The film "Dear John": a leading actor

Each person has a list of favorite films that you want to review from time to time. Cinema gives positive emotions, positive impressions - sometimes they are so lacking. Vivid, memorable films include Dear John. The actor, who plays the main role, is simply shocking with his open and trusting game. All the characters are alive, you believe them, you sympathize and involuntarily start thinking about how not to repeat their mistakes. The actors of the film “Dear John” evoke pleasant emotions. Among them there are no antagonists, unpleasant characters who spoil everything and interfere with others. Each in its own way is interesting and individual.

The popularity of the picture

In general, the film is very romantic, covered in lofty ideas of service of two lovers in love. The main characters - Savannah and John, by the will of fate, meet on the beach and immediately feel mutual attraction. Many young people who saw this wonderful picture began to try on the situation of the main characters. They mentally compared the actions of screen characters with their own unique internal essence and tried to understand what should be done as correctly as possible, so that after they did not have to regret anything.

dear john actor

The popularity of the picture is also due to the fact that this is a romantic melodrama, which means that many girls will like it. You can hardly find a more moving movie about love than the film "Dear John." The main actor lingers in memory for a long time, makes an indelible impression. However, it will be discussed further.

Channing Tatum (John Tyree)

One of the most striking and soulful stories developed in the film "Dear John." The actor absolutely amazingly coped with the task entrusted to him. Numerous female spectators, of course, remain crazy about him. In Channing Tatum's main role - he plays a soldier. This is a strong-willed person, he has his own beliefs, values, ideas about life. John Tyree is certainly a person worth looking up to. He consciously chooses a military career for himself and is ready to sacrifice all other values ​​for the sake of realizing his dream.

dear john actors

Channing Tatum made his character a serious and purposeful guy who knows why he serves the homeland. However, many Internet users today claim that there is no sadder picture than Dear John. The actor actually plays the role of a person who has remained true to himself, but has lost his beloved due to endless employment. Neither he nor she could have expected such an outcome of great and bright love.

What is the main point of Dear John? Actor Channing Tatum voices her own game, without words, but it is clear and understandable: loyalty to a loved one is something without which no relationship is possible, but it is impossible to demand devotion, being too far away and apart. Perhaps many women will not agree with this, but they just have not tried to wait for a beloved man for years.

Amanda Seyfred (Savannah)

This is a leading woman. Savannah is John's favorite girl, whom he continued to love long after separation. Amanda Seyfred fulfills her role superbly. Her heroine often has to suffer and be sad. But, probably, another actress would not have made the image of Savannah more romantic and touching. Her character is the one who constantly has to wait for a loved one. He and John had only two weeks to love each other, and then came eternity, where they had to live separately, only dreaming of a new meeting.

movie actors dear john

Savannah is a strong girl, she loves John with all her heart and least of all wants to hurt him. She writes him gentle, touching letters and literally lives by their light correspondence. Savannah knows how to empathize, believe and hope. She knows that the service of a loved one will surely end someday, and is ready to be faithful to him. Probably, you cannot find a more soulful movie than the film "Dear John." Actors and photos reflect the main idea of ​​the film. Gestures, facial expressions, expression of the eyes - everything speaks of deep inner suffering, which, as it turns out, does not pass over time. Is it possible to defeat love in yourself? It needs to be protected, stored and cherished, but sometimes there is not enough strength for this.

Richard Jenkins (John's father)

His character arouses respect and sympathy in the viewer. John's father is a man with a difficult fate. He raised his son alone, he at one time had a very difficult time. Maybe that’s why they didn’t have a sincere, completely open relationship with John, but they sincerely continued to be attached to each other. This is evident in the film: the son sincerely cares for his father and is very afflicted with his sudden death.

dear john actors and photos

The character of Richard Jenkins is autistic. That is why most of his childhood, little John spent in solitude and solitude. From his father, he inherited one entertaining hobby - collecting rare coins. In fact, they were united by only one collecting. Father collected coins all his life and could spend hours talking about them. This is the only thing that occupied his mind so much and disturbed his imagination. This circumstance carries the zest that the film "Dear John" has. Actors, roles and photo frames from the film emphasize the undeniable importance and value of love in the world. You can’t buy it for any money and you won’t return it so easily at will. Losing confidence is very easy, but earning it again is much more difficult.

Act of the Savannah

At some point, the girl decides to stop communicating with her beloved young man. Why is Savannah fundamentally changing her principles? Why betray John's love? After all, as it turns out later, she herself continues to love him, still strong and passionate? The act of the Savannah is difficult to explain, but it can be understood: it does not make sense to wait constantly, for years, a meeting that will last no more than one or two days.

movie dear john actors and photo

The heroine is simply tired of being in a state where nothing depends on you. Beloved, on duty, is constantly on the move, and she is completely alone. Such loneliness gnaws at her, depresses, deprives her of moral strength and confidence in a bright future. Truly causes the tears of the audience the picture "Dear John." Actors revealed the storyline and the inner world of the characters as fully as possible.

A few years later

After parting, both suffer. Of course, you can blame the girl for everything, that she did not want to wait for her warlike hero. But is this fair? Why didn’t she speak about her decision in the eye, but prefer a written appeal? A few years later, at a meeting, John will ask her this question. And he will hear the answer, full of longing, pain and despair. There would simply not be enough strength for a conversation. The heroine doubted herself so much that she did not dare to act directly.

The unchanging "Dear John"

Actors amazingly played a dramatic story that takes place in a modern world filled with cynicism and greed. The importance of correspondence for both heroes is extremely important - it has connected them with each other for several years.

Dear John movie actors roles and photos

And each time the letter of Savannah began with the words "Dear John." Even after the break, the heroes continue to communicate, and thus, despite everything, remain nearby.

Instead of a conclusion

One of the most memorable and touching films can be called the picture "Dear John." Actors and roles organically reflect its main idea: to lose is always easier than to regain it.

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