Is Anti-Police Effective? Reviews "Anti-policeman": composition, instructions for use

Means "Anti-policeman" is designed to eliminate bad breath from various origins. Most often it is used to get rid of the smell of alcohol. Thanks to the natural composition and effectiveness, Antipolitic receives positive reviews. Let us consider in more detail the release forms and recommendations regarding the application.

Product Description

Everyone has encountered unpleasant odors emanating from the oral cavity at least once in their life. Many are familiar with the situation when such an “amber” appears after the celebration of a celebration. In order not to spoil your reputation, you need to take care in advance of purchasing special products designed to eliminate the unpleasant smell of fumes - the result of the breakdown of alcoholic components in the body. The most famous means in the people is considered "Anti-policeman".

anti-policeman reviews

The manufacturer reports that the product refers to dietary supplements. The active ingredients used are natural substances that can neutralize unpleasant odors. "Anti-policeman" does not apply to medications and therefore has virtually no contraindications for use. The tool is produced in Russia (Biovid company) and Iceland (Noah Sirius).

Forms of release, composition

The product is available in the form of lozenges and lozenges, and also in the form of a spray having instant action. Each variety of dietary supplements effectively copes with the task, which is confirmed by reviews. "Anti-policeman" consists of the following components:

  • eucalyptus oil (freshens breath);
  • licorice root (eliminates the effects of intoxication);
  • gum arabic (soluble gum relieves irritation).

As additional components, sucrose, glucose syrup and ammonium chloride are used. Active substances also have a mild emollient effect, eliminate dryness in the airways. Keep in mind that the product does not mask odors, but eliminates them completely by neutralizing molecules that produce an unpleasant odor.

How to remove odor using the “Anti-Face”?

The tool will help get rid of various specific aromas, which include the smell of alcohol, tobacco, spicy food, garlic. The dietary supplement begins to act 5 minutes after application. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 candies (tablets) in the oral cavity.

how to remove the smell
Double Anti-Police Lollipops have an enhanced effect due to the content of an increased dose of components. The invigorating effect is achieved due to caffeine. There are 2 tablets in the package. The remedy lasts for an hour. Then you need to repeat the manipulation with the resorption of the candy.

Lollipops or spray?

Many are familiar with this tool in the form of lozenges (tablets), which have a fairly pleasant taste. More convenient to use and high-speed is considered "Anti-policeman" -spray. It is sprayed in the mouth similarly. similar pharmaceutical products. The manufacturer claims that this dietary supplement begins to act instantly and can cope even with strong unpleasant odors from the oral cavity.

anti policeman spray
The spray is available in small bottles of 10 ml. It can be used as a simple mouth freshener. Unlike similar preparations with a mint flavor, the Anti-Police spray has a natural composition and does not negatively affect the body. How to remove bad breath and freshen breath using the Anti-Polite spray? Everything is very simple! It is enough to spray the product directly into the oral cavity by pressing the cap 1-2 times. The spray has a bitter coffee flavor.

Choosing between the spray and Antipolitsay candies, the cost of each product should be taken into account. The price of tablets is more acceptable and is 55-70 rubles. The price of the spray is 250-280 rubles.

In what cases is it not worth using Anti-Police?

Eucalyptus oil can trigger an allergic reaction. This should be considered when using the product. If you are hypersensitive to any of the components of "Antipolitaya" it is better to refrain from its use. Persons suffering from diabetes should pay attention to the presence of glucose and sucrose in the composition.


Antipolitsy has earned numerous positive recommendations and reviews due to its high performance indicators. The active ingredients are able to completely cleanse the breath, eliminate unpleasant odors of any origin. Lollipops and spray are ideal for neutralizing odors after taking strong-smelling foods.

anti-candy lollipops
“Anti-policeman” receives negative reviews due to the short-term effect. The duration of the drug is no more than an hour. Then you need to take another pill (lollipop) or use a spray.

We get rid of the smell of fumes folk methods

Almost everyone feels the consequences of yesterday's “get-togethers” with friends the next morning. An unpleasant “amber” appears within a few hours after taking alcoholic beverages and will annoy a person until alcohol toxins (aldehyde) are present in the body.

anti-policeman manufacturer
Experts say that the best way is to drink plenty of water. This allows you to quickly cleanse the body of alcohol. If you need to get rid of the smell as soon as possible, you can try chewing several coffee beans. Within half an hour, this method will work.

Chewing gums with mint flavor are considered a popular way. At home, you can use aromatic herbs: parsley, dill, bay leaf. They just need to chew and spit out the leftovers.

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