Actor Sergei Lavygin: biography, personal life, filmography

Sergey Lavygin is a talented actor who made a name for himself thanks to the comedy series Kitchen. In this television project, he embodied the image of the cheerful generalist cook Seny. “Thirst”, “To Russia for love!”, “Mom”, “Hotel Eleon”, “Zone” - other famous films and series with his participation. What else can you tell about the actor?

Sergey Lavygin: the beginning of the way

The performer of the role of Chef Seny is a native Muscovite. He was born in July 1980. Sergey Lavygin was born in a family of physicists and mathematicians, there are no movie stars among his relatives. The actor has a brother who first achieved good success in sports, and then retrained as an entrepreneur.

Sergey Lavygin

Sergey showed interest in dramatic art as a teenager. It all started with participation in school productions. For the first time, the boy managed to feel the taste of fame when he was resting in a children's camp. During an impromptu concert, the aspiring actor played the role of a pilot in a sketch-sketch. The character Sergey lost consciousness in the cockpit, which the young man managed to portray very convincingly.

Study, theater

By the time he finished school, Sergey Lavygin no longer doubted that he wanted to connect life with dramatic art. On the first attempt, the gifted young man managed to become a student of Sliver. He was taken on a course led by Vladimir Safronov. The aspiring actor not only diligently studied at Sliver, but also was engaged in self-development. For example, Sergei liked to quietly watch passers-by, copy their walk, manner of behavior.

Sergey Lavygin photo

Lavygin received the diploma of the Shchepkinsky school in 2001. The graduate did not have to look for work for a long time - the Moscow Youth Theater opened his doors in front of him. With this theater, the actor fruitfully collaborates and now, behind his shoulders, several dozen roles. “Ghost Cavalier”, “Peter Pan”, “Two Maples” - famous productions with his participation.

Films and TV shows

In 2003, Sergey Lavygin first appeared on the set. The actor made his debut in the melodrama "Hello, capital!", Which talks about the events of the Khrushchev thaw. In this picture, he embodied the image of Vasily Zaviryukha.

Sergey Lavygin personal life

Lavygin gained fame thanks to the comedy sitcom "Kitchen". In this television project, the actor got the role of the charming universal cook Arseny Chuganin, whom friends prefer to call Senya. The character of Sergey is a cheerful, optimistic and kind, but thieving guy. The hero fell in love with the audience, thanks to which the actor got a lot of fans.

“Mommies” is another popular television project starring Sergey Lavygin, whose photo can be seen in the article. The television project tells about the life of three old friends, the actor got the role of henpecked spouse of one of them. Sergei admits that it was difficult for him to get used to the image of Roman, since this character is his exact opposite.

"Kitchen. Last battle ”- a new picture with the actor. In this film, he again embodied the image of the cheerful cheerleader Arseny. Also, relatively recently, he starred in the series "Force Majeure" and "Hotel Eleon".

Life behind the scenes

Of course, fans are not only interested in the roles that Sergey Lavygin played. The personal life of the star of the series "Kitchen" and "Mom" also occupies the public. For several years now, the civil wife of the actor is Anna Begunova, who played a minor role in the television project "Kitchen". In March 2016, Lavygin became a father, the wife gave him a son, who was named Fedor.

In the near future, the actors do not plan to formalize the relationship officially. Anna and Sergey are convinced that the stamp in the passport will not affect their relationship.

Employment in the theater and on the set practically does not leave Lavygin time for a hobby. However, one cannot fail to mention his unusual hobby - reading medical encyclopedias.

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