the truth, it should be noted that the world in smartphones is exactly the way the creators of the film Emoji Film showed it. Positive reviews are left by positive people who do not look for difficulties where they are not.

emoji movie

Dubbing actors

The main emoji was played by the famous Russian rapper L`One . His Georgian timbre captivated the audience. Companions for him were Konstantin Karasik ("Voronin", "Dad's daughters") and Maria Ivashchenko. Christina Aguilera was duplicated by Nastya Samburskaya (Univer). The youngest dubbing actors were Arkipp Lebedev, Stasya Kudyakova and Danila Efremov.

It is interesting

Do you know that "emoji", or the usual smileys with animation, first appeared in Japan in the early 90's? The expression of words through emotions is completely rooted in our lives. They are present everywhere: in business correspondence, in culture, in politics. There is also an Encyclopedia of e Moji .

And here are some statistics. According to them, in 2016 the most popular emoticons were:

  • h man shrugging;

  • with fur with tears;

  • to a red heart;

  • with mileik with eyes in the form of hearts (in love);

  • q a demented person;

  • have a smiley smile;

  • O drive;

  • a kiss in the air

  • The face of the person who rolled his eyes.


The cartoon " Emoji and the film" (2017) became the most failed animation picture of the year. Indeed, much needs to be improved, but at the same time, the audience liked the light plot, the absence of fights and emotions. After a loud advertising campaign, at least no less than “Puzzle” or “ Zootopolis was expected .

After watching a movie, you wonder if our world will turn into Emoji ? Will we lose our main value - to express our thoughts and feelings using the power of words? Where are the great writers who made us cry or laugh ? Why think, if you can just press the button on your smartphone - and the yellow emoticon will say everything for you?

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