Andrew Matthews is a cheerful writer

Andrew Matthews. Has anyone heard this name? Most likely, most people will answer this question in the negative. And this is a painfully famous person. His books have become bestsellers. Those people who could not remember him can get to know him by reading this article.

Who is he?

So, the Australian psychologist and part-time artist, the author of many books is Andrew Matthews. He is also an excellent speaker and specialist in motivation. His lectures could be heard on radio and television. The largest international companies invited the Australian to conduct seminars. If a person has depression, stress, bad mood, then the books of this Australian - "what the doctor ordered." He will prove that a way out can be found from absolutely any situation. Andrew Matthews will show how to do this. Tips on how to become successful. And let people and its readers not be scared that sometimes these decisions may seem extravagant, they are all backed up by life stories. Andrew will throw some worthwhile advice that anyone can bring to life. A person in a difficult situation will not lose anything if he reads the books of this writer, but, on the contrary, gains a lot.

Andrew Matthews

Creativity and workshops

Andrew Matthews' books are humorous and easy to read. And they are written quite witty and very detailed. Matthews writes absolutely about everything: about love and friendship, about teenagers, about wealth. This Australian is trying to make all people happy in hard times. Although they were never easy and will not be, unfortunately. After reading his works, you can actually learn to cope with problems and negativity.

Andrew Matthews is a specialist in a positive attitude to life, in achieving success. By the way, more than 80,000 people attended his seminars. The figure is impressive, isn't it? His television appearances were broadcast on 4 continents. In order not to bother readers by looking at comments on the Internet, we can safely say right away that Andrew Matthews has very positive feedback from readers and those who attended his seminars.


Andrew has a fairly large bibliography. Here are just some of his successful writings:

  • "Happiness in difficult times."
  • “Live easy!”
  • "Happiness is here and now."
  • “Break through!” How to deal with problems. "
  • “Stop them! How to deal with offenders and persecutors. "

books by Andrew mathews

Book titles alone are encouraging and perhaps radiate positive. If you look at the photos of the writer presented in the article, you can easily notice that Matthews looks very cheerful. And therefore, those who want to look exactly the same can be advised to take up reading his books as soon as possible. Reading, learning, rethinking - the right way to happiness. This will help Andrew Matthews.

Writer Biography

Information about the personal life of the writer and his life path is rather stingy. There is practically no reliable information and data about his early youth, and what he is doing now, besides creativity, is not easy to find out. You should call this person "the mysterious Mr. Happiness." But all the more interesting. Each of his readers can make their own opinion about this person. You can go even further and reflect on the topic of what it is in life. So that the intrigue was even greater, and on the other hand, to make up even the slightest idea of ​​this interesting person to those who have never read his works, you can offer the following excerpt from his book “Live Easy!”.

Andrew Matthews biography

The writings of the writer and the main meaning of his writings

The Ten Commandments You Must Follow When Reading Andrew's Books, Otherwise, all this will not make sense:

  1. We arrived in this world to study, our teacher is life.
  2. The universe has no favorites.
  3. All our views and principles are reflected in our lives.
  4. Do not get attached to things and money.
  5. Everything on which to focus your attention will develop.
  6. Live by the command of the heart!
  7. God will never tell you: "I allow you to be successful!".
  8. Do not fight with life; in any case, it is a winner.
  9. Take people for who they are.
  10. The purpose of our life is to change ourselves.

andrew mathews reader reviews

As you can understand, everything is very simple. The main message of Matthews is as follows. You need to have patience and willpower. You can’t catch a fish from a pond without labor. We are the best investment. And no one except you will invest anything in you. Andrew Matthews will teach you how to invest in yourself, to improve yourself. And over time, everything will become simpler and easier, because anyone will learn to cope with problems. The world is not a zebra, it needs to be painted. We get the colors (smiles, kindness, fun) and create in full, do not be shy. And you look - everything is cool, there are so many interesting things in the world. Believe me, there will always be someone who lives even worse than you, and he does not ache, he fights. Forward to knowledge, to positive! Love, travel, bring laughter and joy to people. Climb the peaks ahead (not literally, you don’t have to climb the mountain)!

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