Mesentery - what is it? Description, structure, functions, pathologies

One of the earliest mentions of mesentery refers to the writings of Leonardo da Vinci. Over the next four centuries, medical researchers studied its structure and functionality. The structure itself has been studied in more detail and now scientists have a clear idea that the mesentery is a doubled peritoneal tissue that performs the most important functions in the human body.

What is a mesentery?

Leonardo da Vinci first mentioned the term mesentery, namely: that it is a defective auxiliary organ, which is only a duplicate of the abdominal cavity. This was considered for a long time. However, in November 2016, scientists at the University of Limerinsky established that it was a full-fledged, separate body. It performs certain tasks, which we will consider in detail in this article. A year later, information that this is an indivisible part of the human body, functioning as a separate organ, was included in the anatomical textbooks.

Gut location

The mesentery is the denser folds of the peritoneal membrane that surround the loops of the large and small intestines. It is an independent organ of the digestive system, which is responsible for the attachment of internal organs to the back of the abdominal wall.

Anatomical structure

The mesentery is the doubled sections of a thin film covering the walls of the stomach - the peritoneum.

Blood vessels, lymph nodes and nerve endings cover the entire area of ​​the organ in the form of a branched chain. Thanks to them, the supply of nutrients is performed, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses and the immunity of the internal organ is maintained.


Inside the abdominal cavity, the mesentery of the intestine originates from the second lumbar vertebra towards the large intestine. Along the way, it covers the mesenteric section of the intestine, intersects with the aorta and vena cava, goes around the right ureter and attaches to the abdominal wall with the lower edge. Its average length does not exceed 15-17 cm.


Despite only the recent discovery and small size, it is impossible to overestimate the role of this body.

The main function performed by the mesentery is to maintain the loops of the small intestine and prevent them from falling off when the body is upright. However, in addition to this property, this organ performs several important auxiliary functions in the human body:

  1. Fixation of the small and rectum membrane of the mesentery - eliminates the possibility of confusion between them.
  2. The walls of the mesentery are equipped with a huge number of lymph nodes, thanks to which the immunity of the internal organs and the body as a whole is maintained at a high level.
  3. An extensive network of blood vessels takes part in the saturation of internal organs with oxygen and nutrients.
  4. Nerve endings communicate with the human brain, provide timely transmission of information about stimuli, and maintain control over normal functioning.
  5. The mesentery produces serous fluid, which envelops the intestinal walls preventing them from rubbing together.

Diseases and pathologies

Like any independent and indivisible organ of the human body, the mesentery of the small intestine has a number of diseases and pathologies inherent in it. They can be differentiated due to medical research or according to specific symptoms. Inflammation of the peritoneum very often occurs due to damage, injuries associated with the mesentery. In addition to inflammatory processes, there are a large number of other pathologies of this organ.

The intestines are thick

Thrombosis and embolism

Under the influence of external and internal factors in the branched network of blood and lymph nodes, a blockage of the vessel may form, a thrombus or embolus may form.

Signs of this disease appear instantly and sharply. Symptoms of thrombosis and embolism include:

  • sharp pains in the abdominal cavity;
  • flatulence;
  • bloody diarrhea in the stool;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness of the body.

If you suspect a mesenteric thrombosis, you should immediately contact a medical institution to clarify or refute the diagnosis. In some cases, thrombosis of this organ may indicate a more serious illness or death. As a treatment, urgent surgery is prescribed.

Oncological diseases

Violation of cell division of the organ leads to a cancer on the mesentery membrane. At the initial stages of the course of the disease, symptoms are not expressed or may be completely absent.

With an increase in tumor size, the following symptoms are observed in patients:

  • sharp pain of a periodic nature;
  • losing weight;
  • exhaustion and fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • no digestion of food;
  • vomiting and heartburn;
  • diarrhea or constipation.

The methods of treatment depend on the diagnosis. In the case of a benign or malignant tumor, they can differ significantly. Both medical and surgical treatment are used.


Panniculitis is an inflammatory process that leads to compaction of the walls, as a result of which the mesentery of the small intestine increases in size and causes unpleasant sensations in the body.

Intestinal CT

The main symptoms are:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • moderate pain in the location of the mesentery;
  • losing weight.

Even modern methods of diagnosing the disease are difficult.

In order to tell the doctor that this mesentery is the "creator" of bad symptoms, an additional examination is necessary.

The treatment technique is only being developed. Often, it is aimed only at eliminating especially pronounced symptoms.


Infections affecting the lymph nodes of the mesentery pass to the tissues of the organ, because of which lymphadenitis forms on its membrane. Below is a photo of a study of lymphatic capillaries of the intestine.

Lymph examination

Patients have a sharp manifestation of symptoms:

  • sharp pain;
  • redness and pain in the navel;
  • nausea and profuse vomiting;
  • redness and rashes on the skin;
  • hyperemia of the pharynx.

If you find symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. Neglected stages of lymphadenitis can lead to complications and death. Medical assistance consists in the complex treatment with antibiotics and the appointment of a special diet.

Intestinal mesentery rupture

Closed abdominal injuries or penetrating wounds may result in rupture of the mesentery.

With a closed injury, profuse internal hemorrhages are characteristic, which are accompanied by pain and shock, pallor and the onset of peritonitis. With such symptoms, it can be said with accuracy that this mesentery is damaged.

The only possible treatment is laparoscopy. During the operation, damaged vessels are removed, and the mesentery itself is trimmed and sutured. At the end of the rehabilitation period, damaged areas of the mesenteric tissue are connected by connective tissue and are scarred.

Operation progress

It is worth noting that infectious diseases in mesenteric cells themselves are extremely rare. More often they are affected due to the occurrence of other inflammatory processes in the body. Many scientists believe that the information received that the mesentery is an independent organ will improve the quality of examination and treatment of its diseases and pathologies, which will reduce the risks of complications during surgery, as well as accelerate the process of rehabilitation of the body.

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