Very often we stop at the counter in grocery stores, where various goodies are laid out, including marshmallows. This is one of the very first sweets that we usually remember from our earliest years. And we remain faithful to them all our lives. In this article we want to please you and offer to cook marshmallows at home so as not to worry about a purchase that is imperfect for forgetfulness.
Making marshmallows with your own hands is not such a difficult process. But you can experiment and create your own individual marshmallow recipe, which will suit you in all respects. That is, you can feast on home-made sweets without additives and with various additions.
So, at the beginning is the classic marshmallow recipe. To do this, take one kilogram of sugar and 25 grams of gelatin. The last component is filled with half a glass of pre-boiled cold water and left to swell for two hours. When the gelatin reaches, we put sugar on the fire, pouring it with 150 milligrams of the same boiled cold water. When the syrup boils, we note for 5 minutes and then, adding the swollen gelatin to it, stirring, cook for another 5 minutes, no more. The only problem that should not be allowed when cooking the syrup is to prevent caramelization, so as not to spoil the consistency of the marshmallow and not make it harder than necessary.
Now, immediately after removing the pan from the stove, put in it in equal proportions, about a teaspoon of baking powder, citric acid and vanilla, and turn on the mixer for 20 minutes to thoroughly beat the resulting mass. Then for 10 minutes the marshmallow βrestsβ, after which a confectionery syringe comes into play and beautifully spread our sweets on a baking sheet or on a cutting board covered with oiled baking paper or parchment. And put the candies in the refrigerator for 4 hours. That's all the preparation of marshmallows, which will appeal to all the sweet tooth.
But we have already said that marshmallows can be varied. And so we suggest you cook marshmallows at home with the addition of fruits. The marshmallow fruit recipe is also uncomplicated, but in the end it turns out so cute that you will not regret it. For this dessert, you need to take only 200 grams of well-ripened fruits that you like and cook the mashed potatoes from them, stirring constantly, adding to the crushed fruit mass, an incomplete glass of sugar and pre-soaked gelatin. After thickening the fruit and sugar mass, we introduce 4 whipped to whiteness protein. It remains to mix these components and do all the remaining procedures described in the above recipe.
In the same way, you can make apple marshmallows, taking for him 6-7 apples, peeled and previously baked in the oven. Only proteins will also need 7 pieces, and the rest of the marshmallow recipe is identical to fruit.
And finally, we will discuss the method of making chocolate marshmallows, which is a particularly delicious dessert. This yummy is prepared on the basis of those that we have already prepared according to familiar methods. You only need to melt a bar of chocolate in a water bath and pour on your favorite marshmallows. It turns out not only tasty, but also original. Add some food coloring to the marshmallow during the preparation process and you will get color splendor. If you decorate them with nuts, raisins, and sprinkle with coconut, you will get such a treat that will be remembered for a long time by children who came to the house for a holiday on the occasion of the day of the angel of your beloved baby.
Imagine, look for new ways to improve homemade marshmallow recipes. The only advice: you can not eat a lot of sweets neither you nor your children. Enjoy your meal!