"Lactofiltrum" for facial skin: reviews, instructions for use, composition of the drug

Consider reviews of Lactofiltrum for facial skin. It acts as a combined drug containing both a prebiotic and a sorbent. The last component binds various toxic substances that come from outside and are formed in the body itself during the course of life. Prebiotics create the most comfortable conditions for increasing beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora. Thanks to the removal of toxins, Lactofiltrum stimulates local immunity, which positively affects the general condition of the body. We will find out how it should be used for dermatitis and in the fight against acne and acne. Reviews about Lactofiltrum for facial skin will be presented at the end of the article.

lactofiltrum medicine

About the drug

Today it is a very popular and well-known drug that, for various reasons, has been taken by almost everyone. This is a combined exposure medication. Being a sorbent, it acts in the intestinal lumen. Its composition is enriched with the active substance from the group of prebiotics.

The sorbing (that is, absorbing) effectiveness of the Lactofiltrum drug is manifested due to the accumulation of various toxic compounds. The prebiotic effect, as a rule, is expressed in stimulating the growth of beneficial flora in the intestine, as well as in restoring the balance of natural microscopic organisms. According to the application guide, Lactofiltrum as an enterosorbent that normalizes microflora is prescribed for adults and children.

Very often, the medication helps to deal with various visual problems that occur on the face, be it acne, acne, all kinds of manifestations of dermatitis and so on. This is confirmed by the instructions for use. The price of Lactofiltrum seems acceptable to many.

The composition of the drug and its pharmacological effect

The tablet of the drug in question contains 355 milligrams of hydrolytic lignin. Another component in the composition is lactulose in an amount of 120 milligrams. The clinical effect of the use is achieved thanks to these active ingredients in the composition of the drug "Lactofiltrum". Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Hydrolyzed lignin provides absorption and disinfection in the intestinal cavity. This substance is not absorbed through the walls and does not enter the systemic circulation, limited only by local exposure. This element collects, binds and removes toxic substances of various origins (be it ethanol, a salt of heavy metals, an excess of urea, bilirubin, cholesterol compounds, histamines, some allergens, and so on).
  • Lactulose undergoes fermentation and cleavage processes, forming an organic acid that inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic flora, regulates peristalsis along with the absorption of fluid within the digestive system.

The complex effect of the above active components of Lactofiltrum provides a decrease in the concentration of toxins in the intestine, and in addition, the natural balance of microscopic organisms is restored.

lactofiltrum will help against acne on the face

Release form "Lactofiltrum"

The drug in question is produced under two commercial names, namely: “Lactofiltrum” and its second variety “Lactofiltrum Eco”. The active components in the composition of the drugs are identical, however, the “Eco” form is presented by lozenges and powder for dissolution.

It is worth noting that according to the register, "Lactofiltrum" is classified as an official registered medication, and "Eco" is classified as a dietary supplement. As already noted, the active substances, regardless of the name of the drug, are the same, but their volume may vary. Next, we will figure out how to use the pharmaceutical in question during the treatment according to the annotation.

Instruction for use

The drug "Lactofiltrum" must be taken orally and washed down with still water. It is undesirable to use a mineral water for this, since it contains salt ions, which can slightly weaken the effect of the drug. The tablet must be crushed before use. You can do this with a spoon or chew in your mouth, then swallow the resulting powder and drink it. Next, rinse your mouth with water to rinse small particles of the drug from the mucous membranes.

This drug is taken three times a day. You should plan the time of use of "Lactofiltrum" so that it occurs one and a half hours before or after food or the use of other medicines. This is due to the fact that the adsorbent decreases the absorption and therapeutic effect of pharmaceutical drugs, as well as the digestibility of trace elements and vitamins. That is, if you need to take some medications before meals, it is advisable to adhere to such a scheme:

  • Lactofiltrum tablet.
  • After an hour, drink other medications.
  • Eating food through the time period specified in the instructions for the medication.

When such a regimen of "Lactofiltrum" is not possible, it is better to transfer it for an hour and a half after eating. Then, before the meal, they drink all the other necessary preparations, and after it the remedy described.

lactofiltrum for facial skin reviews

Therapeutic course

Many people wonder what is the course of "Lactofiltrum"? Drugs are taken for two to three weeks. After this, you need to take a break for a month, after which you can re-treat. The optimal time interval between two periods of taking this medication, which is not able to provoke hypovitaminosis, is usually three months. With prolonged use of "Lactofiltrum" (more than twenty-one days), it is required to additionally drink B vitamins.

From acne and blackheads

How quickly will help from acne on the face "Lactofiltrum"? This medicine is a drug that binds and removes various toxins from the intestinal lumen. Its effect, as well as its therapeutic effect, is not directly related to acne. But in the event that the acne problem is caused by various disorders of the digestive system, then Lactofiltrum can indirectly have a positive effect, reducing the severity of pathogenic rashes on the face.

