The series "Capercaillie": actors and roles. Actors who played in the series "Capercaillie"

Today, movie shows are not uncommon on television screens. Rather, on the contrary, serial films are as familiar as the release of news or weather forecasts.

capercaillie actors
Thanks to this, Russian viewers have the opportunity to enjoy the work of their favorite theater and film actors. Many young artists became famous throughout the country thanks to the series. A similar story was with the movie "Capercaillie", the actors of which had the opportunity to show their talent, grow professionally and become real stars of the television screen. Today, this series and all its “applications” remain the most rated tapes, and movie heroes are popular among the people as well as in the year the film was released.

About the series

For the first time, viewers met with the heroes of the film in 2008 on the NTV channel. They had to live with their favorite characters until 2011. It was in this period of time that 48 episodes of the film “The Capercaillie” were shown. Actors managed to show themselves in different genres - detective, comedy. This allowed to attract a huge number of viewers to this tape. The social drama genre is also inherent in the film. Perhaps that is why the series has such a large number of fans. All this happens, despite the fact that they all differ from each other in social status, education, age, and interests.

In 2011 and 2012, the sequel to the series, which was called the Department of Internal Affairs Pyatnitsky, Karpov, was released. These tapes show the complex psychological relationships between the characters in the film. They are due to the fact that the characters have to survive in difficult, and sometimes cruel, conditions of the modern world.


Great gratitude to the viewers earned not only the actors of the film "Capercaillie", but also the entire crew of the series.

The script of the film was created by a group of talented writers - Yevgeny Nikishov, Ilya Kulikov, Kirill Yudin, Vasily Vnukov, Igor Maslov. The directors are represented by the names: Guzel Kireeva, Rustam Urazaev, Timur Alpatov, Vyacheslav Kaminsky.

Thanks to this team of masters, they managed to assemble a team of actors, artists, cameramen, musicians, who for several years were able to work together, creating holistic images of the characters of the film.

Reasons for the popularity of the film

What is the secret to success? The great popularity of the series tried to explain many film critics. Versions and assumptions were put forward with a variety of different. But most of the opinions agreed that the creators and actors of the series “Capercaillie” managed to show the life of law enforcement officials, prosecutors, criminal investigators without embellishment, and the way it really is - with all the joys, sorrows, disappointments, victories and defeats.

At the very beginning of the film, acquaintance with his characters takes place, which is destined by fate to live some part of life together. The viewer understands that all these people already have a certain life experience, a formed worldview, and attitude to the events that are taking place. From the first series, it becomes clear that the heroes of the film will have to change their views, look for a way out of difficult situations and remain decent people.

capercaillie actors and roles

The actors of the series “Capercaillie” together with their characters compel viewers to take a fresh look at their own lives, to think about their relationship to each other, about the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a loved one, and their duty to the service.

The viewer is attracted by the fact that the authors submit all the advice, moralizing in the plot of the film naturally, without undue edification. Heroes are not without a sense of humor, self-irony, they also have negative qualities, which are not always easy to recognize and correct.

Exciting detective stories of the series “Capercaillie” actors play almost always independently, without resorting to the services of stuntmen. This fact is also the reason for the popularity of the series.

The plot of the series

Capercaillie is a series whose parts are divided into three seasons. Each new film has its own name - "Capercaillie", "Capercaillie. Continuation "," Capercaillie. Return".

The main characters of the series - Sergey Glukharev (Maxim Averin), Denis Antoshin (Denis Rozhkov), Irina Zimina (Victoria Tarasova), Nikolai Tarasov (Vladimir Feklenko), Nastya (Maria Boltneva) - live an interesting, eventful life.

Each individual series of the film tells about an episode from the life of the protagonist. And it turned out to be a very exciting sight. The story presented is complete, sometimes it can continue for several episodes. Each depicted case is significant for the hero, he changes his fate and inner world. That is, the audience, living life with him, can observe the development of his personality.

In the plot of the series several times a situation arises when the hero is obliged to choose between the Law and Justice. This can be very difficult to do, sometimes the viewer begins to think that it is impossible to do it at all. But when the hero of the film determines his position, a person involuntarily begins to mentally argue with him or agree. That is, the viewer, getting food for thought, also grows spiritually with the hero of the film.

Capercaillie. Actors and roles

Many believe that this factor played a huge role in the success of the film. In the series "Capercaillie", the actors and roles for them were selected extremely accurately. Today it is impossible to imagine that this or that hero could be played by another person. The cast of the series is numerous. Famous personalities played here, as well as those who have just received a ticket to their creative lives.

The actors who worked on the main roles received public recognition precisely after the release of this series. Although each of them at the time of filming in the film already had some experience in the theater or cinema.

Maxim Averin

Who is he? Maxim Averin is a talented theater and film actor. In addition, he is also a TV presenter and film director. He made his first acting test in the film at the age of six. Since then, filming in the cinema has been part of his life. He has rewards for his talented work.

capercaillie maxim averin
For the game in the guise of Sergei Glukharev (in the television series "Capercaillie") Maxim Averin was awarded the TEFI Prize for Best Actor. It is known that in this tape he made a contribution of a different nature. In the third season of the series “Capercaillie. Return »Maxim Averin worked in several series as a director.

Denis Rozhkov

He got an excellent role, which increased the army of his fans. Denis Rozhkov gained immense popularity after filming in the movie "Capercaillie". The actors of the series are so merged with the images of their heroes that viewers recognize them by the names of the characters.

actors of the series grouse
A similar story happened with Denis Rozhkov, who is very often now called Denis Antoshin. The actor managed to show the character of the hero, his experiences in difficult periods of life, the ability to survive, to be devoted to work, family, friends.

Victoria Tarasova

The Russian actress Victoria Tarasova, before filming in the television series “Capercaillie,” had a wealth of acting experience in theater, cinema, and television. The heroine of the series, Irina Zimina, managed to combine a strong-willed intelligent woman, occupying a leading position in the organs, and devotedly loving girlfriend, and a caring mother.

capercaillie main actors
The image created by Victoria Tarasova has become an ideal for many women in the country.

Vladislav Kotlyarsky

For Vladislav Kotlyarsky, the role in the television series “The Capercaillie” was the first truly big movie work.

capercaillie series
Prior to that, he starred only in episodic roles.

The actor managed to convey to the audience a complex psychological portrait of his hero - major, the head of the criminal investigation department - Stanislav Karpov. He made us freeze on television screens. The tough, ruthless, capable of illegal actions hero Vladislav Kotlyarsky seeks promotion. He uses his high position for personal purposes, not hesitating to interact with the criminal world.

Specialists in the field of cinema note the highest professionalism of the actor. This is especially noticeable in the dramatic series of films Pyatnitsky, Karpov, which became a continuation of the series The Capercaillie. The main actors of new projects remained the same, which influenced the high popularity of these films too.

Maria Boltneva

This talented and pretty girl played the role of Nastya Klimenko in the series “Capercaillie”, having behind her a good acting experience in cinema and theater.

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Despite this, it is recognizable, it became loved by the audience only after the film was released in 2008. The heroine of Maria Boltneva has a kind heart. She is capable of great love and complete dedication for the sake of any person who needs help.

Vyacheslav Titov

Actors from the film, their roles have become close and loved by many people.

killed the actor from the capercaillie
Therefore, the reaction of the audience to the terrible news that the actor from the "Capercaillie" was killed was understandable. Although Vyacheslav Titov had a large list of roles played in the theater and cinema, but during conversations about the tragedy, the name of the actor was always mentioned in connection with his work in this series. We can say that the true love of the viewer came precisely with this tape. Vyacheslav Titov played a negative character - a drug dealer Oleg Shilkin, nicknamed Shilo. The reasons for the tragedy, the search results for the actor’s killer excite people who sincerely regret what happened.


The popularity of the series is evidenced by the fact that viewers did not want to part with their favorite characters even on such a holiday as the New Year. And this does not surprise anyone.

In 2009, the premiere of the film "Come, New Year!" He was released on December 31 on NTV. The audience met with the heroes of the series "Capercaillie". New Year's Eve was decorated with jokes, fun reprises of the actors who fell in love.

On December 31, 2010, the meeting of viewers and heroes of the series was repeated - the film “Capercaillie. New again! ”

By December 2011, the screening of The Capercaillie had already been completed. But, despite this, the heroes and actors of the series again on New Year's Eve appeared on blue screens in the film "New Again!". Practical jokes, jokes, a cheerful mood, a fantastic fiction accompanied the tape, thereby delighting viewers.

Perhaps it is impossible to recall another series that would have so many different options for continuing the film. And it is truly a success!

In addition to the listed entertaining New Year's stories, a feature film “The Capercaillie in the movie” was created. The picture tells about an unpleasant situation that happened in the life of two friends - Sergey Glukharev and Denis Antoshin. As always, colleagues from the Pyatnitsky police department come to their aid. The plot really liked the viewer.

On the working days of the same department of internal affairs tells the mini-series "Department". The characters of the film are still the heroes of the film "Capercaillie" performed by former actors. The creators of this project decided to familiarize the audience with the fate of those heroes that have not yet been told.

Proof of the high popularity of the series “Capercaillie” - actors whose photos flooded the pages of the Internet, paper editions of magazines and newspapers. Calendars, posters depicting these famous personalities, videos and advertisements with their participation have been released. All this is also a kind of continuation of the favorite series, which can rightfully claim the status of "national".

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