The elimination of the severity and number of acne along with an improvement in the condition of the skin are only a consequence of the action of the drug, which develops against the background of a general stabilization of the state of health of the body and the elimination of toxic compounds that come from outside, and are also produced in the process of metabolism. In this regard, "Lactofiltrum" can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment of acne (in combination with skin care and proper nutrition), provided that they were caused by intestinal diseases, dysbiosis, or harmful products, including.

release form

If acne was provoked by other factors and pathologies, then a medication in their treatment will not help in any way. Reviews about Lactofiltrum for facial skin confirm this. In such a situation, taking this medicine is useless, since it simply will not work to achieve the desired results. If the rashes are directly related to the intestine, then under the influence of the described drug, acne and inflammation will partially disappear, and facial irregularities will be smoothed out. In addition, the color of the integument of the skin is normalized along with its texture and general condition.

Thus, it should be emphasized that "Lactofiltrum" from acne on the face can not be the only magical tool. In order for the therapy to be most effective, it will be necessary to combine its administration with a certain diet and the use of other drugs, whose action is aimed at eliminating the cause of the rash.

Dosage for facial skin problems

The minimum course of treatment with Lactofiltrum in the complex treatment of acne is two weeks, during which it is required to take three tablets three times a day one and a half hours before or after meals. The dosage of Lactofiltrum should be strictly observed. Pills need to be washed down with one glass of water. The course, if necessary, can be extended to four or five weeks. Repeated administration of the drug can be done at least three months later.

Side effects

It should be borne in mind that “Lactofiltrum” for facial skin, according to reviews, is able to provoke a few pathological reactions that develop in rare cases. For example, flatulence is possible along with bloating, a feeling of strong intestinal motility, diarrhea, allergies, as well as impaired absorption of vitamins in the case of prolonged treatment with a medication (longer than three weeks).

lactofiltrum dosage


A ban on the use of this tool is the presence of the following diseases in a patient:

  • Intestinal obstruction along with bleeding from the digestive system.
  • The occurrence of galactosemia and hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

It is worth noting that these conditions are absolute contraindications, under the condition that such a pharmaceutical agent as "Lactofiltrum" in principle can not be used. But in addition to absolute prohibitions, there are relative contraindications, against which this medication can be drunk with caution. These include the following conditions:

  • Exacerbation of a peptic ulcer of the digestive system.
  • The presence of intestinal atony.

According to reviews, "Lactofiltrum" with dermatitis on the face is also effective.

lactofiltrum facial cleansing reviews

Dermatitis Dosage

In the event that a person was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, accompanied by a violation of intestinal microflora, then as part of the complex treatment of this disease, the medication described by us can be prescribed. Against the background of such a pathology, the drug is used inside after preliminary grinding and washed down with water one and a half hours before food and other medicines three times a day. The course of therapy is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Adults and children over the age of twelve drink three tablets.
  • At the age of eight to twelve - two pills.
  • Kids from three to seven years old take one tablet.
  • From one to three, 0.5 tablets are used.

Drug price

In the instructions for use "Lactofiltrum" price is not indicated. The drug is manufactured by a domestic pharmaceutical company under the name "ABBA RUS". It is worth noting that the difference in cost in pharmacies is due to trade margins, rents and other similar factors. But there is no difference between the more expensive and cheaper medicine. In this regard, it is better to buy a medicine that is sold at the lowest price. The indicative prices for Lactofiltrum are as follows:

  • For thirty pills you need to pay from one hundred eighty to two hundred and seventy rubles.
  • Sixty pills will cost from three hundred to three hundred and ninety rubles.
  • Ten bags of Lactofiltrum Eco cost from one hundred and sixty to two hundred and fifty rubles.

Next, we find out what consumers write about this pharmaceutical product on the Internet and find out how effective it is in combating acne and acne.

Reviews about "Lactofiltrum" for cleansing the skin

Comments about using acne remedies are quite different. Among them, you can read enthusiastic, or, conversely, completely negative opinions. Such a wide range of comments is associated with the psychological and emotional discomfort that is caused by acne problems for men and women. In this regard, in the process of treating this ailment, people have high hopes for the drug, and when the effect is not what we would like, a certain disappointment arises, resulting in writing negative messages.

lactofiltrum composition of the drug

But, as already noted, quite a lot of reviews about "Lactofiltrum" for the treatment of acne are positive, since this drug can still produce a visible effect. For example, it is reported that in some men, as well as women, after the Lactofiltrum course, the skin was completely cleansed, while in others the number and size of acne were reduced, inflammation disappeared, and at the same time new acne elements ceased to appear. Thus, judging by the reviews, many people use this medicine in periodic courses to maintain good skin condition.

Negative comments about the drug for the treatment of acne, as a rule, are associated with the fact that the drug after a course of therapy in some cases did not lead to the disappearance of the rash or its decrease. Some people leave negative reviews even if the drug reduced the number and severity of acne, but they were not completely removed. When reading such comments, it should be remembered that Lactofiltrum acts as an adsorbent that can help in removing acne only indirectly by removing toxins from the intestines and normalizing the digestive system.

Thus, this drug can be very effective or completely useless depending on the cause of acne. Consumers should bear in mind that if acne was caused by a malfunction in the digestive system, then the Lactofiltrum tool will most likely be effective for humans. But if they are provoked by another disease (hormonal imbalance, stress, etc.), then the described medicine, most likely, will not improve the situation.

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